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New Things to Note and Old Things to Remember in LAS Secondary. NEW!: LAS Profile of Graduates: Graduates of LAS are… Curious Lifelong Learners Critical Thinkers Effective Communicators Innovative Collaborative Connected Balanced Technologically Literate Global Citizens
New Things to Note and Old Things to Rememberin LAS Secondary
NEW!: LAS Profile of Graduates: Graduates of LAS are… • Curious Lifelong Learners • Critical Thinkers • Effective Communicators • Innovative • Collaborative • Connected • Balanced • Technologically Literate • Global Citizens • Positive We want to see all qualities in every LAS student.
REMEMBER! Your parents/guardians must notify the Secondary Office in the morning any time you are absent or late to school. NEW! All students must be off campus by 3:45 pm Monday to Thursday and 1:00 pm on Friday unless you are registered in an extracurricular activity. Faculty will clear the campus each afternoon.
Student Academic Expectations Academics are the first priority at LAS! The following expectations are held for all students: • Punctuality • Regular Attendance • Punctual Completion and Submission of all Assigned Studies – Staying in Good Academic Standing for Extra-curriculars • Academic Honesty
Punctuality = Be in every class on time • REMEMBER! Students who arrive to class after the bell mustpick up a tardy slip from the Main Office before going to class. • NEW!: A student will be forgiven a total of three (3) unexcused tardies per class per quarter. • NEW!: The fourth tardy in a class will result in a grade reduction of 3 points from the quarter grade in that class. • NEW!: Each additional tardy in the same class will result in a grade reduction of 1 additional point from the quarter grade in that class.
Regular Attendance to all classes This will ensure your success as a learner and prepare you for university. • Please note that the current policy for attendance is under review with a new policy forthcoming in the 2012-2013 school year. • In the interim period, the current policy will stand.
REMEMBER! CURRENT ATTENDANCE POLICY • A student may miss up to five (5) school days in a quarter, provided that the absence of the student is supported by a parent or guardian’s note giving adequate reasons for the student’s absence. • The quarter grade in each of the student’s courseswill be reduced by 1% (i.e. 1 point) for every absence after the fifth absence in a quarter.
Any student who is late to any one class by more than fifteen (15) minutes will be marked absent for that class only. • All school work missed by a student on account of any absence must be completed within one week of the absence, or such time as the relevant teacher(s) may direct. • The superintendent may excuse any absence for good cause shown if provided with a request for an absence to be excused within ten days of the student’s absence.
REMEMBER! • If students are in school for any period of timeon test days or major assignments days, students are responsible for taking the test/submitting the work due on that day. • Failing to meet with the teacher for this will result in a zero. • All assignments should be turned in on the due date even if the student was temporarily ill during the day.
Bunking • If the absence is determined to be unexcused, e.g., “bunking,” the student will receive no credit. • REMEMBER – Newly enforced! Students who miss classes due to unexcused late arrival to school will be considered to have bunked with no credit assigned for work/assessments missed.
Punctual Completion of Assigned Studies • REMEMBER! Students are expected to submit assignments on the given date. Late work will be assessed a penalty affecting the grade of the assignment. • REMEMBER! Students who are absent on the due date of a long term assignment will see that assignment assessed a heavier penalty. • Each teacher will inform students of his/her penalties applied to late work.
SAISA Expectations & Standards for Participation 2012 - 2013 • REMEMBER! Earn a minimum GPA the previous quarter of a 2.0 and maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher for any subsequent quarters which occur during the season. • NEW! No failing grades in the previous quarter. • NEW! Maintain a grade greater than or equal to 60% (D-) in all classes during the SAISA season. • NEW! If a student’s grade goes below 60% they will be withheld from practice and taken off travel roster until grade is above 60%.
REMEMBER! Students absent from school will not be allowed to practice or play that day or weekend (for Friday school days). • REMEMBER! A combination of 5 tardies and/or absences during a SAISA season it will result in removal from a SAISA team. • Absences will only be excused by the AD with appropriate documentation submitted on the day of return to class
IV Academic Honesty The development of individual character, honor, and integrity is a fundamental goal of Lahore American School. All lessons take place with the understanding that the students will present their own work. Academic honesty means that the student does his/her own work. It means that the ideas and thoughts submitted by the student are without question created by the student.
