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NW CT CEDS. CEDS Committee Meeting June 27, 2012. Agenda. 1. Welcome & Introductions 2. NW CT CEDS Process Update 3. CERC Data Profile for NW CT and Primary Business Clusters 4. NW CT CEDS Online Survey Process and Results
NW CT CEDS CEDS Committee Meeting June 27, 2012
Agenda 1. Welcome & Introductions 2. NW CT CEDS Process Update 3. CERC Data Profile for NW CT and Primary Business Clusters 4. NW CT CEDS Online Survey Process and Results A. Review of Recurring Themes and Draft Goal Statements for Focus Group Topics created as a result of the Survey Results B. Discussion of Initiatives related to each Goal as recommended by the Steering Committee 5. Suggestions by CEDS Committee for additional Initiatives 6. Prioritizing the suggested Initiatives 7. Vision Statement exercise 8. Remaining steps to finish the project 9. Adjourn
Major Process Elements So Far • Scenario planning conducted by NWCTEDC in 2008 • Village Center Vitality report prepared for the Northwestern CT Regional Planning Collaborative • CEDS and Steering Committees established and meeting • CEDS document outline created • Focus Group topics selected and Focus Group Facilitators recruited • Orientation session and Focus Group meeting held March 7, 2012 • Data Profile received from CERC • Project application form and prioritization criteria developed • Follow-up Focus Group Survey Process • Survey results Themes, Potential Goals & Initiatives
CERC Data Profile • 98 slides of data, charts and graphs designed to meet EDA requirements and support regional marketing • Includes:
The Survey Process and Results • Focus Groups provided with detailed discussion form • Summarized results from initial meeting and posed follow-up questions • Discussion points: • What key questions need to be addressed or areas explored • Major strengths and weaknesses of the Northwest CT CEDS region • Issues impacting the Focus Group topic • Major regional opportunities • Revitalizing our region’s town, village, city and neighborhood centers • Biggest opportunities or needs that should be addressed as a new program, project or initiative
Agriculture and Conservation Recurring Themes • Sustainable economic vitality of the agriculture sector • Value-added process – not just growing something Draft Goal Statement Keep our farmers farming by supporting sustainable, economically viable agribusiness that supports the region’s economy, tourism, recreation, and quality of life, while simultaneously protecting environmentally sensitive areas.
Agriculture and Conservation Suggested Initiatives • Provide necessary processing infrastructure to support value-added agribusiness • Create a regional marketing cooperative • Identify and protect the region’s environmentally sensitive areas; where appropriate, promote them as part of the region’s tourism and quality of place programs • Create regional plan for forest management
BROWNFIELDS, COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION Recurring Themes • Providing adequate real estate opportunities for business use • Reuse of brownfields • First preference for mix of infill/selective redevelopment/ brownfield reuse • Providing effective locations Draft Goal Statement Assure the region has an adequate supply of fully serviced and cost effective real estate for business growth through a program of infill development, selective demolition and redevelopment, and brownfield reuse.
BROWNFIELDS, COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION Suggested Initiatives • Prepare and maintain a master list of available commercial real estate; assure that all suitable locations are included in the CERC Site Finder inventory • Analyze existing available commercial/industrial sites for potential reuse or deconstruction • Evaluate infrastructure serving primary available commercial real estate and prepare necessary improvement plans
CULTURE, TOURISM AND FILM Recurring Themes • A major regional economic cluster • Needs a defining brand statement • Culture + natural beauty = an escape destination Draft Goal Statement Make Northwest Connecticut a recognized destination by improving awareness of the region through effective packaging, promotions and placemaking that capitalizes on the region’s multitude of cultural, historic and tourism opportunities.
CULTURE, TOURISM AND FILM Suggested Initiatives • Create a marketing plan specific to this region • Create a regional brand – “Your Escape Destination” • Improve Gateway signage to help define a regional image • Create a regional network to constantly foster stronger collaboration among the region’s many culture and tourism venues
INFRASTRUCTURE Recurring Themes • Transportation needs and opportunities (especially rail) • Must maintain and improve infrastructure • Inadequate east-west roads • Lack of public transportation – impact of potential workers • Inadequate broadband in portions of the region Draft Goal Statement Provide the infrastructure necessary to support economic growth by preparing and implementing a comprehensive regional infrastructure planning process and plan.
INFRASTRUCTURE Suggested Initiatives • Develop a regional infrastructure plan with a focus on implementing elements of the region’s transportation plans • Seek additional funding for improved public transportation options • Prepare and implement a regional broadband improvement plan • Support expanded use of the region’s railroad infrastructure and services
MANUFACTURING Recurring Themes • Capitalizing on current and providing future workforce • Hurt by cost of doing business • Need for worker transportation Draft Goal Statement Retain and expand the region’s manufacturing base.
MANUFACTURING Suggested Initiatives • Develop a long range plan and network to support & expand regional manufacturing • Create and operate an effective career fair focused on manufacturing • Increase business support for and sponsorships of the region’s entries in robotics, Lego leagues and similar competitions • Create and fund a manufacturing business plan and invention competition • Create a manufacturing workforce coordinating committee
SMALL BUSINESSES AND SERVICE SECTOR Recurring Themes • Region has good supply and diversity • Backbone of the regional economy • Need to promote entrepreneurship and small business start-ups Draft Goal Statement Support and grow the region’s small business and service sector.
SMALL BUSINESSES AND SERVICE SECTOR Suggested Initiatives • Prepare, maintain, and promote a master list of the region’s small businesses and service sector • Create a small business and services marketing and coordination program demonstrating the region has a “one-stop, full-service” capability • Encourage bankers to attend workshops to better support small businesses • Encourage local banks to designate representatives to counsel small business owners • Create a bankers network to discuss issues of common interest
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Recurring Themes • Importance of focus on children/young students/high schools/community college • Need for better business/educational sector/government collaboration • Must take care of incumbent workers Draft Goal Statement Assure the region has the workforce needed to meet current and future needs of our businesses and those we would like to locate or start here.
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Suggested Initiatives • Create a Hospitality Institute • Be the leader of a statewide effort to improve incumbent worker training and funding • Research the creation of a magnet school with a focus appropriate to the NW CT region • Implement Junior Achievement in all school systems in the region
Cross-Cutting Themes • Need for adequate funding to accomplish anything • Need for a staffed and funded implementation organization (NWCTEDC) • Impact of future efforts on maintaining economic vitality of our downtowns and village centers
Initiative Discussion • Comments on the proposed Initiatives • What Other Initiatives Would You Suggest?
Initiative Prioritization Exercise • Place your dots next to the Initiatives you believe should have the highest priorities • OK to put more than one dot on Initiatives you believe are particularly important
Vision Statement Exercise A Postcard from the Future • Imagine you (or someone else) is visiting NW CT for the first time in the year 2032 • On your index card write one or more words or short phrases (no more than 6 words) that show how you would like NW CT to be described in this postcard from the future • Examples: beautiful, scenic, economically vibrant, great place to live and work
Remaining Steps in the Process • Projects solicited from communities and prioritized • CERC data profile analyzed in detail • Final list of Action Agenda Items selected • Draft CEDS written and presented for public consideration • Final CEDS written and submitted to EDA • CEDS revisions made if necessary