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A Roadmap to Business Resiliency

Building a More Disaster Resilient Washington Business Community. Start Here. You have arrived!. A Roadmap to Business Resiliency. Washington State Emergency Management Division www.emd.wa.gov. Road to Resilience. Business Resiliency Objective.

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A Roadmap to Business Resiliency

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  1. Building a More Disaster Resilient Washington Business Community Start Here You have arrived! A Roadmap to Business Resiliency Washington State Emergency Management Division www.emd.wa.gov

  2. Road to Resilience Business Resiliency Objective Empower organizations with capabilities to rapidly adapt and transform themselves in response to a spectrum of unexpected events from natural disasters to market driven events.

  3. Road to Resilience – Stop #1 Stop 1: Invest In Preparedness Minimizing worry about an employee’s safety and that of their loved ones make for more productive workers. • Proactively prepare your employees before a disaster occurs. • Provide clear communications for employees and their families during a crisis event. • Support your employees and their families as they work to recover post-disaster.

  4. Road to Resilience – Stop #1 Preparedness Resources Personal/Family Preparedness

  5. Road to Resilience – Stop #1 Preparedness Resources Home Preparedness Secure your home to reduce potential hazards during a disaster. • Secure wall hangings. • Secure tall furniture and objects. • Secure the water heater. • Secure contents of cabinets. • Secure contents in garage and storage. • Complete structural mitigation.

  6. Road to Resilience – Stop #1 Preparedness Resources Neighborhood Preparedness Preparing ourselves, and our neighborhoods, for disaster is an act of good citizenship. Every community has serious limits on the amount of emergency resources available to help people in real need. • Learn the 9 Steps to Take Immediately Following a Disaster. • Complete the Neighborhood Skills and Inventory List. • Create a Neighborhood Map and Contact List. • Identify those with specific needs.

  7. Road to Resilience – Stop #1 Preparedness Resources Business Preparedness Economists calculate that every dollar spent on preparing for a disaster saves seven dollars in response. • Steps to Comprehensive Preparedness and Planning. • Information and resources on hazards and threats in Washington. • Training and exercise resources. • Planning templates and best practice examples.

  8. EMD Business Preparedness Steps to Comprehensive Business Preparedness and Planning http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/business/prep_business_12StepstoBCPlanning.shtml Safety Meeting Preparedness Topics http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/business/prep_BusinessSafety.shtml Personal and Home Preparedness Prepare in a Year http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/prep_prepare_year.shtml Getting Ready – Home Preparedness http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/prep_home.shtml Pet Preparedness http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/prep_pets.shtml Neighborhood Preparedness Map Your Neighborhood http://www.emd.wa.gov/myn/index.shtml Road to Resilience – Stop #1 Key Preparedness Resources

  9. Road to Resilience – Stop #2 Stop 2: Identify Your Risk • Know what hazards exist in your community and urge your risk management group to purchase appropriate hazard and business interruption insurance. Without insurance the primary form of business disaster relief is a low interest SBA loan.

  10. Road to Resilience – Stop #2 Identify Your Risks • 90% of all natural disasters in the US involve flooding. • Since 1956, Washington State has • received 31 Presidential Declarations • for flooding events.

  11. Road to Resilience – Stop #2 Identify Your Risk • Source: WA State Hazard Profile, Floods. http://www.emd.wa.gov/plans/documents/FloodNov2007Tab5.5.pdf

  12. Road to Resilience – Stop #2 Road to Resilience – Stop #2 Identify Your Risk

  13. Road to Resilience – Stop #3 Stop 3: Mitigate Your Risk • Mitigating risk where possible may be more cost effective as opposed to paying to transfer risk through insurance. • Mitigation reduces the impacts of a disaster. • Complete the Non-structural Hazard Mitigation Self Assessment - http://www.emd.wa.gov/publications/documents/PE_PrepareYourOffice.doc

  14. Learn: - How to secure potential hazards. - How to safely turn off utilities. - Personal safety around downed power lines.  - Safe set up and use of a generator. Visit our website: http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/prep_personal_prep_video_index.shtml or: http://www.youtube.com/user/EMDPrepare Road to Resilience – Stop #3 Stop 3: Mitigate Risk • Home & Business Mitigation Projects -

