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Educational Perspectives by Hafþór Guðjónsson: Navigating the Landscape of Knowledge Acquisition

Explore the concepts of education, learning, and teaching through the lens of Hafþór Guðjónsson. Understand the shift in educational paradigms from traditional to collaborative approaches. Delve into influential theories by experts like Jerome Bruner, Howard Gardner, and John Dewey. Reflect on the importance of fostering thinkers and active learners in the educational ecosystem for effective knowledge management. Join the discussion on pedagogical techniques that empower students to acquire new knowledge and skills.

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Educational Perspectives by Hafþór Guðjónsson: Navigating the Landscape of Knowledge Acquisition

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  1. Orðræður um nám Hafþór Guðjónsson Námsk skólastj

  2. Gæði Tími Námsk skólastj

  3. Kennsla Nám Námsk skólastj

  4. Viðhorf til náms Skólastarf Breytingar á skólastarfi Námsk skólastj

  5. Hvað er nám? Hvað er nemandi? Námsk skólastj

  6. T1 T2 T4 T3 Námsk skólastj

  7. T1 T2 NÁM T4 T3 Námsk skólastj

  8. NÁM T1 T2 Upptaka þekkingar Persónul.hugsmíð Þátttaka Félagsleghugsmíð T4 T3 Námsk skólastj

  9. Sálfræðileg sýn öðlast þekkingu skapar þekkingu samskipti þátttaka enculturation færni Félags- og menningarleg sýn SÝN Á NÁM Námsk skólastj

  10. Nemandinn sem þekkingarþegi MIÐLARINN Námsk skólastj

  11. Viðbrögð Skynjun Lang-tíma-minni Vinnslu- minni Áreiti Námsk skólastj

  12. Jerome Bruner (1996): In this teaching scenario, abilities are no longer conceived as knowing how to do something skillfully, but rather as the ability to acquire new knowledge by the aid of certain “mental abilities”: verbal, spatial, numerical, interpersonal, or whatever. This is probably the most widely adhered to line of folk pedagogy in practice today… It principal appeal is that it purports to offer a clear specification of just what it is that is to be learned and, equally questionable, that its suggests standards for assessing achievement. More than any other theory of folk pedagogy, it has spawned objective testing in all its myriad guises. (The Culture of Education, bls. 55) Námsk skólastj

  13. Bruner: In effect, this view presumes that the learner´s mind is a tabula rasa, a blank slate…. the child´s mind is passive, a receptacle waiting to be filled. Active interpretation or construal does not enter the picture. The didactic bias views the child from outside, from a third-person perspective, rather than trying to “enter her thoughts”. It is blankly one-way: teaching is not a mutual dialogue, but a telling by one to the other. In such a regimen, if the child fails to perform adequately, her shortcomings can be explained by her lack of “mental abilities”, her low IQ and the educational establishment goes scot-free. Námsk skólastj

  14. Seeing children as thinkers: The development of intersubjective interchange The teacher, on this view, is concerned with understanding what the child thinks and how she arrives at what she believes. Children, like adults, are seen as constructing a model of the world to aid them in construing their experience. Pedagogy is to help the child understand better, more powerfully, less one-sidedly. Understanding is fostered through discussion and collaboration.... (The Culture of Education, 56) Námsk skólastj

  15. Nemandinn sem nemi/þegi(læra = aquire)(kennsla = miðlun) Nemandinn sem “thinker”(læra = inquire)(kennsla = samtal) Námsk skólastj

  16. “The black box” of collaborative schools: Fullan (1999). Change forces. The sequel. Námsk skólastj

  17. Children as knowledgeable: The management of “objective” knowledge Námsk skólastj

  18. Children as knowledgeable: The management of “objective” knowledge ? ? Námsk skólastj

  19. Howard Gardner (1991): We are faced with a puzzle. The very young children who so readily master symbol systems like language and art forms like music, the same children who develop complex theories of the universe or intricate theories of the mind, often experience the greatest difficulties upon their entry in school. (The Unschooled Mind: 2) Námsk skólastj

  20. Tengist “gáta Gardners” þessari mynd? MIÐLARINN Námsk skólastj

  21. Dewey (1916): Áður en barnið byrjar í skóla lærir það með höndum, augum og eyrum vegna þess að þetta eru líffæri athafna þar sem merkingin á sér rætur. (Democracy and Education:142) Námsk skólastj

  22. Dewey (1916): Drengur að fljúga flugdreka verður að hafa auga með flugdrekanum og hann verður að huga að breytilegum þrýstingi snærisins á hendina. Skilningarvit hans eru stræti þekkingar ekki vegna þess að þau beri ytri staðreyndir til heilans heldur vegna þess að þau eru notuð til að gera eitthvað í ákveðnum tilgangi. (D&E, bls. 142) Námsk skólastj

  23. Tvíhyggja Heildarhyggja Námsk skólastj

  24. mótaður móta mótast Nám (þroski) sem germynd, miðmynd og þolmynd Dewey Piaget Vygotsky Námsk skólastj

  25. Menningin mótar okkur Við lifum í tungumálinu Orð eru verkfæri Námsk skólastj

  26. Noregur Ísland Kanada MS Efnafræði Ég Pragmatisti Tilvera okkar er undarlegt ferðalag …. = talleikur (language game) = ferðalag milli talleikja Námsk skólastj

  27. Heimsókn mín til Önnu sem er að læra að kenna Anna Mars 2000 – framhaldsskóli - Ísland Námsk skólastj

  28. Samtöl við leiðsögumenn mína Endurlýsing: Anna sem einstaklingur í ákveðnu umhverfi Anna sem einstaklingur James Wertsch Námsk skólastj

  29. Ný sýn: LífssagaViðhorfVenjurOrðabókMenntun TaflanMyndvarpinn Fagið /náms-bókin Nemendur Arkitektúr /skipulag Framhaldsskóli / raungreinar Ísland Námsk skólastj

  30. Heimsókn til Önnu: Efnafræði Anna Íslensk tunga Mars 2000 Námsk skólastj

  31. Að læra að kenna Kennaranemi í eigin orðabók Aðrar orðabækur (talleikir) Skóli HÍ Móðurmálið Námsk skólastj

  32. TUNGUMÁL Námsk skólastj

  33. Skóli Námsk skólastj

  34. NÁM T1 T2 Upptaka þekkingar Persónul.hugsmíð Þátttaka Félagsleghugsmíð T4 T3 Námsk skólastj

  35. NÁM Tími Námsk skólastj

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