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Introduction To VPI’s

Introduction To VPI’s. 17 th October 2001. Capabilities Of PLI. C-language models. Access to programming language libraries. Delay calculation Custom output displays. Co-simulation simulation analysis. History of PLIs. 1985: verilog-XL and PLI developed by Gateway design automation.

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Introduction To VPI’s

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  1. Introduction To VPI’s 17th October 2001

  2. Capabilities Of PLI • C-language models. • Access to programming language libraries. • Delay calculation • Custom output displays. • Co-simulation • simulation analysis.

  3. History of PLIs • 1985: verilog-XL and PLI developed by Gateway design automation. • 1990: verilog-XL and PLI were released to public domain. • 1993: OVI requested standardization.IEEE named it as IEEE 1364 and accepted in 1995 as the standard. • IEEE 1364-1999 proposal is yet to be approved.

  4. History of PLIs • TF routines : developed during 1985-1988. • ACC routines: developed during 1988-1989. • OVI PLI1.0: Standardized in 1990. • OVI PLI2.0:Standardized in 1993.

  5. Steps in a PLI registering: • Create a C function. • Allocate a s_vpi_systf_data. • Provide all info in the data structure. • Register using vpi_register_systf(). • Add the created C functions to vlog_startup_routines array. • Compile .

  6. Structure of s_vpi_systf_data typedef struct t_vpi_systf_data { int type; /* vpiSysTask or vpiSysFunc */ int sysfunctype;/* fn returns real/int/time/sized */ char *tfname; int (*calltf)(); int (*compiletf)(); int (*sizetf)(); char *user_data; } s_vpi_systf_data, *p_vpi_systf_data;

  7. $hello() VPI. int hello_calltf(); /*************************************************************** * Registration Data ***************************************************************/ void guru_hello_register() { s_vpi_systf_data tf_data; tf_data.type = vpiSysTask; tf_data.tfname = "$hello"; tf_data.calltf = hello_calltf; tf_data.compiletf = NULL; tf_data.sizetf = NULL; vpi_register_systf(&tf_data); return; }

  8. $hello()- continued… /********************************************************************** * calltf routine *********************************************************************/ int hello_calltf(char *user_data) { vpi_printf("Hello\n"); return(0); } /*********************************************************************/

  9. Object relations in Verilog • One to one : Ex: port to module.(child to parent) • One to many: Ex:Module to ports.(parent to children) • Many to one: Ex: input port driven by more than one source.

  10. Obtaining handle to objects: • vpi_handle: vpiHandle vpi_handle (int type,vpiHandle ref); • vpi_iterate : vpiHandle vpi_iterate(int type, vpiHandle ref); • vpi_scan : vpiHandle vpi_scan (vpiHandle itr);

  11. Accessing Object properties: • vpi_get: int vpi_get (int property, vpiHandle obj); • vpi_get_string: char *vpi_get_str (int prop,vpiHandle obj); Object type properties : vpiModule,vpiNet,vpiPort,vpiReg etc.. Object name properties: vpiName,vpiFullname,vpiDefname.

  12. Printing in VPI applications: • vpi_printf: int vpi_printf (char * format, ...); • Difference between vpi_printf() and printf().

  13. Data model diagrams-Module.

  14. Data model diagrams-Ports.

  15. Port mismatch finding example A vpi based utility to report all those unconnected ports/size mismatched ports of an instance ,which are not reported by simulator.

  16. Port mismatch finding example: • Required portion of object diagrams: Vpi_iterarte(vpiModule,NULL) Vpi_iterarte / vpi_scan Module ports Vpi_iterarte / vpi_scan Module Recursion

  17. Self assessment Write a vpi based utility to report if an instantiation is done by connection by name or not.

  18. Self assessment Write a vpi based utility to report if any nested if-else-if structure has more than 7 levels.

  19. Obtaining the values of objects: • Logic value of any object can be read in a: 1. C integer. 2. C double. 3. C string. 4. C constant. 5. C aval/bval structure. 6. C structure for strength.

