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What do you know about “Masjid Al Aqsa”. Have you noticed, whenever there is mention of the AL AQSA MOSQUE in the local or international media, the picture of the Dome of the Rock appears instead!. The main reason behind this is the ignorance . Please BE CAREFUL .
Have you noticed, whenever there is mention of theAL AQSA MOSQUEin the local or international media, the picture of theDome of the Rockappears instead!
The main reason behind this is the ignorance Please BE CAREFUL
Many people Muslims and non-Muslims, in purpose or by mistake, print and distribute such pictures. Muslims post it every where, in their homes and offices. As a result, our children fall into the trap of not distinguishing between the two Mosques!
No one can condemn or complain, As the confusion between Al-AQSA Mosque and QUBAT AS-SAKHRA Mosque is so well established
All Muslim should be aware of this difference and make it clear to our children and the public about Masjid al-Aqsa. See the real pictures on the next slides.
Masjid Al Aqsa Where the Prophet Muhammad (salla Allah alaihe wasalam) led salat with all the prophets, from Adam (alaihe ssalam) to Isa (alaihe ssalam).
Bismi Allah Arrahman Arrahim Glory to (God) who did take his servant for a journey by night from the sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts we did bless, in order that we might show him some of our signs: for he is the one who hearth and seeth (all things). AL.ISRA 1 From The Holy Quran Please email this or copy it on floppy and distribute it to all Muslims you know. Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatu Allah wa Barakatuh
Please let all your friends and family know about this.This is a very important matter. Let all people around you know that the Aqsa mosque and Sakhra mosque are not the same.In Islam Al-Aqsa is one of the three most sacred places after Mecca and Medina.