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Bellwork. Please translate: Milites imperatorem necant . Imperator ā militibus necatur . Puer porcum emebat . Porcus ā puero emebatur . Plaustrum nos portabit . Nos plaustro portabimur. Bellwork. Please translate: Milites imperatorem necant . Imperator ā militibus necatur .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bellwork Please translate: Militesimperatoremnecant. Imperator āmilitibusnecatur. Puerporcumemebat. Porcusāpueroemebatur. Plaustrumnosportabit. Nosplaustroportabimur.

  2. Bellwork Please translate: Militesimperatoremnecant. Imperator āmilitibusnecatur. Puerporcumemebat. Porcusāpueroemebatur. Plaustrumnosportabit. Nosplaustroportabimur.

  3. Bellwork Please translate: Militesimperatoremnecant. Imperator āmilitibusnecatur. Puerporcumemebat. Porcusāpueroemebatur. Plaustrumnosportabit. Nosplaustroportabimur.

  4. Bellwork Please translate: Militesimperatoremnecant. Imperator āmilitibusnecatur. Puerporcumemebat. Porcusāpueroemebatur. Plaustrumnosportabit. Nosplaustroportabimur.

  5. Bellwork Please translate: Militesimperatoremnecant. Imperator āmilitibusnecatur. Puerporcumemebat. Porcusāpueroemebatur. Plaustrumnosportabit. Nosplaustroportabimur.

  6. Bellwork Please translate: Militesimperatoremnecant. Imperatorāmilitibusnecatur. Puerporcumemebat. Porcusāpueroemebatur. Plaustrumnosportabit. Nosplaustroportabimur.

  7. Bellwork Please translate: Militesimperatoremnecant. Imperator āmilitibusnecatur. Puerporcumemebat. Porcusāpueroemebatur. Plaustrumnosportabit. Nosplaustroportabimur.

  8. Bellwork Please translate: Militesimperatoremnecant. Imperator āmilitibusnecatur. Puerporcumemebat. Porcusāpueroemebatur. Plaustrumnosportabit. Nosplaustroportabimur.

  9. Let’s review the TRAITS of VERBS 1st 2nd 3rd singular plural Present Imperf. Future Perf… • PERSON • NUMBER • TENSE • and…

  10. VOICE • Active • Subject is doing the action • Passive • Subject is being acted upon • If it is acted upon BY something or someone…

  11. Use… ā ab NOT! • Ablative of Agent • BY someone • use preposition • Ablative of Means • BY something • use preposition

  12. Bellwork Please translate: Militesimperatoremnecant. Imperator āmilitibusnecatur. Puerporcumemebat. Porcusāpueroemebatur. Plaustrumnosportabit. Nosplaustroportabimur.

  13. singular plural 1stpers I r we mur 2ndpers you ris y’all mini 3rdpers he/she/it tur they ntur Present Passive Endings

  14. singular plural 1stpers I r we mur 2ndpers you ris y’all mini 3rdpers he/she/it tur they ntur Present Passive Endings

  15. 1st Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT amor amaris amatur I am loved You are loved He is loved WEY’ALL THEY amamur amamini amantur We are loved Y’all are loved They are loved

  16. 1st Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT amor amaris amatur I am loved You are loved He is loved WEY’ALL THEY amamur amamini amantur We are loved Y’all are loved They are loved

  17. 2nd Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT videor vidēris vidētur WEY’ALL THEY vidēmur vidēmini videntur

  18. 2nd Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT videor vidēris vidētur WEY’ALL THEY vidēmur vidēmini videntur

  19. 3rd Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT ducor duceris ducitur WEY’ALL THEY ducimur ducimini ducuntur

  20. 3rd Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT ducor duceris ducitur WEY’ALL THEY ducimur ducimini ducuntur

  21. 4th Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT audior audīris audītur WEY’ALL THEY audīmur audīmini audīuntur

  22. 4th Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT audior audīris audītur WEY’ALL THEY audīmur audīmini audīuntur

