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Managing ESSnet projects: challenges , solutions… and questions The Net-SILC experience. Eric Marlier International scientific coordinator of CEPS/INSTEAD (Lux.) Net-SILC2 coordinator. Challenging partnership (No. and composition).
Managing ESSnet projects: challenges, solutions… and questionsThe Net-SILC experience Eric Marlier International scientific coordinator of CEPS/INSTEAD (Lux.) Net-SILC2 coordinator
Challenging partnership (No. and composition) Net-SILC2 (June 2011-May 2015) brings together ESS and academic expertise at European level Strength and also challenge for both management and overall consistency of project 16 partners: - CEPS/INSTEAD (coordinator [i.a. EU-SILC NDU for LU]); - Six NSIs: AT, FI, FR, LU, NO, UK; Researchers from 8 research bodies (Antwerp, Berlin, Bristol, Essex, LSE, Oxford, Southampton, Stockholm); Bank of Italy. High quality partners, with many having already worked together. Successor of Net-SILC1 (Dec 2008-Dec 2010).
Objectives… close though not identical to those of Net-SILC1 • Primary objectives of Net-SILC2: • carry out in-depth methodological work and socio-economic analysis based on EU-SILC data and covering both CS and longitudinal dimensions; • develop common tools and approaches regarding various aspects of data production; and • manage the overall scientific organisation of the 2012 and 2014 EU-SILC conferences. • Net-SILC2: (research) project similar but not identical to Net-SILC1: • 4-year vs. 2-year project; • more thematic; • more focused on methodological and data related issues; and • (even) closer links with EU challenges/ needs.
Three thematic domains:a highly focused approach to be in a position to “make a difference” Net-SILC2 consists of 26 Work Packages (WPs) organised around 3 thematic domains: • Concepts and methods; • in-depth analysis of the Europe 2020 “At-Risk-of-Poverty-or-Social Exclusion (AROPE) indicators/ target; and • in-depth analysis of material deprivation. Objective: contribute significantly to building expertise/ knowledge in these domains and thereby be in a position to truly “make a difference” in each of them.
A clustering approach to boost synergies and Exchanges between WPs and between partners In each domain, WPs focusing on close/ interrelated topics grouped into clusters. Each of the 8 clusters expected to analyse in depth key close/ interrelated issues, focusing on different dimensions, using different/ complementary approaches. People in charge of clustered WPs expected to liaise with each other. Objectives: go deeper in the analysis through identifying and building on synergies. Boost exchanges among WPs and among partners (esp. ESS and non-ESS partners).
example of cluster “Income concept”, which consists of 4 WPs: Use of registers in the context of EU-SILC; Imputed rent; High and extremely high incomes; Social transfers in kind.
Strong coordination from the very early stage of the projectImportance of expanded abstracts (EAs) Major tool: “Expanded abstract”, for each of the 26 WPs: Prepared by partners in close cooperation with Net-SILC2 coordinator (first draft EAs already prepared/ discussed at “negotiation stage”); made available to all partners for presentation and in depth discussion at kick-off meeting (organised during the first month of the project)… and finalised after that meeting; formally part of agreement between each partner and coordinator. Objective: Clarifying and agreeing as many things as possible, as early as possible (nature of outputs, milestones…); involving partners in project design (content and overall consistency); Boost exchanges between partners (networking) and synergies.
