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Skyrmions and Anomalous Hall Effect in a Dzyaloshinskii -Moriya Magnet. Jung Hoon Han ( S ung K yun K wan U , Suwon). Su Do Yi, Jin Hong Park SKKU Shigeki Onoda RIKEN Naoto Nagaosa U of Tokyo . What is MnSi ?.
Skyrmions and Anomalous Hall Effect in a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Magnet Jung HoonHan (SungKyunKwanU, Suwon) • Su Do Yi, Jin Hong Park SKKU • Shigeki Onoda RIKEN • Naoto Nagaosa U of Tokyo
What is MnSi ? • Nearly ferromagnetic metal • Spiral spins with a long modulation period l~180A below Tc~29.5K • Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactionis found responsible for spirality • 4 Mn & 4 Si atoms in a unit cell • Curie-Weiss fit moment ~ 2.2mB • Ordered moment ~ 0.4mB Nakanishi et al. SSC 35, 995 (1980)
The local moment electrons and itinerant electrons co-exist (probably inseparable), theoretically treated as separable objects • Aspects of spiral magnetism has been addressed a long way back
Per Bak’s Model of Spiral Spins • Due to lack of inversion symmetry, a term with a single gradient is allowed in GL theory; a spiral spin structure with nonzero modulationvector k is stabilized Bak & Jensen J Phys C 13, 881 (1980)
k k
PhaseDiagram of MnSi (ambient pressure) Muhlbauer et al. Science 323, 915 (2009)
Bragg spots of hexagonal symmetry found in A-phase Muhlbauer et al. Science 323, 915 (2009) • Neutron Bragg spots of hexagonal symmetry • Interpreted as the triangular lattice of anti-Skyrmions
Simple GL argument • Interaction effects in GL theory gives rise to • With uniform magnetic field, this interaction becomes • Three vectors form a closed triangle -> crystal of hexagonal symmetry k3 k2 k1
Hall effect of topological origin in A-phase MnSi • A-phase= • Hexagonal Skyrme crystal= • AHE Neubauer et al. PRL 102, 186602 (2009)
Hall effect of topological origin in MnSi Lee et al. PRL 102, 186601 (2009)
Skyrmion number and Anomalous Hall Effect (AHE) • A number of ideas relating the topologicalspin texture to AHE appeared in the past decade • In a model of coupled local and itinerant moments, the spin texture of the underlying moments acts as an effective magnetic field with the strength given by • A nonzero Skyrmion number = nonzero uniform B Jinwu Ye et al. PRL 83, 3737 (1999) Chun et al. PRL 84, 757 (2000); PRB 63, 184426 (2001) Bruno et al. PRL 93, 096806 (2004) Binz &Vishwanath, Physica B 403, 1336 (2008)
Single Skyrmion e • An electron zipping through such a spin texture • “feels” a flux quantum h/e
AHE experiments • Ong’s group finds AHE under pressure + mag. field • Pfleiderer’s group finds AHE under mag. field alone • Both groups say AHE is due to nonzero spin chirality (due to Skyrmion condensation) Bext Bind >Bext Bext= 0 Bind
A Two-step Strategy • Choose a classical spin Hamiltonian to obtain spin configuration (Monte Carlo) – on a lattice • Choose sd Hamiltonian with local moment Sr from previous classical spin Hamiltonian; diagonalizeHsd • Use Kubo formula for transverse conductivity
Hamiltonian - Classical • All three terms (J<0) appear in the superexchange calculation with spin-dependent (spin-orbit-mediated) hopping • J~ l0, K~ l1, A2~ l2 , l=spin-orbit energy
PhaseDiagram (2D, fixed J & K, T=0) • A1 plays a minor role • Small Zeeman and A2 gives spiral spin (SS) • Large compass term A2 gives Skyrme crystal (SC2) • Large Zeeman gives hexagonal Skyrme crystal (SCh)
There is a (visual) analogy to Abrikosov vortex lattice physics in type-II superconductors • I do not think there is a theory that allows us to interprete the Skyrme crystal lattice in strict analogy with Abrikosov lattice • In Abrikosov lattice inter-vortex distance is set by magnetic field • In Skyrme crystal lattice inter-vortex distance is still set by K/J, which also sets the spiral spin period
Skyrmion Textures • Spin texture analyzed by FT: Sk=SrSreik*r • Spin texture analyzed by local Skyrmion number, • or spin chiralitycr
A Two-step Strategy • Choose a classical spin Hamiltonian to obtain spin configuration (Monte Carlo) • Choose sd Hamiltonian with local moment Sr from previous classical spin Hamiltonian; diagonalizeHsd • Use Kubo formula for transverse conductivity
One can prove that any COLLINEAR spin configuration automatically gives sxy = 0, hence noncollinear spin configuration is a pre-requisite of AHE
Evolution of sxywith magnetic field SCh SP sxy averaged over ~ 100 MC spin configurations SS
sxyfor various Skyrme crystal states (T/J=0.1) • Hc > 0 Hc = 0 Hc = 0
sxyfor various Skyrme crystal states (T/J=0.5) • For SC1 & SC2, skyrmion number is locally nonzero, but globally zero. • External field renders a nonzero global average, hence nonzero sxy
Comparison to AHE seen in A-phase • Experimentally, onset of anomalous part occurs above threshold (HC > 0) Pfleiderer’s group (Beff ~ 2.5T) Ong’s group (Beff ~ 40T)
MnSi A phase (neutron diffraction & AHE) is consistent with condensation of SCh • Is there an analogue of SC2 in MnSi?
MnSi under high pressure • MnSi under large pressure has diffuse Bragg peaks along [110] and its symmetry equivalents – “Partial order” • When partial order is interpreted as multiple-spiral order, our phase diagram bears similarity to the experiment Pfleiderer et al. Nature 427, 227 (2004)
Theoretical proposals for “partial order” • Several theories of Ginzburg-Landau variety have been proposed Tewari et al. PRL 96, 047207 (2006) Binz, Vishwanath, Aji, PRL 96, 207202 (2006) Fischer, Shah, Rosch, PRB 77, 024415 (2008) • Our classical spin model is (in some sense) a microscopic answer to these phenomenological theories • GL models were in 3D, ours is in 2D • In our 3D simulation, we are unable to identify a 3D Skyrme crystal phase
Suppression of sxxin AHE regime • Numerically we find suppression of sxxwhen sxyis significant • Black- sxy • Gray - sxx • Kinks in magnetoresistancerxxis expected
Summary (scientific) We address the problem of electron conduction in a spiral metallic magnet We adopt a two-stage approach: Use (classical) spin Hamiltonian (J+K+A+H) to capture magnetic configurations Use sd Hamiltonian to calculate conductivities for given spin configuration The approach is ad-hoc, but appears to capture a lot of physics ofMnSi