  23. singular plural 1stpers I bar we bamur 2ndpers you baris y’all bamini 3rdpers he/she/it batur they bantur Imperfect Passive Endings

  24. singular plural 1stpers I bar we bamur 2ndpers you baris y’all bamini 3rdpers he/she/it batur they bantur Imperfect Passive Endings

  25. 1st Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT IMPERFECT amabar amabaris amabatur I was loved You were loved He was loved WEY’ALL THEY amabamur amabamini amabantur We were loved Y’all were loved They were loved

  26. 2nd Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT videor vidēris vidētur IMPERFECT vidēbar vidēbaris vidēbatur WEY’ALL THEY vidēmur vidēmini videntur vidēbamur vidēbamini vidēbantur

  27. 3rd Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT ducor duceris ducitur IMPERFECT ducebar ducebaris ducebatur WEY’ALL THEY ducimur ducimini ducuntur ducebamur ducebamini ducebantur

  28. 4th Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT audior audīris audītur IMPERFECT audiēbar audiēbaris audiēbatur WEY’ALL THEY audīmur audīmini audīuntur audiēbamur audiēbamini audiēbantur

  29. Bellwork In urbemmittebar. A) rex C) ā rege B) rege D) regem Y’all are hinderedā bove. A) impedimur C) impedimini B) impediēminiD) impediebamur Virabimperatorepuniebatur. A) will be punished C) is punishing B) was punished D) was punishing

  30. singular plural 1stpers I bor we bimur 2ndpers you beris y’all bimini 3rdpers he/she/it bitur they buntur Future Passive Endings 1st & 2nd Conjugation

  31. singular plural 1stpers I bor we bimur 2ndpers you beris y’all bimini 3rdpers he/she/it bitur they buntur Future Passive Endings 1st & 2nd Conjugation

  32. singular plural 1stpers I bor we bimur 2ndpers you beris y’all bimini 3rdpers he/she/it bitur they buntur Future Passive Endings 1st & 2nd Conjugation

  33. 1st Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT FUTURE amabor amaberis amabitur I will be loved You will be loved He will be loved WEY’ALL THEY amabimur amabimini amabuntur We will be loved Y’all will be loved They will be loved

  34. 1st Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT FUTURE amabor amaberis amabitur I will be loved You will be loved He will be loved WEY’ALL THEY amabimur amabimini amabuntur We will be loved Y’all will be loved They will be loved

  35. 2nd Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT videor vidēris vidētur IMPERFECT vidēbar vidēbaris vidēbatur FUTURE vidēbor vidēberis vidēbitur WEY’ALL THEY vidēmur vidēmini videntur vidēbamur vidēbamini vidēbantur vidēbimur vidēbimini vidēbuntur

  36. 2nd Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT videor vidēris vidētur IMPERFECT vidēbar vidēbaris vidēbatur FUTURE vidēbor vidēberis vidēbitur WEY’ALL THEY vidēmur vidēmini videntur vidēbamur vidēbamini vidēbantur vidēbimur vidēbimini vidēbuntur

  37. singular plural 1stpers I ar we ēmur 2ndpers you ēris y’all ēmini 3rdpers he/she/it ētur they entur Future Passive Endings 3rd & 4th Conjugation

  38. singular plural 1stpers I ar we ēmur 2ndpers you ēris y’all ēmini 3rdpers he/she/it ētur they entur Future Passive Endings 3rd & 4th Conjugation

  39. 3rd Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT ducor duceris ducitur IMPERFECT ducebar ducebaris ducebatur FUTURE ducar ducēris ducētur WEY’ALL THEY ducimur ducimini ducuntur ducebamur ducebamini ducebantur ducēmur ducēmini ducentur

  40. 4th Conj. IYOUHE/SHE/IT PRESENT audior audīris audītur PRESENT audior audīris audītur IMPERFECT audiēbar audiēbaris audiēbatur FUTURE audiar audiēris audiētur WEY’ALL THEY audīmur audīmini audīuntur audīmur audīmini audīuntur audiēbamur audiēbamini audiēbantur audiēmur audiēmini audientur

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