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FY 2012 Accomplishments FY 2013 Business Goals. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. Honorable Judge Baker, Commissioners, Officials and Citizens; The Smith County Administrative Services Team’s “ Commitment to Excellence ” is demonstrated in 2012 with the very notable following samples of success:
FY 2012 Accomplishments FY 2013 Business Goals
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Honorable Judge Baker, Commissioners, Officials and Citizens; The Smith County Administrative Services Team’s “Commitment to Excellence” is demonstrated in 2012 with the very notable following samples of success: The Collections Department retrieved over $430,000 in revenue and the Bond Office collected $18,000 in bond revenue as Smith County entered into the important social-media revolution with the work of Public Relations we have over 1,100 Facebook followers and 400 twitter friends so far. Essential and visible infrastructure work by Road and Bridge included over 19 miles of the Surface Treatment Project, and completion of 3,500 work orders. The Fire Marshal prepared and hosted three days of Emergency Management Incident Training to the elected officials & department heads with EOC responsibilities. This team also provided fire safety literature creating fire safety awareness to over 9,000 school students. Purchasing collected the “Presidential Award of Merit” for its outstanding achievements for the second straight year and also for a second consecutive year, the very notable “Achievement of Excellence” in Procurement Designation, which is in addition to implementation of the e-way office supply order system that included internal training for buyers. Physical Plant demonstrated its infrastructure proficiency by working on various County properties that included the Sheriff’s Department Evidence Building, 7th District Court Offices, and the Fountain Plaza. The customer-focused Veterans Office aided local veterans by transmitting information regarding Goodwill certified counselors and the J. D. Collett veterans’ home. Elections served taxpayers, by implementing the transition to electronic poll books and hosting eleven (11) elections. Human Resources received the Texas Association of Counties’ prestigious “Making a Difference Award” while also showing a solicitous regard for the health of County employees through its wellness initiative programs.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ITstayed focused on the cutting edge of technology by proactively replacing Spam filters and upgrading the County website to create a more citizen-focused, user friendly tool for county business. The IT department also continues to lead the way for all Texas counties in having a Disaster Recovery backup system installed for full daily replications. The Records Department continued hosting Records Management classes and added Risk Management classes for personnel, while also provided training, instructional, and educational materials via County intranet. Fiscal Year 2012 has indeed been successful and these accomplishments and directional efforts are proof. The Smith County Administrative Services Team maintains true dedication, customer service focus, accountability and community servant spirit; all necessary to continue advancing excellence and providing quality and value for the citizens of Smith County. On behalf of the Smith County Department Heads; thank you Judge Baker and Commissioners for your continual support of our program initiatives and thank you to the citizens of Smith County who continue to offer valuable insight to the needs of this entity, our doors remain open and we welcome you. We look forward to another successful year! Respectfully Submitted; Smith County Department Heads
Smith County Citizens Smith County Government Organizational Chart
Smith County Administrative Services Team Highlights of Success FY12
Smith County Department Head Accomplishments Records: • Held classes on Records Management/Risk Management geared towards Smith County. • Consolidated all bulk archival supplies to just two RC locations for increased physical control. • Added new instructional aids and publications to the records intranet webpage to create efficiencies for end users. Elections: • Maintained the voter registration records • Coordinated and supervised 11 elections • Successful transition to electronic poll books in all Election Day polling locations • Update of the Election Results link on our webpage Veterans: • Created and sent letter of introductions to both veteran and non-veteran organizations. • Coordinated with Goodwill to aid veterans with certified PTSD counselors. • Coordinated with J.D. Collett regarding veteran’s home and getting the information to Smith County veterans. Physical Plant: • Remodeled the Smith County Sheriff's Department Evidence Building, 301 E. Locust St. • Refurbished the Smith County Courthouse 7th District Court Offices and Courtroom. • Extensive landscape remodeling of the Smith County Fountain Plaza.