expanded abstracts: detailed information requested for each WP Partner(s) and Person(s) in charge, Details of main contact person WP domain and WP cluster Other WPs included in cluster (“reminder”) Key words Expected outputs: publications (papers, chapters in book, handbook, working papers…), presentations (conferences, seminars… as well as TF, WG…), training courses, seminars… Data (EU-SILC, other national/EU surveys, register data…) Coverage (years and countries) Expected synergies with other WPs Presentation of WP (both content and timetable) Possible references
Most WPs closely linked with major EU issues/needs WPs largely designed to address major EU issues/needs Statistical area (Eurostat/ESS) & policy area (DGEMPL/SPC/ISG) Challenge: identify the right issues and the right (mix of) ESS and academic experts to satisfactorily address them… Examples of concrete links: Revision of material deprivation (MD) indicators • 2015 mid-term review of Europe 2020 social inclusion target (AROPE); • feeds into EU TF on MD, EU TF on EU-SILC revision, SPC-ISG…; • development of a Child MD indicator (ISG) EC Recommendation (2013). Imputed rent • Impact on EU SP&SI indicators; • in-depth paper with recommendations; • feeds into EU WG on ILC, SPC-ISG…
Most WPs closely linked with major EU issues/needs Examples of concrete links (Cont.): Standard errors (CS and longitudinal indicators) • Crucial for monitoring EU agreed social indicators; • need for concrete rules and specific developments (longitudinal poverty…); • workshop and handbook, involving NSIs and academics. Use of registers and administrative data in EU-SILC • Workshop; • involves NSIs and academics; • in-depth publication (state of the art, best practices…).
Most WPs closely linked with major EU issues/needs Examples of concrete links (Cont.): Data quality • Attrition, tracing rules, consistency between longitudinal and cross-sectional components…; • feeds into EU TF on EU-SILC revision and EU WG on ILC. Timeliness of data (now-casting using EUROMOD). Robustness of indicators • Impact of social transfers in kind on income distribution, impact of (extremely) high income, intra-household sharing of resources; • feeds into EU WG on ILC and SPC-ISG.
Most WPs closely linked with major EU issues/needs Examples of concrete links (Cont.): Workshop on longitudinal analysis to stimulate analysis of the longitudinal component of EU-SILC by NSIs and COM staff interested in acquiring/strengthening skills in panel data analysis. In-depth analysis of the three components of the Europe 2020 social inclusion target • Static and dynamic analysis; • increasing links and synergies between academic analyses and policy monitoring; • feeds into SPC-ISG.
International high-level conferences and related publications 5-7 Dec. 2012: First Net-SILC2 conference, starting with a 1-day workshop and followed with a 1.5 day conference per say. • July 2013: Working papers and thematic publications Oct. 2014: Second Net-SILC2 conference • Edited book (as in Net-SILC1) probably in May 2015, i.e. by the end of Net-SILC2
Organisation of Dec 2012 conference: Again… strongCoordination and in-depth feedback throughout the process Expanded abstracts (June 2011) Revised EAs (July 2011) Advanced draft papers (Sept 2012): essential step. Much more than an abstract. Purpose: give authors comments and suggestions, and facilitate coordination of conference presentations In-depth feedback on drafts by at least one referee asap Final draft papers (Nov 2012) 3 weeks before conference Dissemination of papers to speakers and discussants 2 weeks before the conference Conference: all papers discussed by discussant expert in the field (and audience) Finalisation of papers on the basis of discussants’ feedback, 1+ referee… and publications
Net-SILC2 strengths, allowing the project to truly impact on the areas investigated Partnership (No and composition): 16, ESS/academics High quality partners, with many having already worked together Strong and “recognised” coordination, which provides systematic detailed feedback on outputs received (lot required/ lot provided) In-depth methodological work and socio-economic analysis Development of tools and approaches re data quality & data prod. Highly focused approach to “make a difference” (3 main themes) Clustering approach to WPs to boost synergies and exchanges between WPs and between partners (26 WPs; 8 clusters) Clear agreements (EAs important management tools) Close links with EU challenges and COM needs (stats and policy) High visibility: high-level conferences and seminars, good and focused publications (books, Eurostat methodological papers…)…
Net-SILC2 challenges Net-SILC2 brings together ESS and academic expertise at European level. This represents a strength and also a challenge for both management and overall consistency of project Two main (related) challenges: Further improve synergies between partners in general and between ESS and academic partners in particular; further improve synergies within clusters.