Remember! Academic dishonesty would include but not be limited to the following situations: • plagiarism, • communicating during a test, • obtaining copies of tests, copying homework or test answers from other students, • possessing any form of “cheat notes” during an exam, • copying from others on assignments/tests, and • allowingothers to copy their work on assignments/tests • Using textbook company produced tests, test banks and materials. • Malpractice in a testing situation: This constitutes breaking test procedures, e.g. using a cheat sheet; looking at someone else’s paper; or programming answers into an electronic device such as a calculator, cell phone, palm pilot, electronic dictionary, etc.
Academic Dishonesty: Students who commit an act of academic dishonesty: • NEW for HS! Will be suspendedfrom school with the type and length of suspension determined by the Principal. • NEW! Will rewrite the assignment during the suspension. • Will complete all classwork missedduring the suspension. • NEW for HS! Will not receive any credit/will earn a zero for academically dishonest work, and for the work missed during the days of suspension. • NEW for HS! Cannot make-up missed work, exams, quizzes, or major reports for credit during the period of suspension. • May be expelled from schoolafter repeated incidents of Academic Dishonesty.
REMEMBER! Dress Code: The following are not permitted at LAS. • Culturally insensitive clothing • Drug/alcohol related jewelry or clothing • Clothing promoting sexist, racist, violent attitudes or which are purposely provocative (i.e. French Connection United Kingdom) • Gang-related dress wear • Outlandish hair styles • Torn, faded, dirty jeans • Bandanas • Caps or non-religious headgear inside any classroom or office • Immodest clothing • There may be no cleavage or straps from underwear showing • Stomachs and hips must be covered (no underwear showing) • Shorts/skirts must be no shorter than just above the knee. • Boys must have their hair and beards trimmed, not wear earrings, and, in general, keep ornaments to a minimum. • Girls are encouraged to dress modestly with respect to the cultural norms of Pakistan.
Left and Found & Unattended Items • NEW for HS! No unattended book bags, trackers or textbooks on campus allowed. Use your locker. • NEW for HS! HS and MS hallways and common areas will be swept of any unattended items at the beginning of each class period. • All unattended items will be turned in to the Secondary Office. • Students will not be allowed to access the Lost and Found during instructional time.
Retrieving Unattended Valuables • NEW for HS! Books, trackers, jewelry, and phones will be turned in to the Secondary Office and may be recoveredthe same dayfor a small chargeby determined by the Student Council each semester– all proceeds given to charity. 50 Rs • NEW for HS! Laptops and I Pads will be locked in the Secondary Office for the duration of the day and recovered before school on the next day for a slightly greater charge determined by the Student Council each semester– all proceeds given to charity. 200 Rs
Mobile Phones • Remember! Mobile telephones must be switched off at all times during class and deposited in a tray provided by the teacher. Consequences • Failing to switch off a phone in the basket will result in its confiscation overnight. • Failing to place a phone in the tray provided will result in confiscation for one week on the first offense. • A second inappropriate use of a phone will result in confiscation for two weeks.
DELF Examinations • NEW for HS! All students studying French in grades 8 – 12* at LAS take the DELF French test as part of the French program. • All DELF exam fees are borne by parents/guardians. *AP French students who are taking the AP French Examination may be excused by the HS French teacher.
HS Only:The deadline for student schedule changes is Tuesday, 4 September 2012.
Grade 11 and 12 Only: Study Periods • NEW! Juniors and Seniors should check in with the Main Office for attendance in all periods. • Students are expected to remain quiet in the hallways and locker areas since other classes are in session. • NEW! It is not appropriate to sleep during this time. • Abuse of this resource will result in being assigned to a supervised environment. • NEW! Students on academic probation or taking online courses to make up for failed classes may be assigned to a supervised situation.