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Explore forensic science topics such as fingerprint identification, causes of asphyxiation, types of shoe print evidence, and more. Learn about DNA profiling, blood analysis, and heat loss rates in dead bodies.
Forensics Take careful notes on any questions you miss
Identify the the fingerprint type. Answer: Whorl Questions:
Identify the the fingerprint type. Answer: Arch Questions:
What is the most common type of finger print and what is its percent of occurrence? Answer: 60-65% Loops Questions:
Positive confirmation of blood can only come from what test? Answer: Takayama Test Questions:
What does it mean to say that someone died of asphyxiation? Answer: It means that the individual died of a lack of oxygen Questions:
Identify 3 methods by which an individual may become asphyxiated. Answer: Any 3 of the following are acceptable: Hanging Choking Drowning Strangulation Suffocation Questions:
Identify this type & subtype of fingerprint. Answer: Double loop Questions:
How many unique characteristics must one identify in order to create a “fingerprint” of a shoe? Answer: Ten Questions:
If a piece of paper coated with phenolphthalein and hydrogen peroxide turns pink when dipped into a liquid. What can you conclude about the liquid ? Answer: It is likely to be blood Questions:
What percentage of the population has fingerprints like the one labeled C and what type of fingerprint is C? Answer: 30-35% Whorls A B C Questions:
Which fingerprint type is the least common and what percent of the population has this uncommon type? Answer: A = arches, about 5% A B C Questions:
If a body showed evidence of: Hemorrhages in the eyes, face, lungs or neck Petechiae: tiny purple or red spots on the skin (bleeding) Then it would most likely be indicative of what type of asphyxiation? Questions: • Answer: Suffocation
Differentiate the physical signs of drowning from strangulation: Answer: Strangulation: Bruises Fingernail/ligature marks Bleeding in the throat Fracture of hyoid bone Drowning: Foam in airways Enlarged heart Presence of algae/etc in stomach or airways Questions:
Plaster of Paris, dental stone, sulfur casting and paraffin wax all have potential uses in the collection of what type of forensic evidence? Answer: Casts of shoe prints Questions:
This is a glowing impression of a shoe print. What indicator was used to retrieve this evidence and what substance does the indicator make visible? Answer: Luminol - makes blood visible Questions:
What is the typical rate of heat loss from a dead body? Answer: 1.5 degrees per hour Questions:
List three things that might make estimating the time of death, based on body temperature, unreliable. Answer: Amount of body fat Blood loss Clothing worn by victim Location of body Weather conditions Questions:
Based on the diagram to the right, which suspect is guilty? Answer: Suspect B, the one in column #3 Questions:
The diagram on the right shows the result of a gel electrophoresis experiment. What is this technique called in forensic science? Answer: DNA fingerprinting or DNA profiling Questions:
Guilty or Innocent and how do you know? Answer: Innocent because the DNA fingerprint shows the defendant was not the assailant, the bands do not match. Questions:
Grab your calculator. Now, what was the angle of impact of this blood drop? Answer: Angle of impact = 42o Questions:
Once you calculate the angles of impact of the blood drops, how do you find the height above the ground of the injury? Answer: Apply the angles to the graph you have made. Find the values at which each line crosses the Y-axis and average them. The average is the height above the ground. Questions:
What is the most common type of finger print found at a crime scene? Answer: Latent prints Questions:
What are the other types of fingerprints that forensic scientists might find? Answer: Visible and plastic (molded) Questions:
With regard to luminol, how does it work? Answer: If hemoglobin & the luminol mixture come in contact, the iron in the hemoglobin accelerates a reaction between the hydrogen peroxide and the luminol and the luminol glows. Questions:
Which word is the study of insects, which is the study of bite marks? A. forensic anthropology B. entomology C. odontology D. polygraphy Questions: • Answer: • Insects = B, entomology • Bite marks = C, odontology
Identify the the fingerprint type. Answer: Accidental Questions:
Identify the the fingerprint type & subtype. Answer: Double Loop Questions:
Identify the the fingerprint type & subtype. Answer: Tented Arch Questions:
Identify the the fingerprint type & subtype. Answer: Central Pocket Whorl Questions:
Which expert would study dental evidence from a plane crash? • Odontologist
Indicate the fingerprint type & subtype • Accidental Whorl (has characteristics of 2 or more types)
In the film, “Silence of the Lambs”, which expert is consulted about a moth found in the mouth of a victim? • Entomologist
Indicate the fingerprint type & subtype • Tented Arch
Modus operandi Corpus delicti Rigor Mortis Petechiae Ballistics Tiny localized hemorrhages from the small blood vessels Body of the crime Stiffness of Death Method of operation Science of motion projectiles Match the forensic term w/ its meaning.
Indicate the fingerprint type & subtype • Plain Arch
Treat victim, if victim can be saved Collect evidence and document what they see First to arrive, secure scene, prevent evidence contamination Takes body for an autopsy EMTs CSIs Uniformed officers Coroner Match Job description w/ Expert
Indicate the fingerprint type & subtype • Double Loop Whorl
IAFIS CARES CODIS NIBIN IAFIS –Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System – Nationally available fingerprint database. CARES –Computer software program, Facial Reconstruction 2˚ images that can be edited. CODIS –Combined DNA Index System, FBI dream database of DNA and fingerprints on all criminals from around the country. All local agencies can upload information to the database. Also has ballistic signatures of every gun ever used in a crime. NIBIN –National Integrated Ballistic Information Network, carries the ballistic information of guns used in crimes, accessible to all aw enforcement agencies. What do the acronyms mean?
Indicate the fingerprint type & subtype • Plain Whorl (notice how you can draw a line through the 2 deltas & how the circle pattern between crosses that line)
Which type is found in the minority of the population? • Arches 5%
Indicate the fingerprint type & subtype • Central Pocket Whorl
Indicate the fingerprint type • Loop (you need to know if it was right or left hand)
The perpetrator(s) of a crime comes into contact with the scene, so he will both bring something into the scene and leave with something from the scene. Every contact leaves a trace. This idea is known as….? • Locard’s Principle or Linkage
Draw a conclusion from the DNA fingerprint • DNA found in the blood stain matches John
Could this “father” be the child’s biological father? • Yes….bands not possessed by mother (red) are found in the father (blue).
Don’t forget to study the forensic lectures, labs, article, blood spatter analysis and forensic files vocabulary. (See lecture notes, and the links on the assignment sheet.)