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Ecological Impacts of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Illinois Rivers and Streams

Ecological Impacts of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Illinois Rivers and Streams. John Kelly Loyola University Chicago Department of Biology Emma Rosi -Marshall Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies Teresa Chow / Monte Wilcoxon Illinois Sustainable Technology Center.

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Ecological Impacts of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Illinois Rivers and Streams

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  1. Ecological Impacts of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Illinois Rivers and Streams John Kelly Loyola University Chicago Department of Biology Emma Rosi-Marshall Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies Teresa Chow / Monte Wilcoxon Illinois Sustainable Technology Center

  2. Prescription and non-prescription drugs: Antibiotics Analgesics Antihistamines Antacids Hormones Caffeine Household Products Antibacterials / Antimicrobials Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products (PPCPs)

  3. Domestic wastewater PPCPs have been detected in domestic wastewater Wastewater treatment plants Remove most PPCPs well Removal of PPCPs is generally not 100% Low level PPCP release to surface waters via effluent Some PPCPs partition to biosolids Land application of biosolids can release PPCPs due to leaching Release of PPCPs to Environment

  4. Kolpinet al. 2002 (USGS) Suite of 95 contaminants Surveyed 139 streams in 30 states Biased toward streams susceptible to contamination Analyzed water only Found 82 of the 95 contaminants Contaminants in 80% of streams Concentrations were generally low 95% of the concentrations measured were below 1 mg/L PPCPs have been detected in U.S. rivers and streams

  5. PPCPs are biologically active PPCPs are likely to have ecological effects: Classes of organisms Acute vs. Chronic effects Community composition Ecosystem processes Ecological effects of most PPCPs are unknown

  6. 5-chloro-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) phenol Potent antibacterial compound Discovered in 1960s Mode of action Blocks synthesis of lipids in bacteria Inhibits enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase Used primarily in hospitals as an antiseptic and disinfectant Triclosan

  7. Between 1992 and 1999 700 products containing triclosan entered the consumer market in the US Currently found in: Soap Detergents Cleaning Products Toothpaste / Mouthwash Paint Has been embedded in Plastics Textiles Triclosan

  8. Kolpinet al. 2002 (USGS) The most frequently detected compounds were: Diethyltoluamide (insect repellant) Caffeine Triclosan (58% of streams) Trichloroethylphosphate (fire retardant) Concentrations in water were generally low Triclosan high 2.3 ug/L Triclosan median 0.14 ug/L Triclosan has been detected in U.S. rivers and streams

  9. Why should we be concerned about triclosan in streams ?

  10. Low solubility in water, lipophilic Has been detected in lake and estuarine sediments (Singer et al. 2002, Miller et al. 2008). Has been shown to persist in the environment, especially under anaerobic conditions (Ying et al. 2007) Broad spectrum antibacterial compound Triclosan

  11. Organic matter decomposition Nutrient release Nutrient Cycling Nitrogen Biomass production Base of stream food webs Denitrification Ameliorates nitrogen pollution Bacteria are significant contributors to stream ecosystems

  12. Growth of triclosan sensitive E. coli for 200 generations in presence of low levels of triclosan produced triclosan resistant mutants (George and Levy, 1983) Molecular analysis of mutants revealed mutation in gene fabI (which encodes enoylacyl carrier protein reductase) (McMurry, Oethinger, and Levy 1998) Bacteria can develop triclosan resistance Escherichia coli

  13. Triclosan exposure has been shown to increase resistance to antibiotics in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Chuanchuen et al., 2001) Escherichia coli (Braoudaki and Hilton, 2004). Possible links between triclosan resistance and antibiotic resistance • Pseudomonas aeruginosa

  14. Are there detectable levels of triclosan in waters and sediments of Illinois rivers and streams? Are the levels of triclosan in Illinois rivers and streams impacting the resident bacterial communities? How does triclosan impact the composition and function of sediment bacterial communities? Questions to be addressed by our project

  15. Experimental Design Artificial Streams Field Survey

  16. Artificial Streams: Pilot Study • Two streams received: • Sand and pea gravel (4:1) • 200g of shredded leaves • 100g sediment from Nippersink Creek • Monitored weekly: • Bacterial community size • Heterotrophic plate counts • Triclosan resistance • Growth on triclosan amended plates • Triclosan added week 8 (16ug/L)

  17. Artificial Streams: Plate Counts Triclosan Addition

  18. Artificial Streams: Triclosan Resistance Triclosan Addition

  19. Replicated experiment 5 streams per treatment Three treatments No triclosan Low triclosan High triclosan We will monitor Bacterial community size Triclosan resistance Activity Respiration, denitrification Community composition Artificial Streams: Next Steps

  20. Sites sampled to date Non-impacted site Nippersink Creek, McHenry County IL Heavily Impacted: Urban WWTP North Shore Channel Moderately Impacted: Suburban WWTP West Branch Dupage River Assays completed Bacterial community size Triclosan resistance Field Survey • Assay in progress • Microbial activity • Respiration • Denitrification • Community composition • Triclosan concentration

  21. Field Survey: Nippersink Creek • Total cell counts 3.7 x 105cfu / g dry sediment • Triclosan resistance 0.66%

  22. Field Survey: North Shore Channel • Receives effluent from the North Side WWTP • Serves over 1.3 million people • Residing in a 141 square mile area including the City of Chicago north of Fullerton Avenue and the northern Cook County suburbs. • The Plant has a design capacity of 333 million gallons per day

  23. Field Survey: North Shore Channel Bacterial Counts Triclosan Resistance

  24. Field Survey: West Branch DuPage River • Receives effluent from the West Chicago WWTP • The Plant has a design capacity of 20 million gallons per day

  25. Field Survey: West Branch DuPage River Bacterial Counts Triclosan Resistance

  26. Sites sampled to date Non-impacted site Nippersink Creek, McHenry County IL Heavily Impacted: Urban WWTP North Shore Channel Moderately Impacted: Suburban WWTP West Branch Dupage River Assays completed Bacterial community size Triclosan resistance Field Survey • Assay in progress • Microbial activity • Respiration • Denitrification • Community composition • Triclosan concentration

  27. Field Survey: Next Steps • Additional Field Sites • Moderately Impacted: Suburban WWTP • East Branch DuPage River • Agricultural Sites • Sites receiving biosolids amendments

  28. Acknowledgements • Collaborators • Emma Rosi-Marshall • Teresa Chow • MonteWilcoxon • Students • Brad Drury • DianaDeavila • Funding • Illinois Sustainable Technology Center

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