Smith County Department Head Accomplishments Human Resources: • Received the “Making a Difference Award” from the Texas Association of Counties (TAC) for demonstrating a record of excellence in the involvement and commitment to safety in the workplace, as we as for controlling workers’ compensation claims. • Received a “County Safety Award” for the second year in a row, for working to reduce employee injuries and to obtain savings for taxpayers by minimizing workers’ compensation premiums. • Increased employee participation in our county wellness initiative, S.W.I.T.C.H., by implementing new engaging activities such as Smith County’s Biggest Loser weight loss contest. Purchasing: • Implemented the new online office supply ordering system to create better efficiency in the ordering process for end users and buyers. • Received the annual “Presidential Award of Merit” from the Texas Public Purchasing Association and received the 2012 “Achievement of Excellence” in Procurement Designation from the National Purchasing Institute, 2 year in a row.. • Implemented County HUB program; including reorganizing the online vendor registration process for HUB certifications. Road & Bridge: • Completed GPS bridge location project and tied the information into the current mapping system. • Completed 3554 work orders through the maintenance system averaging 296 work orders per month. • Completed Surface Treatment project on 19.555 miles.
Smith County Department Head Accomplishments Fire Marshal: • Created fire report information by utilizing the CAD system to generate and compile statistics for calls of service. • Prepared the Uniform Crime Report for submission to the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. • Provided educational literature to 9,000 school students to promote fire safety and coordinated a poster contest awards ceremony for the students. • Provided for three days of Emergency Management Incident Command System training to the elected officials & department heads assigned duties in the EOC and conducted a Tabletop exercise. Information Technology: • Replace Web and Spam filters for the County Network with Iron Port, recognized by the industry as “Best in Class” • Expanded capacity for backup software (Avamar) and relocated to EOC for offsite Disaster Recovery • Replaced 19 end of life Cisco switches with HP switches • Migrated 5 departments to Virtual Desk Top application • Upgraded the Smith County website for additional information and ability for citizens to communicate to various Departments within the county • Upgraded the email system from Exchange 2007 to the latest version 2010.
Smith County Department Head Accomplishments Pre-Trial Release/Collections: • Smith County Collections Department collected $430,3956 in revenue. • Implemented procedure to get all defendants needing to make payment plan arrangements from courts to Collections Office. • Working on 37,689 delinquent cases with active warrants. • Redistributed Pre Trial Release Office workload obtained from the Collection Department duties and responsibilities to ensure compliance with the Office of Court Administration (OCA) • Generated $18,512in bond revenue. Public Relations: • Released fifty three (53) press pieces issued by Commissioners Court. • Coordinated the social media movement with 1140 Facebook followers and 436 twitter friends. • Implemented social media election, news and holiday updates.
Smith County Department Head Goals FY13 Strategies for Success for FY13
Information Technology – Harvy Tanner Goals & Objectives for FY2013: • Continue to add Departments to the County wide VDI applications • Work with purchasing on installing electronic bid return site, intranet inventory system and requisition tracking on the County website • Work with Records department on the full implementation of a Records Inventory Software system • Install fiber connection at R&B and Juvenile • Work with the Sheriff’s office on recommending and installing a new CAD and Records Management Software • Spearhead a team to investigate and recommend replacement Judicial Software System for the current TSG Legacy system • Utilize the County wide Microsoft EA for adding efficiency and productive gains by department for increased collaboration and inter-department relationships
Purchasing Department – Kelli Davis Goals & Objectives for FY2013: • Work with IT to create a new online intranet inventory program for departments to utilize and track inventory. • Work with IT to prepare a tracking system for the online requisition system and program development for an electronic bid return site on the County’s webpage. • Input the use of NIGP Commodity Codes • Team up with Personnel to hold orientation classes for Newly Elected Officials.