  20. Routines for reading the value. • vpi_get_value: void vpi_get_value (vpiHandle obj,p_vpi_value value_p) • vpi_get_time: void vpi_get_time (vpiHandle obj, p_vpi_time time_p)

  21. Structure for s_vpi_value : typedef struct t_vpi_value { int format; /* vpi[[Bin,Oct,Dec,Hex]Str,Scalar,Int,Real,String, Vector,Strength,Suppress,Time,ObjType]Val */ union { char *str; int scalar; /* vpi[0,1,X,Z] */ int integer;/* x/z are maped to 0*/ double real; struct t_vpi_time *time; struct t_vpi_vecval *vector; struct t_vpi_strengthval *strength; char *misc; } value; } s_vpi_value, *p_vpi_value;

  22. Structure for s_vpi_time typedef struct t_vpi_time { int type; /* [vpiScaledRealTime, vpiSimTime] */ unsigned int high, low; /* for vpiSimTime */ double real; /* for vpiScaledRealTime */ } s_vpi_time, *p_vpi_time;

  23. Writing the value to objects: • Reverse process of reading. • Routine is vpi_put_value: vpiHandle vpi_put_value( vpiHandle obj, p_vpi_value value_p, p_vpi_time time_p, int flags );

  24. X finding example A vpi based utility to report all those regs/nets whose value is x/z in the complete design.

  25. X finding example: • Required portion of object diagrams: Vpi_iterarte / vpi_scan regs Vpi_iterarte(vpiModule,NULL) Module nets Vpi_iterarte / vpi_scan Module Recursion

  26. Self assessment A vpi based utility for listing all the registers having non-zero reset value.

  27. Call back mechanism: • System task/function call back routines: All calltf,compiletf and sizetf routines. • Simulation time callback routines: These are executed whenever a specific type of event occur.

  28. Registering a simulation callback • Events that can be used for callback: Simulation action- start/end of simulation. Simulation features- start/end of debug mode. Simulation time activity- end of current time step. Simulation events - logic value changes. • vpi_register_cb: vpiHandle vpi_register_cb(p_cb_data cb_data_p);

  29. Structure for s_cb_data typedef struct t_cb_data { int reason; /* callback reason */ int (*cb_rtn)(); /* call routine */ vpiHandle obj; /* trigger object */ p_vpi_time time; /* callback time */ p_vpi_value value; /* trigger object value */ int index; /* index of the memory word or var select that changed */ char *user_data; } s_cb_data, *p_cb_data;

  30. Organization of events in a verilog simulator: • Slot1: These are executed in a way they are encountered in the code. • Active events: • Blocking assignments. • RHS evaluation of non-blocking. • $display/$write. • continuous assignment. • Changing i/p’s and outputs of primitives. • PLI calltf routines. • Inactive events: #0 assignments.

  31. Organization of events in a verilog simulator: • Slot2:Non-blocking assignments: Update the LHS of non-blocking assignments. • Slot3: Simulation Callbacks with cbReadWritesynch reason. • Slot4: Monitor Events: a. $monitor. b. $strobe. • Call registered with cbReadOnlysynch reason.

  32. Muxed d-flop example : An environment to validate a design containing a muxed flop .

  33. Test bench design din qout 1’b0 enable compare reset clk D-flop pli Pictorial representation of the problem.

  34. Miscellaneous VPI functions: • file operation in VPI’s : vpi_mcd_close() vpi_mcd_name() vpi_mcd_open() vpi_mcd_printf() • Information fetching functions : vpi_get_cb_info() vpi_get_systf_info() vpi_get_vlog_info()

  35. Guidelines to maximize the performance : • Follow good c programming practices. • Every call to pli routine is expensive, use them efficiently. • Avoid routines which convert logic values to c strings. • Use verilog language to model things like parallelism , forming a shell around pli application.

  36. Advanced topics: • Delay related operations. • Creating/maintaining the instance specific work area. • Conversion routines . • Tracing a many-to-one relation (vpi_handle_multi() ).

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