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Portable, Available, Relatable, Flexible: A Presentation by Shannon Colburn

Discover innovative ways to utilize resources effectively, connect with students, and adapt teaching methods for maximum impact. Learn practical tips and strategies for creating engaging learning environments. Explore the power of technology and community resources in education. Join Shannon Colburn on a journey of transformation and growth in teaching.

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Portable, Available, Relatable, Flexible: A Presentation by Shannon Colburn

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  1. PAR-Four Portable, Available, Relatable, Flexible Outstanding Use of Resources A Presentation by Shannon Colburn

  2. Portable Use technology to make your life simpler; it is not intended just for your students Ask yourself, “Is this the most compact way to perform this particular task?”

  3. Great Tools Wiki Research Pleasers Consultative Services Guided Book Studies

  4. Great Tools Google Docs BYOD Ipad Aps (Three Ring) Remind 101

  5. Practical Tips Create Small Centers/Activities Lego Education Musical Instruments Use what you have around you There are many, varied, and unusual ways to complete most tasks

  6. Available Know what resources are available at each school site; If general education teachers can use it, then you can too. Don’t be proud-beg, borrow, and steal (with permission of course) ideas from others.

  7. Chalk Talk

  8. Resource Bank At School Ipad Cart • Face time for collaborative grouping Video Game Equipment • Rewards and Units of Study

  9. Resource Bank At School Media Centers • Easy set up and Use Math and Science Labs • Microscopes and other equipment for free

  10. Community Resource Bank Use parent surveys and questionnaires Ask businesses what they have to offer-many offer services for free Contact local area schools and universities

  11. Teacher Resources Be a person other people will like Compliment when appropriate Ask for help-Usually people are flattered Take photos of COOL ideas and tips to make your life easier. Use ideas from one another.

  12. Relatable Do your teaching methods create bonding with your students and the school in which you teach? Is there any overlap?

  13. Programs and Initiatives Dr. Steven Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People & The Leader In Me Larry Bell 12 Powerful Words The Six Traits

  14. Ticket Hunt

  15. Speak the Same Language Your MUST relate to your students. • If you want them to be creative, then you must model creative thinking also. Teaching is NOT about your comfort level. • Teach outside of the box.

  16. Trixie and KipperStopping crime one dog at a time

  17. Communicate You MUST connect in some way to what the rest of the school is doing. • Often times there is a theme to begin each new year. If not a theme, then some unifying factor. • Plug into your surroundings.

  18. “It all comes back to learning.”

  19. Support Your Schools Actively show interest in what your schools are doing. • Visit classrooms for special events. • Brag on students that you don’t teach. • Invite classes to special events you host in your classroom. • Know your specials. • Smile and speak to EVERYONE!

  20. Flexible Plan for broad and open curriculum via concept based units. Be accepting of each school as it is; they will all be different, and that’s okay. Adapt daily to your students needs and interests.

  21. Concept Based Units Use broad, global concepts • i.e. influences, diversity, balance Embed topics of interests into the global concepts Link and Overlap topics when possible

  22. Differentiation Use extension menus to differentiate instruction. Allow students to explore Bloom’s when creating possible product lists. Use Project-Based Learning Assess differently with Rubrics • Rubistar

  23. Differentiation Use Portfolios as a tool of self reflection for the students and a means of assessing what they have learned. Teaching with Talent’s Unlimited is a means to get students’ thinking differently from one another.

  24. BrainBreaks Fun, Exciting, and a way to RELATE! Bring the outside world into your classroom.

  25. Sell your style Teach the way you feel the most comfortable, NOT what you feel most comfortable. Pull from your strengths. Be willing to try something new; you never know…you might like it.

  26. Words to Live By Not every child has an equal talent of an equal ability or equal motivation, but children have the equal right to develop their talent, their ability, and their motivation. -John F. Kennedy

  27. Exit Tickets • 3 things that you learned today • 2 things that you will try • 1 question that you still have

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