Human Resources – Leonardo Brown Goals & Objectives for FY2013: • Continue rollout of NEOGOV online application tracking & management program to all hiring managers and related staff, by January 31, 2013, to increase efficiencies in the applicant screening and interview selection processes across all departments • Continue enrollment process for E-Verify and establish E-Verify as a required step in the New Hire Process, by March 1, 2013, to ensure all employees working for the county are legally authorized to work in the United States • Use the Lean Sigma methodology to analyze the current New Hire Process, to show the quantitative value of streamlining and digitizing the New Hire Process • Establish county-wide procedures and guidelines to handle employee separations, by March 1, 2013, to reduce Smith County’s potential risk exposure to various separation related matters • Strengthen brand awareness of our company motto “Striving for Excellence” through the increase use of digital and social media, by September 30, 2013, to further communicate to county employees and citizens the core principles that guide Smith County.
Record Services – Joseph Settanni Goals & Objectives for FY2013: • Seek improvements in providing reference and related activities concerned with files. • Implement RIM software program for greater automation of RC operations. • Use RIM software for greater intellectual and physical control through needed records reports. • Make county personnel more aware of the RIM training resources available on the intranet. • Seek to further improve overall safety, security & ambience of the RC environments.
Road & Bridge – Doug Nicholson Goals & Objectives for FY2013: • Utilize GPS mapping to identify the location of Cross Culverts and enter findings into computer system, to track the cost and the life of the culverts more efficiently. • Continue a County wide maintenance only program. • Serve as a voting member of the Tyler area M.P.O. • Serve as a member of the Urban Counties Standing Committee on Education.
Fire Marshal – Jim Seaton Goals & Objectives for FY2013: • Update and improve the FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation Action Plan for Smith County. • Update and improve the Smith County Fire Marshal / Emergency Management web page to provide educational fire prevention and emergency management protective actions information. • Update and maintain the Emergency Management Basic plan and the Annexes to the Advanced level of preparedness to provide for Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, & Recovery actions during times of disasters. • Compile fire incident loss statistics including analysis for loss & prevention control. Coordinate & sponsor the 36th Annual Tyler/Smith Fire & Rescue Conference. • Coordinate and Conduct a Table Top and a Functional Natural Occurrence disaster exercise.
Elections Administrator – Karen Nelson Goals & Objectives forFY2013: • Work to receive Certified Election Administrator status by the Election Centers Professional Education Program. • Convert voter registration data information to a new computer system. • Enhance and improve the elections webpage to provide information efficiency for voters.
Collection Department – Arvilla Banks Goals & Objectives for FY2013: • Assist the County and Justice Courts with compliance of the State mandated collections improvement program as provided under SB 1863. • Have In-House Warrant Round-Up • Work with Perdue Law Firm , TSG and IT to organize case files and reports in an effort to create departmental efficiencies. • Prepare the courts for the upcoming state compliance audit to achieve successful completion. • Update the Collections Department website to increase information and communication.
Veteran Service Department: Marshal V. Joslin Goals & Objectives for FY2013: • Communicate and build trust with the citizens of Smith County. • Develop strategy and sustainability – people centric, results driven, & forward looking. • Improve accessibility - new location and develop a veteran's resource center/community center atmosphere. • Work to develop a program that aids veterans with job searches, resume building, email, e-benefits and counseling. • Network with organizations to create access to opportunities for veteran’s. • Goal of 100% customer satisfaction with all end users.
Pre Trial/Bond Office – Arvilla Banks Goals & Objectives for FY2013: • Implement new process to receive, sort, scan, input data in the computer, distribute and dispose all bonds received by PBO within 72 hours of receiving them. • Provide direct supervision to defendants released on Pre Trial Release bonds by monitoring defendants’ court dates and bond conditions to assure maximum court appearances and condition compliance. • Work with Sheriff and IT Departments to develop an electronic bond submission process designed to help eliminate cost of ordering bonds . • Incorporate electronic process to maintain all information for the bondsmen and the Bail Bond Board. • Update the Pre-Trial Release Office website to increase information and communication.
Physical Plant Department – Steve Christian Goals & Objectives for FY2013: • Remodel the 304 E. Ferguson Building (Bingo Hall) for Elections to re-locate. • Remodel the Courthouse Annex 5th floor for JP 1 to re-locate. • Remodel 210 E. Ferguson metal building for Veterans Services to re-locate. • Work to increase the current level of completed P.M.’s by the minimum of 5% monthly and decrease the current number of breakdown work orders by the minimum of 5% monthly.
