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Wireless Resource Allocation for FFR Grouping in IEEE802.16m Uplink Channelization

This resource allocation guide outlines the utilization of UL resource units, distributed and localized RB multiplexing, channelization, and FFR grouping in IEEE802.16m uplink communications. Learn about the definition of UL resource units, RB composition, resource mapping techniques, and the strategic allocation of Distributed Resource Blocks (DRB) and Localized Resource Blocks (LRB). Proposed text for the IEEE802.16m uplink channelization is also presented, detailing frequency-selective and frequency diversity scheduling using LRB and DRB. The importance of FFR grouping for orthogonal resource allocation is emphasized for efficient uplink data transmission.

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Wireless Resource Allocation for FFR Grouping in IEEE802.16m Uplink Channelization

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  1. Uplink Resource Allocation • UL resource unit • UL resource unit definition • Localized RB and distributed RB multiplexing • UL channelization and resource mapping • FFR grouping

  2. UL resource unit • UL resource units includes UL distributed resource block (DRB) and UL localized resource block (LRB). UL DRB and LRB are multiplexed in FDM fashion in each sub-frame.

  3. UL resource unit definition • The resource block (RB) consists of 108 subcarriers, 18 subcarriers over 6 OFDM symbols in UL subframe. • Each UL RB is divided into 3 tiles, which contains 6 contiguous subcarriers by 6 OFDM symbols. • UL DRB includes 3 distributed tiles over whole frequency band. • UL LRB includes 3 adjacent tiles in frequency domain.

  4. Localized RB and distributed RB multiplexing • As shown in the figure, UL Control resource, Localized resource and Distributed resource occupy different logical resource of sub-frame. • Control resource contains of resource for CQI, HARQ ACK, Ranging, etc.

  5. UL Channelization • Within a sub-frame, the whole bandwidth is divided into several clusters. • Further, within a cluster, bandwidth is divided into multiple frequency bands, each of which is called as sub-zone. • Localized resource is located in the LRB sub-zones; Distributed resource is located in the DRB sub-zones.

  6. UL resource mapping • When mapping of UL Localized resource and distributed resource, Localized resource is located in the LRB sub-zones; Distributed resource is located in the DRB sub-zones. • Localized resource and Distributed resource occupy different frequency bands (sub-zones) within a sub-frame. • Titles of DRB are located in DRB sub-zones of different clusters in sub-frame. • LRB is formed from contiguous physical tiles.

  7. FFR grouping • As Figure shown in next slide, for FFR grouping, logical resource of sub-frame can be divided into multiple FFR groups. • Each FFR group is composed by multiple logical RBs which are LRBs and /or DRBs. The granularity unit of FFR group is logical RB. • Resource of FFR groups are orthogonal each other in logical resource. After mapping in physical resource, physical resource of different FFR groups are still orthogonal each other.

  8. Proposed text 11.x IEEE802.16m uplink channelization • Localized resource block (LRB) can be used for frequency-selective scheduling. LRB is formed from contiguous physical tiles. Distributed Resource block (RB) can be used for frequency diversity scheduling. DRB consists of tiles that are spread over sub-zones or entire bandwidth. • The physical resource block (PRB) consists of 108 subcarriers, 18 subcarriers over 6 OFDM symbols in UL subframe. Each UL PRB is divided into 3 tiles, which contains 6 contiguous subcarriers by 6 OFDM symbols. UL DRB includes 3 distributed tiles over whole frequency band. UL LRB includes 3 adjacent tiles in frequency domain • 802.16m should support multiplexing of Localized resource and Distributed resource in FDM fashion in each sub-frame of uplink. • 802.16m should support FFR grouping in uplink. Each FFR group is composed by multiple logical RBs which are LRBs and /or DRBs. The granularity unit of FFR group is logical RB. Resource of FFR groups are orthogonal each other.

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