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Online Advertising with Adwords and Facebook

Online Advertising with Adwords and Facebook. Dan Belhassen greatBIGnews.com Modern Earth Inc. About your presenter. Dan Belhassen Founder and President of Modern Earth Inc., an Internet technology company

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Online Advertising with Adwords and Facebook

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  1. Online Advertising with Adwords and Facebook

    Dan Belhassen greatBIGnews.com Modern Earth Inc.
  2. About your presenter Dan Belhassen Founder and President of Modern Earth Inc., an Internet technology company Website creators, online software developers, search engine consultants, elearning specialists, new media marketing specialists Find me in my booth if you want to follow up Presentation available at http://modernearth.net/lern2010
  3. Traditional Online Advertising Banners
  4. Traditional Online Advertising Sponsored Listings SPONSOR RESULTS Herzing College Winnipeg www.Herzing.edu/winnipeg - Diplomas Available in Business, Technology, Healthcare & Design. Nursing ContinuingEducation www.education-online-search.com - Learn about nursing schools, and their degrees and programs. Contact ... Adult ContinuingEducation Phoenix.edu - Learn about our Education Programs at University of Phoenix Here.
  5. Traditional Online Advertising Downsides No self service Typically cost per thousand impressions (CPM) Not results based High cost Visitors started “ignoring” banner ads
  6. How AdWords is Different Self service Market priced (bidding) Integrated analysis
  7. Better Advertising Google Adwords Facebook
  8. History of Google Advertising Prior to 2000, only had sponsored links
  9. History of Google Advertising Engineers created an early version of adwords Weren’t sure if people would use it First online order within minutes “live mail order lobsters” The rest is history Only 1.48 billion dollars per year in profit
  10. The AdWords Model Small, text only ads
  11. The AdWords Model Pay per performance Pay per click (PPC) Fully “self service” Setup and manage the account yourself 24x7 Results oriented Intensive reporting
  12. Your 1st Adwords Campaign Step 1: Create a Google Account Allows you to access AdWords Can also be used for other services such as Analytics Google.com/adwords
  13. Your 1st Adwords Campaign Step 2: Select Languages Determine which languages to target A visitors “home” language
  14. Your 1st Adwords Campaign Step 3: Select Geography What cities and states should your ad be displayed in? You can select multiple city/state combinations You can also target other countries
  15. Your 1st Adwords Campaign Step 4: Ad Text Three lines Title First line Second line
  16. Your 1st Adwords Campaign Step 5: Ad Verification Ad is reviewed against filters Looking for specific terms (swearing) Looking for specific industries (pharmaceutical) Probably not a problem for this group 
  17. Your 1st Adwords Campaign Step 6: Select Keywords Potential keywords from your site presented Select as many keywords as possible “Cast a wide net” Add in other keywords you can think of Synonyms Common misspellings
  18. Your 1st Adwords Campaign Step 7: Set Daily Budget Maximum spend per day Does not guarantee full spend Depends on other factors
  19. Your 1st Adwords Campaign Step 8: Traffic Estimator (and bids) Your goal is to spend as little as possible for best results! How much are you willing to bid per click? How much are you willing to pay by month? How much traffic do you want to receive?
  20. Advanced Adwords
  21. Advanced Adwords We’ve seen a simple example One ad One target geography One target audience But, a “good” marketing campaign will be more complex
  22. Advanced Adwords Typically will have multiple demographics Interest areas Geography Motivation
  23. Advanced Adwords Interest Areas What courses are they interested in? eg: photography, nursing credits, sales training, etc. Is it business or leisure related? Maybe they don’t know! eg: adventure based leisure activity eg: improving company sales
  24. Advanced Adwords Solution - Multiple campaigns
  25. Advanced Adwords Multiple campaigns Each campaign can have A daily budget A set of geographical targets A series of ad groups Each ad group can have Multiple text ads A list of keywords
  26. Advanced Adwords Determine geography Select by country, state and city Drill down to specific postal codes Note – large programs or online programs Set up multiple campaigns to target different courses in different geographies
  27. Advanced Adwords Example campaign set up
  28. Advanced Adwords Separate into interest groups
  29. Advanced Adwords Identify courses (business)
  30. Advanced Adwords For each course, identify keywords Identify as many keywords as possible (misspellings!)
  31. Advanced Adwords For each ad group (course), create three ads Try to use keywords in ad Ads should appeal to different viewpoints/demographics Marketing for Dummies 5 week course Great results! Small Business Marketing Techniques exposed! 5 weeks to more profit! Beat the recession! 5 week course reveals secrets for your business
  32. Advanced Adwords That’s a whole lot of ads! Right! You would end up with lots of ads BUT – each week you would find the worst performing ad and replace it with a newly worded ad Keep evolving the ads to increase your conversion rate
  33. Even more advanced… Google content network Allows your ads to be promoted on thousands of websites You can target which websites your ads show up on
  34. Even more advanced… Google content network Different types of ads Image ads Local business ads Mobile ads Click to play video ads
  35. Facebook Advertising
  36. Facebook History Originally created by a Harvard student Launched in 2004 Worldwide phenomenon
  37. Facebook Statistics 200 million active users 100 million log in once a day Two thirds are outside of college
  38. The “Myth” Facebook is only used by “kids”
  39. The “Reality” Fastest growing demographic 35+ years old Facebook users by age range (US) 13 – 17 6.1 million 18 – 25 19.9 million 26 – 44 24.4 million 45 – 64 7.3 million
  40. The “Reality” Facebook users by gender (US) Female 32.8 million Male 24.2 million Facebook users by country US 59.6 million Canada 11.3 million New Zealand 757,540
  41. So.. What are facebook ads? Sample facebook page.. mine
  42. Setting up a simple ad http://facebook.com/advertising
  43. Designing an effective ad Key difference between Facebook and Search Advertising Facebook users AREN’T SEARCHING! Don’t expect high click through rates You need to capture their attention
  44. Example ads From an online case study Which ad got more clicks?
  45. Example ads From an online case study 16 clicks 183 clicks Ad quality is critical!
  46. Tracking results The power of online advertising is the ability to accurately track results Don’t bother advertising if you’re not going to spend time measuring Use Google Analytics to track results http://google.com/analytics
  47. In summary Facebook advertising can be Highly targeted Inexpensive Easy to setup and use Don’t forget to “evolve” your ads Measure your results
  48. Far more advanced…
  49. Google Television Ads Create a TV ad Costs about $2,000 to outsource creation http://google.com/adwords/tvads Sample ad Choose where and when to run it! Choose the maximum you’re willing to pay! (CPM)
  50. Google Television Ads
  51. Google Television Ads
  52. Google Television Ads
  53. Google Television Ads
  54. What’s Next? We covered a lot of ground! Start with a simple campaigns Target your high profit courses & programs There are some excellent books or online resources available Can also hire a consultant
  55. Thank you!

    greatBIGnews.com modernearth.net Presentation available at http://modernearth.net/lern2010
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