Public Relations – Adrienne Hampton • Goals & Objectives for FY2013: • Develop and distribute quarterly community electronic newspaper highlighting County accomplishments. • Smith County Video History Archive (Creation and regular maintenance of a website containing video interviews with history experts, prominent county residents and storytellers familiar with rich history of Smith County) • Develop and implement a news tracking system to archive and rate news coverage for the County.
Smith County Department Heads FY12 Work Load Statistics & Performance Measurements
Human Resources – Leonardo Brown *Number displayed does not include online submissions as data could not be retrieved. ** Online submissions accounted for 72% of applications submitted. *** Online submissions accounted for 89% of applications submitted. (Effective 10/1/11 – we will only accept online applications, except in cases where ADA or ADAAA rules may apply.) + Corrections have been made to reflect the appropriate data collected as verified by TALX Corporation
Elections Administrator – Karen Nelson * High due to redistricting precinct changes.
Veteran Service Department - Marshal V. Joslin *new statistic to accurately record assistance provided-report is YTD only. **VIMS program reports this number. ***no supporting data.
DH’s Committee/Association/Board Representation • CIRA Advisory Committee Chairman • Executive Secretary of the Texas Public Purchasing Association • Smith County Bail Bond Board Coordinator • Vice-Chair of the Homeland Security Advisory Committee of ETCOG • Member of the Smith County Emergency Food & Shelter Board • Member of the Smith County Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee. • Member of the Smith County LEAN Consortium. • Tyler Junior College Fire Protection Curriculum Advisory Committee. • Chairman of the Hazard Mitigation Coordination Committee, • Chairman of the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) • Member of the East Texas Arson Investigators Association • Member of the Smith County Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee. (CJCC). • Member of the Smith County Volunteer Firefighters Association • Fit City Coalition • Turn Tyler Pink Committee • Adjunct Professor of Public Relations – TJC
Information Technology Department CTO: Harvy Tanner Harvy Tanner has been the CTO for the Smith County IT Department starting May 2005. Mr. Tanner has a BS and MBA from Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky. IT Responsibilities: This Business Plan outlines three key focus areas and sets forth both five-year goals and one-year objectives. The key focus areas represent the critical strategic areas in which we need to channel our energies and actions. The focus areas derived from the business needs are: Enhancing the County's IT Infrastructure Expanding Electronic Access to County Services Managing IT from a Countywide Perspective Department Mission: Provide efficient, reliable and cost effective information management services through the application of computing technology and related information resources. Provide planning and technical support for County-wide data processing. The purpose of Information Technology is to enable the County to achieve its business goals, priorities and objectives. Staff: Brian Chou Will Christian Terri Gerber Linda Homer Morgan Rasco Nathan McFalls Jason Davisson Contact Information: 200 East Ferguson St., Suite 203 Phone: 903-590-4650 Fax: 903-590-4758
Purchasing Department Department Mission: The Purchasing Department exists to provide the best service possible to all County Departments in a fair and equitable manner and to protect the interests of the Smith County Taxpayers in all expenditures. Staff: Buyer: Kim Gould, CPPB Buyer: Karin DeVasto Part time Clerk: Betty Thomas Contact Information: 200 East Ferguson St. 414 Tyler Texas 75702 www.smith-county.com/purchasing Phone: 903-590-4720 Fax: 903-590-4723 Director: Kelli Davis, CPPB Kelli Davis has worked for Smith County in different capacities for approximately 17 years. Starting as a part time receptionist she moved to buyer and Assistant Purchasing Director doing each job she now oversees. Mrs. Davis was raised in Tyler where she graduated from High School and College. Purchasing Responsibilities: Centralized purchasing for all departments All formal bidding processes Contract administration Claims administration Project Management Auctions Cooperative purchasing program Travel registrations
Physical Plant Department Department Mission: The Smith County Physical Plant is committed to providing management of the county’s physical assets while creating an environment conductive to excellence in public service through the effective implementation of facility maintenance, capital improvements, professional design, and energy management. Staff: Glen Taylor Natasha Jamie Contact Information: 210 E. Ferguson Tyler Texas 75702 903 590-4760 Director: Steve Christian Steve Christian has served with Smith County almost 10 years, as the Director of Physical Plant Operations and has 30 years total in maintenance craft. Physical Plant Responsibilities: • Our responsibilities are to maintain the County run facilities for proper operation and the execution of County business. • Currently the building total is 23 with approximately 713,000 Sq. Ft. This is accomplished with 9 men tasked mainly with maintenance and 3 m en primarily assigned construction. Our work force is augmented by 3 to 4 trustees from the Smith County Sheriff’s Department. We have a Housekeeping staff of 9 who attend to all buildings. • We also are tasked with new construction and remodels of the County buildings.
