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Welcome to Mrs. Enders’ Biology 11 Class. Welcome to Grade11 Science! What do you remember from last year?. Chemistry Parts of the atom, naming compounds, reaction types, acids/bases Biology Food Web, nutrient cycles, Ecosystems Physics Radioactivity, velocity, acceleration, scalars/vectors
Welcome to Grade11 Science!What do you remember from last year? • Chemistry • Parts of the atom, naming compounds, reaction types, acids/bases • Biology • Food Web, nutrient cycles, Ecosystems • Physics • Radioactivity, velocity, acceleration, scalars/vectors • Plate Tectonics • Wegener, pangaea, earthquakes
Why are you here? Why is science important? Activity: - You can tell the temperature outside by counting cricket chirps - Kinking an electrical wire - Drinking water cures disease - Spaghetti farming Neil Degasse Tyson…
Answers: • Cricket Chirps • Kinking an electrical wire • Water • Spaghetti farming
Class Rules and Expectations: 1) Respect Yourself and Others - Don’t do anything to harm yourself or anyone/thing else. -Treat others like you like to be treated.
2) Respect Effort and Learning - NO IPODS/MP3’s allowed! - Attendance is mandatory – if you are away, bring a note ASAP! - Don’t be late!!
Do your homework to the best of your ability – neatly and on time!! - Bring all supplies to every class! Check the website: daily.
3) Respect your community and the Environment: - Clean up after yourself - Be careful with borrowed equipment/books - No gum is allowed - Food and closed drinks are allowed as long as they don’t cause a problem/mess
So what are we learning about this year? • 1) Science Skills/Processes of Science (Approx 1 week and ongoing through the course) • A) What is science? • - Scientific Method • - Presenting and interpreting Scientific Data • Graphing, designing experiments
2) Interactions at molecular and cellular levels - Cell structure and function - (A)sexual reproduction - Energy transformations in cells - Single and multi-celled organisms - Viruses/Bacteria 3) Evolution - basic structure of DNA - agents of evolutionary change - adaptation, natural/artificial selection - genetic modifications - Convergent/divergent evolution and speciation - gradual change model vs punctuated equilibrium 4) Organism organisation - Levels of organization (taxonomy) - Binomial nomenclature - Domains vs Kingdoms - Trends in complexity among life-forms
- Plant Biology - Green algae - mosses - ferns - gymnosperms - angiosperms - monocots and dicots - Animal Biology - Different phyla (families) – classify and compare - comparing how different animals - reproduce - eat - excrete - advantages and disadvantages to different life functions
8) Ecology (if time permits) - Succession - Producers vs consumers – food chain/web - energy flow in the ecosystem - Populaitions, growth, carrying capacity, steady state - Symbiotic relationships
Marking your work... • Class work – 80% of your overall mark. • Final Exam – 20% of your overall mark. • Your overall assessment(mark) will be based on Tests/Quizzes, so it will be greatly to your advantage to take advantage of the practice opportunities – i.e. homework.
Supplies • A 3 Ring binder with paper and dividers • Dividers can be organized as you like – I suggest the following… • Notes • Homework/Assignments • Labs • Quizzes/Tests • Scrapwork
Pencils, Pens (Blue and Red), Eraser, Scientific Calculator, Ruler • Other supplies will be mentioned as needed. Please bring all supplies to every class!!!
Grade Breakdown • A = 86% – 100% • B = 73% - 85% • C+ = 67% - 72% • C = 60% - 66% • C- = 50% - 59% • Fail = Below 50%
In Summary… Come see me or another teacher for help as soon as you have problems Let’s work together to make this a good year!