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COMPAS COMParison & Awareness of Situations

COMPAS COMParison & Awareness of Situations. Dr Jean-Pierre FAYE VizCOP WS, Toronto 14-17 September 2004. A Multi-Level COP Concept. French COP Concept Integrate various picture from Tactical level up to strategical level

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COMPAS COMParison & Awareness of Situations

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  1. COMPAS COMParison & Awareness of Situations Dr Jean-Pierre FAYE VizCOP WS, Toronto 14-17 September 2004

  2. A Multi-Level COP Concept • French COP Concept • Integrate various picture from Tactical level up to strategical level • Command tool supporting Knowledge base, planning decision & C2 process • All relevant information: past, current and future • US COP Joint Vision 2020 • Knowleged based process (Fires, ISR, Logistics & Manœuvre) for decision making • Not only CINC, CJTF, Component commander, but also real-time view of the battle space A common vision of multi-level COP concept

  3. Concept demonstration at JWID • The Joint Warfare Interoperability Demonstration (JWID) is a annual event that enables Command staff users to investigate C4I solution enhancing coalition interoperability. • JWID’01 French COP Objective • Integrate various picture from Tactical level up to strategical level • JWID’04 COMPAS demonstrator Objective • Command tool supporting Knowledge base, planning decision & C2 process • All relevant information: past, current and future

  4. FR Distributed COP (JWID ’01) SICA Prospective Picture Situation Awareness (mock-up) Reference Picture Established by the CJTF (SITOPS) Initial Picture Real Time & Data Link (FLEURUS) Web Portal CJTF SCCOA SICF ACOM LCC JFACC MCC

  5. JWID’04 COMPAS demonstration PLANNING OP Plan ORBAT TOPFAS Op Plan Current Situation (simulations) Raw COP Reference COP Current Situation (simulations) Filtering CJTF (Prospective) Decisional COP Current Situation (simulations) COMPAS

  6. Demonstrated COMPAS Capabilities • OPLAN data base import from TOPFAS • Ordre of Battle (ORBAT) • Task to Troop allocation • Overlays (Areas of Responsibility, Course Of Action) • Initial unit positions • Land & Maritime situation import • OWNSITREP, ENSITREP • NAVSITSUM, MARITSUM • Test trials: NATO (LCC/J3, MCC), GE, IT, NO, RO, TU, US • Situation Awareness dissemination • Planned Course Of Action & Current Manoeuvre Comparison • Historical Mouvement • CROP dissemination through Web portal

  7. French Course of Action Using TOPFAS

  8. TOPFAS database replication Using COMPAS

  9. AdatP-3 Messages Exchanges

  10. Reference Picture Using TDS

  11. CoA/CROP Comparison Using COMPAS

  12. Historical Mouvements Using COMPAS

  13. Lesson Learned • OPLAN data base import from TOPFAS • Need for CoA updates (Blue and Red Forces position and CoA updates) • A gap exist between an OPLAN and a scenario for simulation • Need for Task indicators • Lack of criteria of success • Poor information to correlate with the CROP • Land & Maritime situation import • Lack of unit identification in AdatP-3 message sent • Difficulty to establish a comprehensive situation awareness • CoA reliability • Situation Awareness dissemination • Easy Screen shot exchange • Limited Data exchange for end-user exploitation • Operational interest for COMPAS • Red CoA comprehension • Support for CJTF CAX exercise (Current use)

  14. Recommendations • Need for a set of indicators to control planning execution • Based on AdatP-3 data set or C2IEDM Data Model • Design specifically for each task • Define task status symbology • Exemple for targeting: type and status of target, existing document, … • CoA simulation requires appropriate scenario editor • Scenario interpretation of operational tasks • ISTAR operations required a real-time COP • Air & Ground Tracks, • Mission reassignment capabilities

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