Records Department Department Mission: Servicing of County personnel and external customers, as to record services operations, in providing efficient, cost effective, secure, and reliable storage and retrieval of inactive County records. Staff: Assistant Director of Record Services: Sandra Lyles Records File Clerk: Keith Buckner Contact Information: Smith County Cotton Belt Building 1517 West Front Street Room 150 Tyler, Texas 75702 Phone: 903-590-2961 Fax: 903-590-2965 Email: jsettanni@smith-county.com Director: Joseph Settanni He started his position on March 7, 2011, with 35 years of professional experience. He has both a Masters Degree and a Certificate of Archives Management from New York University, New York, besides being a Certified Records Manager and Certified Professional Consultant. Department Responsibilities: • Improve efficiency of recordkeeping procedures • Preserve permanent records and protect essential records • Uphold all State records retention requirements • Save historical, genealogical, and land records • Provide quick and efficient records retrieval • Modernize Records Center (RC) operations • Reduce potential County liability by disposing of obsolete records • Provide records management training for County personnel • Monitor RC physical and environmental conditions • Produce monthly newsletter and training bulletins • Serve as Records Management Officer for Smith County.
Elections Administration Department Mission: Maintain accurate voter registration records while also protecting the voting rights of the citizens of Smith County to ensure that every vote cast will be effectively tabulated. Staff: Administrative Assistant: Joanna Stanfield Deputy Clerk: Edna Morris Contact Information: 200 East Ferguson St. 500 Tyler, Texas 75702 knelson@smith-county.com Phone: 903-590-4777 Fax: 903-590-4778 Administrator:Karen Nelson Karen Nelson has worked for Smith County in different capacities for 10 years. She began serving as an Early Voting and Ballot Board Clerk in 2001. In September 2004 she began working part-time as a Deputy Mail Ballot Clerk. In January 2005 she was given the full-time position of Assistant Elections Administrator and served in that position until the summer of 2007 at which time Mrs. Nelson was appointed as the Elections Administrator. Department Responsibility: • Coordinate polling places • Hire election workers • Train election workers • Build and prepare ballots for programming • Test and program voting machines • Tabulate and post election results • Maintain a non-partisan office at all times
Road and Bridge Department Department Mission: The primary mission of the Road & Bridge Department is the care and maintenance of the public right of ways allotted under our system of laws. Staff: Assistant Road Administrator: Charley Miller Office Administrator: Ann Somerville Other Office Staff: Lorrie Franklin Stephanie Ball General Foreman: David Potter Shop Foreman: Ken Butler Asst. Shop Foreman: Scott Crum Contact Information: 1700 W Claude Tyler Texas 75702 Phone: 903-590-4801 Fax: 903-590-4802 Administrator: Doug Nicholson Doug Nicholson has worked for the county for approximately 18 years. Starting as a part time employee in January 1994, in 2001 became the Engineer’s Assistant and now over see the operations of the Road & Bridge Department as the Road Administrator. Road & Bridge Responsibilities: • Maintain: 1,189 miles of County Roadways • Maintain: 140 Bridges • Maintain: 5280 Cross Culverts • Review platting of land in the county • Oversee any proposed development in aFlood Zone in the county • Maintain all county owned equipment
