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PreAP Magnets

PreAP Magnets. Magnetic Fields. Magnets are determined by the spin of an electron Electrons either spin North or South. Magnets. Used for centuries as navigation device Earth’s Magnetic field causes metals to point North. Magnets. Like poles repel and different poles attract. Magnets.

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PreAP Magnets

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PreAP Magnets

  2. Magnetic Fields • Magnets are determined by the spin of an electron • Electrons either spin North or South

  3. Magnets • Used for centuries as navigation device • Earth’s Magnetic field causes metals to point North

  4. Magnets Like poles repel and different poles attract

  5. Magnets North Pole attracted to South pole so the North Geographic Pole is really the South pole

  6. Poles Periodically Reverse • Poles reverse and what was North becomes South • Happens once about every 300,000 years • We are overdue for a pole reversal

  7. Magnetic Force Results when a charge is placed in a magnetic field. • The charge must be moving • The charge must have a component perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field

  8. Right Hand Rules RHH#1 – Applies for positive moving charges in a magnetic field If the charge is negative use your left hand

  9. Magnetic Fields • Analogous to Electric Fields • Measured in Teslas • Drawn from North to south Pole • Calculated using: B = F / q0(vsinθ)

  10. Examples • Determine the magnetic field produced by 1 C of charge moving at 200 m/s at a 45 degree angle and a force of 12 N • A 10 T field moves a 1.5 C charge at 50 m/s and a 30 degree angle, what force is produced?

  11. Motion of Particle in Field Can be predicted by calculating F and using motion equations

  12. Example

  13. Mass Spectrometer Used to determine the abundance of various isotopes

  14. Mass Spectrometers The sample is ionized and then passed through a magnetic field. Neon is shown

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