  15. Home & business owners need both structure and contents coverage. Recommend business interruption insurance. As of 7/26/09 new state legislation requires insurer notification on flood insurance. Road to Resilience – Stop #3 Understand Your Insurance Options

  16. Washington State Hazard Mitigation Plan: http://www.emd.wa.gov/plans/washington_state_hazard_mitigation_plan.shtml Non-structural Hazard Mitigation Assessment List: http://www.emd.wa.gov/publications/documents/PE_PrepareYourOffice.doc Videos: http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/prep_personal_prep_video_index.shtml Office of Insurance Commissioner Education Materials: http://www.insurance.wa.gov/publications/index.shtml Road to Resilience – Stop #3 Mitigation Resources

  17. Road to Resilience – Stop #4 Stop 4: Plan & Train For What You Cannot Mitigate…. • Beat the Statistics – Research conducted by the Ad Council found that more than 85% of small businesses understand that emergency preparedness is important, yet only four in ten businesses have a plan to protect their businesses.

  18. Road to Resilience – Stop #4 Develop A Business Continuity Plan • Take the “Is Your Business Ready” questionnaire. • Identify critical business processes or functions • Develop back up strategies for critical processes • Take steps to protect vital records. • Complete the Key Vendors and Suppliers Form. Ensure they have continuity plan. • Identify alternate work site locations • Exercise and update plans regularly

  19. EMD Business Planning Resources IBHS Open for Business Toolkit & FEMA’s Ready.Gov planning templates http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/business/prep_business_plan.shtml Incident Command System (ICS) Online Training Washington Homeland Security Institute Online Certification http://www.hsi.wa.gov/nims.html?count=1 EMD Business Training and Exercise Resources Links to the majority of Washington local jurisdiction training programs http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/business/prep_business_trainingandexercise.shtml NOAA Weather Radio information: http://www.emd.wa.gov/publications/pubed/noaa_weather_radio.shtml Road to Resilience – Stop #4 Planning/Training Resources

  20. Road to Resilience – Stop #5 Stop 5: Establish Communication Redundancy • http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/business/prep_business_respond.shtml

  21. State Business Liaisons are available in large scale events. Dedicated resource to answer questions and distribute key information to businesses. Contact information to reach liaisons is available at http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/business/prep_business_respond.shtml Road to Resilience – Stop #5 Connect With Your Local or State Business Liaison

  22. EMD Business Portal Response Information State Business Liaison contact information http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/business/prep_business_respond.shtml Local Emergency Operation Center contact information http://www.emd.wa.gov/myn/myn_contact_info.shtml Public Information Emergency Response (PIER) Business Information site Web based push messaging system for media releases http://www.wadisasternews.com/go/mailinglist/1105/ WA State Department of Transportation I-5 Corridor Freight System website One stop location for trucker restrictions, rest stops and permit information http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/partners/TIO/ NOAA Weather Radio information http://www.emd.wa.gov/publications/pubed/noaa_weather_radio.shtml Road to Resilience – Stop #5 Communication Resources

  23. Road to Resilience – Stop #6 Stop 6: Advanced Activities • Develop partnerships within your local business community. Know partner resources and develop an understanding in advance to share those resources. • Partner with local emergency management offices on initiatives that improve business response and recovery coordination.

  24. EMD Business Portal Private Industry Best Practices Page http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/business/prep_business_moreresources.shtml#Standards Community Organizations Active in Disaster http://www.emd.wa.gov/disaster/disaster_community_organizations.shtml Private Sector NIMS Compliance Activities http://www.emd.wa.gov/about/documents/PrivateSectorNIMSActivities.pdf San Francisco Building Occupancy Resumption Program http://www.sfgov.org/site/dbi_page.asp?id=20303 Road to Resilience – Stop #6 Advanced Planning Resources

  25. Road to Resilience Stop #1 – Invest in Preparedness Stop #2 – Identify Your Risk Stop #3 – Mitigate Your Risk Stop #4 – Plan For What You Can’t Mitigate Stop #5 – Respond When Disaster Strikes Stop #6 – Advanced Planning

  26. For more information please contact: Wendy Freitag w.freitag@emd.wa.gov or business@emd.wa.gov 253-512-7308 http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/prep_business.shtml Washington State Emergency Management Division www.emd.wa.gov

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