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Summit County Social Services Advisory Board. A Quality of Life Project. Summit 2010. James B. McCarthy, Summit County Executive Karen Talbott, Chair, SSAB. Social Conditions in Summit County: The Dynamics of Racial Disparity. Social Conditions in Summit County (continued).
Summit County Social Services Advisory Board A Quality of Life Project Summit 2010 James B. McCarthy, Summit County Executive Karen Talbott, Chair, SSAB
Social Conditions in Summit County: The Dynamics of Racial Disparity
Summit 2010: Quality of Life Project Expectations • Streamline services • Reduce duplication • Enhance collaboration • Manage financial resources efficiently
The Mission of Summit 2010: Quality of Life Initiated by Summit County Executive, James B. McCarthy, the overall intent of this project is to strengthen collaboration between the county’s major public health and social service delivery systems, and the effectiveness of services they finance or deliver.
Phase I - Project Initiation The Social Services Advisory Board (SSAB) was designated to oversee the project with up to 25 members from Health and Human Services organizations and the three levy funded agencies. SSAB’s responsibilities include: • 1. Evaluate the health and human services needs of the community • 2. Assess the design and structure of the social service system • 3. Provide oversight of the three levy funded agencies in the county • 4. Designate work groups to guide the project and develop the Health and Social Services Plan.
Project Components: Environmental Scan The environmental scan presents a detailed assessment of health and social conditions in Summit County, including: • A summary report of interviewsof community leaders and ordinary citizens. • A comprehensive analysisof human services funding. • A detailed presentationof health and social indicators by geographical cluster. • Detailed street-level maps and resource guides of community assets.
Project Components: Workforce Development Plan The Workforce Development and Economic Opportunity Plan for Summit County includes: • Detailed interviewswith Summit County workforce development stakeholders. • A complete labor market analysis. • A detailed assessment of the public and corporate employment training system.
Project Components: Partnerships for Success Plan Partnerships for Success (PFS) is a state model that focuses on the issue of juvenile delinquency prevention with three planning stages: • A Needs Assessmentwhich defines targets for change within a community. • A Resource Assessment which creates a profile of current programs and services. • An identification of Strategic Actions which analyzes gaps in the system and develops a five-year strategic plan .
Project Components: Health and Social Services Plan Building on the projects previous components, planning teams developed action steps to address the project’s objectives in the following areas: • Income, Education, and Workforce Development • Early Childhood • Partnerships for Success • Older Adults • Family Health • Systems Management and Oversight.
Project Components: Targeted Neighborhood Strategic Plans This portion of the project developed neighborhood-level plans for improving health and social conditions in East Barberton, Buchtel, and Lakemore. Each of the teams of neighborhood representatives: • Identified issues and concerns specific to their neighborhoods • Identified community assets • Determined gaps in health and social services • Developed detailed action plans to address the concerns identified
Summary Overview of Project Timeline August 2002 PHASE I Environmental Scan Partnership for Success Workforce Development October 2004Neighborhood Teams Begin to Meet again- Barberton Buchtel, and Lakemore January 2004 Planning teams begin SSAB Health & Social Services Plan Dec. 2003 Neighborhood Planning Teams began meeting July 2004 SSAB Approval: Health and Social Services Plan July 2005 PHASE II Implementation Phase for SSAB Health and Social Services Plan
Phase II – Summit 2010: Quality of Life Implementation Plan In July 2005, implementation of the Health and Social Services Plan began, assisted by The Center for Community Solutions. • Ten Goals for 2010 • Data Tracking and Evaluation of 20 Indicators • Affiliate and Working Committees • Action Steps to Implement the Plan • Neighborhood Planning Teams
Implementation Plan Components:Ten for 2010 Goals: • These are primarily large-scale, system-wide improvements that could positively influence how all agencies and organizations functioned within Summit County. • Most of these goals are being addressed by affiliate committees and work groups under the direction of the SSAB Board.
Implementation Plan Components:Ten for 2010 Goals: • County-wide communications plan • Establish and maintain a Primary Medical Services Collaborative • Establish and maintain a comprehensive prevention and early intervention program • Create a system to increase coordination and communication between courts and public social services systems • Establish Income, Education and Work Force Development as committee to address these issues.
Implementation Plan Components:Ten for 2010 Goals: • Establish and maintain a Partnership for Success coordinating body to address youth issues • Create an “Older Adult Independent Living Task Force” • Establish and maintain a Health and Human Services Finance Initiative • Develop a case management data system • Create a data system to track progress
Implementation Plan Components:20 Indicators Tracked Over Time • These indicators were selected as measures that, if improved between now and 2010, would also improve the quality of life for Summit County residents. • Communities with the greatest need were identified and numeric targets established for the action steps outlined in the Health and Social Services Plan.
Affiliate Committees Court and Social Services Partnerships for Success Income, Education and Workforce Development Criminal Justice Advisory Board, Public Safety Subcommittee Implementation Plan Components Getting the Work Done!!
SSAB Work Groups Systems, Management and Oversight Finance Forum Data Tracking Data Sharing Family Health Older Adults Early Childhood Implementation Plan Components Getting the Work Done!!
Implementation Plan Components:Developing Action Steps Each of these groups is responsible for: • Prioritizing the Initiatives. • Creating detailed Work Plans with Action Steps. • Developing a plan for evaluating progress on the 20 indicators.
Each neighborhood team chose a targeted area for intervention was defined by residents of the community. Each area developed goals and action steps that would improve their communities. All three neighborhoods created a resource directory for their residents and held a service fair. In Lakemore and Barberton, a community survey was completed. The groups continue to set priorities and implementation strategies. Three Neighborhood Planning Teams
Summit County Social Services Advisory Board A Quality of Life Project Summit 2010 James B. McCarthy, Summit County Executive Karen Talbott, Chair, SSAB