Human Resources Department Department Mission: Demonstrate excellence and leadership by developing and applying human resource solutions with a customer-first attitude, a team-work based philosophy and a proactive mindset, in order to ensure a high performing workforce. Staff: Human Resources Assistant: Jaye Lynn Collins Contact Information 200 East Ferguson St. 202 Tyler Texas 75702 personnel@smith-county.com Phone: 903-590-4644 Fax: 903-590-4640 Director: Leonardo Brown • Leonardo Brown has worked for Smith County for approximately 3 years. Leonardo brings over 13 years of management and leadership experience gained in the private sector to his role as HR Director. Leonardo’s vision for the HR Department is to “Be the Bridge”, the bridge that helps to close the gap between people and performance, between communication and consistency, between learning and leadership, between executives and execution. HR Responsibilities: • Assist w/Recruitment and Selection • Process and Maintain all Employee Forms • Develop and Facilitate Training • Assist w/ Performance Management • Consultant on Employee Relation Issues • Maintain Workers Compensation Program • Coordinate Safety Programs • Monitor Unemployment Claims • Maintain Compensation Program • Preparation and Implementation of Personnel Policies and Procedures
Pre Trial Release and Bond Office Department Mission: Smith County Judges and Magistrates with information on defendants charged with felony and/or misdemeanor offenses by conducting interviews and investigations. Bonding for defendants considered for release to assist in the reduction of the jail population pursuant to Texas Jail Standard Compliances and to help save Smith County Taxpayers. Staff: Lynda Swann – Bond and Payment Plan Coordinator Verna Carroll – Bond Investigator Contact Information: 200 E Ferguson St., Suite 213 Tyler Texas 75702 Email: abanks@smith-county.com Office Phone: 903-590-2620 Fax: 903-590-2626 Director: Arvilla Banks Arvilla Banks has worked for Smith County for 23 years. She started as a deputy clerk in Child Support then Bookkeeping in the District Clerk’s Office. In 1995 she became the Assistant Director then promoted to Director of Pre Trial Release and Bond Office. In 2011 she was appointed Director of Collection for Smith County. Ms. Banks was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She attended and graduated from Wiley College in Marshall, then moved to Longview and on to Tyler, where she has lived over 34 years. Responsibilities: • Receive, Sort, Scan, and Input Bond Data • Distribute and Dispose Bonds • Interview, Investigate, and Submit All Referred Inmates’ Folder to the Judges/Magistrates • Maintain and Keep all Information and Records for the Bondsmen and the Bail Bond Board
Fire Marshal/EOC Coordinator Department Mission: The Fire Marshal Office exists to provide the best service possible to reduce physical and monetary loss caused by fires through systematic and scientific fire prevention inspections and investigations and to enforce existing fire laws and regulations. Maintain the emergency management plan to the advanced level of preparedness. Staff: 1stAssistant Fire Marshal: Oren Hale Deputy Fire Marshal: Connie Wasson Administrative Assistant: Mary Thompson Volunteer Deputy Fire Marshal: Jay Brooks, Eric Lowry Contact Information: 11325 Spur 248 Phone: 903-590-2655 Fax: 903-590-2647 Email: jseaton@smith-county.com Director: Jim Seaton Jim Seaton has worked for Smith County for 25 years. Starting as the Assistant Fire Marshal, he was promoted to the Fire Marshal / Emergency Management Coordinator position in 1999. Marshal Seaton is certified as a Master Peace Officer, a Fire & Arson Investigator, a Fire Code Inspector, and a Firefighter. Marshal Seaton served in the Marine Corps and is a Vietnam veteran. Department Responsibilities: • Enforce state & local regulations related to fire, explosions or damages caused by fire or explosion • Investigate the cause, origin and circumstances of fires within the county which damages or destroys property • Coordinate fire prevention & suppression activities with local county and state firefighting and fire prevention units • Maintain a workable emergency management plan designed to provide for emergency services, shelter, and food in times of disaster through mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
