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UA9 scintillators and GEM data analysis

UA9 scintillators and GEM data analysis. G.Cavoto, L.Ludovici,D.Mirarchi, R.Santacesaria, P.Valente INFN Roma F.Murtas LNF. Outline . Set-up Data analysis of Aug 11 th (RM/LNF) and Sep 22 nd MD Evidence of channeling Information already circulated within the coll.

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UA9 scintillators and GEM data analysis

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  1. UA9 scintillators and GEM data analysis G.Cavoto, L.Ludovici,D.Mirarchi, R.Santacesaria, P.Valente INFN Roma F.Murtas LNF

  2. Outline • Set-up • Data analysis of Aug 11th (RM/LNF) and Sep 22nd MD • Evidence of channeling Information already circulated within the coll

  3. Scint and GEM systems • Rate measurement (at 1Hz) • Single rates, coincidence • GEM segmented in 16x16 pads • Scint and GEM info available online too. • Include rates from Cerenkov detector too • On Nov runs also amplitude meas. for C. det. • ROOT file with all devices data synchronized • With crystal pos., BLM, FBCT, motor position, LHC coll. • Available for the collaboration on DFS • http://dfs.cern.ch/dfs/Experiments/UA9/analysis/yyyymmdd/sincro_xx.root

  4. Experimental set-up (Aug) GEM2 • Observe rates close to crystal on tank TEC3 (scint+PMT) and GEMs(before and after crystal) • Observe rate on TAL absorbers laterally DISPLACED to see ONLY channeled particles (TACW) • QDX (scint.) correlated with other devices TEC3 QD2 TAL absorber medipix TACW1

  5. Beam intensity (Aug) FBCT Number of bunch (5 ns each)with more than 10% particle wrt to main bunch

  6. TEC3 rates (Aug) Crystal 1: strip Scan 1 Scan 2 Crystal linear movement Sudden decrease in beam intensity

  7. Channeling positions Scan 1 Decrease in nuclear interaction when crystal in channeling positionsSeveral peaks (axial channeling) VR Scan 2 Goniometer notfully reproducing positions

  8. GEM2 rates (sum over all pads) Channeling !

  9. Channeling seen by GEM2 1 2 GEM2 and scintillator signals perfectly correlated GEM1 rate is 20 Hz (as expected being upstream of the crystal)

  10. Cerenkov det. on TAL absorber TAL and LHC coll. movements Medipix movements

  11. Channeling peaks seen at TAL! Scan1 Scan 2

  12. Moving Medipix into the beam Medipix rate projected on x coordinate (550 micometers bins) Crystal lateral position Medipix lateral position time time Higher rate in Medipix when Medipix closer to beam center Higher rate in Medipix when crystal closer to beam center

  13. Quasi mosaic crystal scans 3 Sudden decrease in beam int. 2 1 Loss increase! Beam quality decreasing? Correlated with Cerenkov quartz detector close to crystal ?!?

  14. Full angular scan (crys 2) TEC3 rate Rate at TAL VR Channeling angle

  15. Channeling peak position Crystal angular position Channeling peak Quartz entering the beam Goniometer not reproducing positions…

  16. Some comments • All the scintillators downstream the crystal have rate very well CORRELATED • Shown only TEC3 and GEM • September MD: a pair of QD scint moved more downstream (dispersive region) to monitor losses • Next slides on Sep MD

  17. Crystal 1: wider ang. Scan (Sep) 2 Crystal at channeling 1

  18. First scan: TEC3 rate • Clear pattern (main channeling peak + secondaries) 1

  19. Second scan • Same pattern (one more peak…) • Peak at -2000 murad is the MAIN chan. peak

  20. Inner/outer asymmetry ? TEC3 and GEM2 are on opposite sides with respect to the beam TEC3 and GEM2 rates Normalized at amorphous value When crossing the channeling position we see an asymmetry Volume reflection and inelastic interaction in crystal ?

  21. High intensity beam • Apart for rapid changes (correlated to movements of various devices) a rate increase on longer timescale is observed : machine instability ?

  22. What’s next? • Look at Nov data • Correlate scint rate with crystal and LHC collimator position (loss rate differences) • Check rate increase with beam at low int. with crystal in amor. and chan. Position (is a machine instability or a crystal feature?) • Correlated scint/GEM rate with Medipix counts (intercalibration) • Study GEM2 pattern (lateral distribution of rate): information on inelastic interactions?

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