Her Prayer In the School of the Eucharistic Master
“We have the Tabernacle so we can visit Jesus whenever we desire! It might be that we are suffering deeply and have no one in whom to confide. Then let us turn to Jesus! If we cling firmly to the Lord, he will never fail to help us. He will never fail to give us his grace….”
“Wherever you go, you will find a Tabernacle and thus you will have everything. When you want to speak with me and I with you, let us meet before the holy Tabernacle.”
“For a Daughter of St. Paul, the Tabernacle is everything. When you feel especially homesick, go to this font, where we will find ouselves united to Jesus. When we have Jesus, we have everything.”
“Lord, see how incapable I am…. I am truly nothing! I want to be a docile instrument in your hands! Tell me how to act…. Do what needs to be done and I will follow you! Inspire me and I will follow those inspirations.” Contemplating the Passion
“I’ve seen Prima Maestra frequently kiss the small cross on her rosary, even in the midst of our conversations. She was entrusting her heart to Jesus.” (Fr. Alberione)
“Let each one reflect on this: Am I making the effort to free my heart for the work of grace by removing my ego, which is the principal obstacle to the attainment of true good for myself and others? Am I also convinced of the fact that we, who are weak creatures, can do nothing without the grace of God?” Prayer and Spiritual Work
“To make progress in our spiritual work… To make progress in living the religious life always better. To make progress in the exercise of the apostolate: to organize and carry it out with ever-greater intelligence, supernatural spirit and generosity.”
“To take a step forward in religious perfection and in the true Pauline life”; “to make spiritual progress and carry out the apostolate with always greater intelligence”; “to make progress in virtue and in union with God.”
To make progress to the point of total self-surrender to God, to the point of remaining “in continual adoration” before him, to the point of living the Magnificat.
“I entrust everything to you, Mary: my entire being, with all my senses; my soul with all its faculties….” “Mary, everything comes from you; everything is for you. Accompany me everywhere. Tell me what to do, what to say. Put in my mind, in my heart and on my lips whatever you know is best for me and for my sisters, who are your daughters!”
“No sooner had the Blessed Virginreceived Jesus into her most pure womb than she left in haste to bring him to her cousin. Let us imitate Mary, who spoke little, meditated on what she heard, moved from place to place quickly, and was always serene, modest and humble. If the FSPs behave in a similar way they will bring a fragrance of virtue wherever they go. They will earn merits for themselves and do much good to souls.”
Do I attend Massto obtain humility?Do I receive communionbecause I am proudand want to become humble?Do I make the Visit so as to receive the help and graces I need to acquire humility? Prayer is closely linked to the acquisition of virtue
“Let us see to it that our heart is filled with God so as to bring him to souls.”
“How beautiful and holy it is to give Jesus to souls–that Jesus whom we want to always keep in the center of our heart.”