Collections Department Department Mission: It is the mission of the Smith County Court Collections Department to enforce compliance and maximize the collections of court-ordered fines and fees on criminal cases from the Smith County Courts. Staff: Sheryl Keel – Compliance Officer Contact Information: 200 E. Ferguson , 3rd Floor Phone: 903-590-4624 Fax: 903-590-4623 Director: Arvilla Banks Arvilla Banks has worked for Smith County for 23 years. She started as a deputy clerk in Child Support then Bookkeeping in the District Clerk’s Office. In 1995 she became the Assistant Director then promoted to Director of Pre Trial Release and Bond Office. In 2011 she was appointed Director of Collection for Smith County. Ms. Banks was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She attended and graduated from Wiley College in Marshall, then moved to Longview and on to Tyler, where she has lived over 34 years. Department Responsibilities: • To assist the Smith County Criminal Courts with compliance of S.B. 1863 Collections Improvement Program. • To assist with the collection of Court-ordered fines, court costs, and attorney fees. • Provide financial assessments and verification on applicants for payment agreements. • Payment agreement compliance monitoring. • Initiate phone and mail contact on delinquent payment agreements. • Send recommendations to courts for alternative remedies on defaulted payment agreements. • Monthly collections reporting to the OCA.
Veteran’s Service Office Department Mission: (Quoted from Chapter 434, Subchapter B, Section 434.035, Texas Government Code) “An officer [county veterans service officer and staff] shall aid any county resident who served in the armed forces or nurses corps of the United States, and any orphan or dependent of the person, to prepare, submit, and present any claim against the United States or a state for benefits to which the person may be entitled under United States or state law. The officer shall defeat all unjust claims that come to the officer’s attention.” Staff: Asst. Veteran’s Service Officer: Roxanne Lewis Contact Information: Smith County Cotton Belt Building 1517 West Front Street Room 263 Tyler, Texas 75702 Email: mjoslin@smith-county.com Phone: 903-590-2953 Fax: 903-590-2955 Director: Marshal V. Joslin Marshal V. Joslin is a retired United States Air Force Major. He is a Master Air Battle Manager with over 6,023 flying hours in the E-3 AWACS including 1,698 combat and combat support flying hours. He has flown operations in support of Operation DENY FLIGHT, Operation NORTHERN WATCH, Operation SOUTHERN WATCH, and Operation NOBLE EAGLE. He has a B.S. in Psychology, M.S. International Relations. He is currently working on his second M.S. in Sustainability from New England College. Department Responsibilities: • Assist veteran’s and their survivors with claims. • Answers questions regarding all veteran’s benefits. • Assist in filing appeals with the US Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs. • Serve as liaison with other veterans organizations. • Ensure compliance with all federal and state laws.
Public Relations Department Mission: The Communication Department’s vision is to provide the public with the most accurate, accessible and up-to-date information possible through traditional media and social media channels while promoting the County’s brand and message of Striving for Excellence. Contact Information: 200 E. Ferguson Tyler Texas 75702 Phone: 903-590-4607 Fax: 903-590-4615 Email: ahampton@smith-county.com Director: Adrienne Hampton Adrienne Hampton came to the County in 2009. She brings five years of media and public relations experience to the growing Department of Communications. She also serves as the Executive Assistant to the Commissioners Court. Department Responsibilities: • Responsible for news content on Smith County Website • Compose press releases, manage flow of information to media • Interface with members of the media, fulfill information requests and manage interviews. • Monitor, document, archive and inform administration of all news reports involving county • Photograph, archive all major events, facility improvements and employee functions • Compose bi-monthly county employee newsletter • Maintain/update county Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia accounts • Coordinate, publicize and manage groundbreakings, special events • Represent the County at community events and activities including but not limited to Fit City, Chamber of Commerce, Turn Tyler Pink, United Way and others. • Organize the Smith County Christmas Chili Bash, Komen Foundation T-shirt fund raiser, County Government Month activities, SC Fit Initiative.