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Physics days report. Lunedi 26 Marzo: t EWK meeting. Lunedi 26 Marzo: H->WW meeting. Martedi 27 Marzo: QCD-EWK-Top Meeting. Martedi 27 Marzo: Joint Offline-Physics meeting. Mercoledi 28 Marzo: PDG Session – Physics objects.
Physics days report Lunedi 26 Marzo: t EWK meeting Lunedi 26 Marzo: H->WW meeting Martedi 27 Marzo: QCD-EWK-Top Meeting Martedi 27 Marzo: Joint Offline-Physics meeting Mercoledi 28 Marzo: PDG Session – Physics objects Giovedi 29 Marzo: Physics analysis groups
Lunedi 26 Marzo: t EWK meeting AGENDA Introduction and currrent statusGiuseppe Baglisi Preliminary L1 results on Z->tautau Simone Gennai Past results on tau tagging efficiency from data Alexandre Nikitenko Z->tautau -> leptons Kajari Mazumdar Z->tautau->mu + tau-jet Nicola De Filippis What can we learn from Z->tt, W->tn channels? • Z->tt: understand isolation algorithms, trigger, JET energy calibration • background for A/H-> tt, tagging efficiency from data • W->tn: understand isolation, MET “calibration”, trigger • “Benchmark” for H+-> tn (but much lower ET involved) • Check W->tn brancing ratio • Masses and energy scale are different but the SM processed should/must be understood before any search or discovery “claim”
How tau decays are identified Only hadronic tau decays are considered since the leptonic tau decays produce standard electrons/muons Identification through the final lepton tau tagging basic ingredients Calorimetric isolation and shape variables Charged tracks isolation Other methods (IP , Decay lenght, Mass tag) Main background for taus QCD jets Electron that shower late or with strong bremstrahlung Muons interacting in the calorimeter • PT of the Leading Track (i.e. highest pT track) • must exceed a few GeV/c • Leading Track must be found inside the • Matching cone 3 G. Bagliesi – EWK meeting 26/03/2007
Interested group/people Bari: Z->tt->t-jet+m A. Colaleo, N. De Filippis, L. Lusito Milano: Z->tt (leptonic channels actually) T. Tabarelli, F. Ferri, + (L. Moroni, S. Malvezzi + PHD) Pisa: HLT optimization, W->tn G. Bagliesi, S. Gennai, S. Dutta, S. Sarkar PSI: m + t-jet trigger (calo+pixel) P. Trueb, D. Kotlinski Tata Inst.: ( interest in invisible higgs) Also interested in studying the channels with taus to leptons (W->tn,Z->tt) Kajari Mazumdar, Sunil Bansal Trento I. Lazzizzera Warsaw: bZ->b tau tau->b mu+X (complete analysis) A. Kalinowski Imperial College - A. Papageorgiou, K.A Petridis S. Greder, M. Takahashi, S. Wakefield D. Colling, C. Foudas, A. Nikitenko 4 G. Bagliesi – EWK meeting 26/03/2007
Lunedi 26 Marzo: H->WW meeting AGENDA Discussion on Workflow for H to WW (2l2nu) All Padova/Trento Padova/Trento
Interested group/people ETH Michael Dittmar, Fabian Stockli , Joanna Weng, Wieland Hintz, Thomas Punz MIT Guillelmo Gomez-Ceballos, Christoph Paus, Markus Klute (+ ...) Roma I (e.g. WW -> 2e2nu) Chiara Rovelli, P. Meridiani Milano B. (e.g. WW -> 2e2nu) Pietro Govoni, Alessio Ghezz (CERN), Martina Malberti, Marco Paganoni, Roberto Salerno, Valentina Tancini, Tommaso Tabarelli (+ Claude Charlot (LLR) ?, E. Delmeire (Madrid) U. di. Padova (e.g. H->WW-> 2mu 2nu) E. Torassa, M.Margoni, A. Gresele, I. Lazzizzera, A. Ratering "Santader IFCA + U. di Oviedo" (e.g. WW -> 2mu 2nu) Javier Cuevas Maestro, Rocio Vilar, Rebeca Gonzalez, Javi Fernandez
Martedi 27 Marzo: QCD-EWK-Top Meeting AGENDA EWK Group News Roberto Tenchini FINAL !! http://tenchini.web.cern.ch/tenchini/EWK-planfor2007.pdf • Sub-group 1 Inclusive W and Z production • Sub-group 2 W, Z and multi-jets • Sub-group 3 Multiboson production (WW, WZ, ZZ, W, Z) • Sub-group 4 Drell-Yan • Sub-group 5 PDFs from W, Z and Drell-Yan Sub-group 1 • 1) Measurement of W and Z production cross section at 14 TeV in the electr. channels (10 pb−1). This is a 2007 trial publication paper. • 2) Measurement of W and Z production cross section at 14 TeV in the muon channels(10 pb−1). This is a 2007 trial publication paper. • 3) Tau production from W and Z decays at CMS • (100 pb−1). This is a possible 2007 trial publication paper. • Measurement of the pT distribution of W / Z bosons at 14 TeV. (100 pb−1). • A precise luminosity determination from W and Z production at LHC (1 fb−1). • 6) W mass measurement with the CMS Detector (1 fb−1).
Martedi 27 Marzo: Joint Offline-Physics meeting AGENDA News and General Status Shahram Rahatlou POG status with 1_3_0: Muon Reconstruction Riccardo Bellan Electron/Photon Reconstruction David Futyan Jets Reconstruction Monica Vazquez Acosta B-Tagging Reconstruction Andrea Rizzi Tau-Tagging Reconstruction Simone Gennai
Giovedi 29 Marzo: Physics analysis groups AGENDA Physics Analysis groups Top group: report on recent progress Jorgen D'Hondt B physics group: B_s-->mumu and general group update Andrey Starodumov Heavy-ion physics: update Bolek Wyslouch Underlying Event/Min-bias studies Livio Fano status of SUSYBSM Maria Spiropulu Diffractive physics group update Samim Erhan Higgs group: update Sasha Nikitenko General Physics Meeting Azimuthal Anisotropy in Heavy Ions Collisions with CMS (AN2007/004) H-->mumu in qqH (AN2006/105) Physics TDR addendum: heavy ions David D'Enterria Planning Paris Sphicas
(Heavy Stable Charaged Particles) Higgs group: update