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The Brain. The Brain and Central Nervous System. How do we study the Brain??. Accidents. Phineas Gage Story Personality changed after the accident. What does this tell us? Phineas’s frontal cortex (higher thinking) was severed from the part of the brain in charge of emotions. Lesions.
Accidents Phineas Gage Story • Personality changed after the accident. What does this tell us? • Phineas’s frontal cortex (higher thinking) was severed from the part of the brain in charge of emotions.
Lesions • Removal or destruction of some part of the brain. • Frontal Lobotomy
Electroencephalogram • EEG • Detects brain waves through their electrical output. • Used mainly in sleep research.
ComputerizedAxialTomography • CAT Scan • CAT(3 Words) 3D X-Ray of the brain. • Good for tumor locating, but tells us nothing about function.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging • MRI • More detailed picture of brain using a magnetic field to knock electrons off axis. • Takes many still pictures and turns images into a movie like production.
Positron Emission Tomography • PET Scan • Measures how much of a chemical the brain is using (usually glucose consumption).
Functional MRI • Combination of PET and MRI
Brain Structures: • Hindbrain • Midbrain • Forebrain Cerebral Cortex (part or forebrain)
Brain Structures: Hindbrain:Medulla Oblongata • Located just above the spinal cord. Involved in control of • blood pressure • heart rate • breathing.
Brain Structures: Hindbrain: Cerebellum • Controls our balance and fine movement skills
Brain Structures: Midbrain • Coordinates simple movements with sensory information. • Most important structure in Midbrain is the Reticular Formation: controls arousal and ability to focus our attention.
Brain Structures: Forebrain • What makes us human. • Largest part of the brain. • Made up of the Thalamus, Limbic System and Cerebral Cortex.
Brain Structures: ForebrainThalamus • Receives sensory signals from the spinal cord and sends them to other parts of the forebrain.
Brain Structures: Forebrain The Limbic System Emotions, our most basic reactions, are generated in the Limbic system along with the many appetites and urges that help us behave in such a way to survive. For instance, the Amygdala, is the place where fear is registered and generated.
Brain Structures: Forebrain Hypothalamas • Maybe most important structure in the brain. Controls and regulates • Body temperature • Sexual Arousal • Hunger • Thirst • Endocrine System
Brain Structures: Forebrain Hippocampus Involved in the processing and storage of memories.
Brain Structures: Forebrain Amygldala • More involved in volatile emotions like anger.
Brain Structures: The Cerebral Cortex • Made up of densely packed neurons we call “gray matter” • Glial Cells: support brain cells. • Wrinkles are called fissures. • If you lay brain out it would be as big as a large Pizza 2000 pizza.
The Cerebral Cortex is made up of four Lobes. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=lobes+on+a+brain&hl=en&safe=active&sa=X&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS393US394&tbm=isch&prmd=ivns&tbnid=0qxi4Ttyo_YpyM:&imgrefurl=http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/imagepages/9549.htm&docid=ESrZP3QshA45NM&w=400&h=320&ei=kNw-TuyMK8ODsgKvz4kF&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=322&vpy=79&dur=2609&hovh=201&hovw=251&tx=156&ty=98&page=1&tbnh=120&tbnw=150&start=0&ndsp=9&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&biw=792&bih=528
Frontal Lobe • Abstract thought and emotional control.
Temporal Lobe • Process sound sensed by our ears.
Frontal LobeThe Broca and Wernick Wernick-Decodes speech Broca-Commands speech
Parietal Lobe • Contain Sensory Cortex: receives incoming touch sensations from rest of the body.
Occipital Lobe • Deals with vision. • Contains Visual Cortex: interprets messages from our eyes into images we can understand.
Hemispheres logic sequential tasks. spatial creative tasks. Left Right
The Corpus Callosum Connects the 2 hemispheres.
Split Brain Patients Patients with severe epilepsy will have a procedure done that removes their corpus callosum.
Brain Plasticity • The idea that the brain, when damaged, will attempt to find news ways to reroute messages. • Children’s brains are more plastic than adults.