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The NATURE-SDI plus and the VESTA-GIS project

The NATURE-SDI plus and the VESTA-GIS project. [G.Saio] [GISIG]. eContentplus project for a Best Practice Network NATURE-SDIplus Best Practice Network for SDI in Nature Conservation. Starting date: October 1 st , 2008 Duration: 30 months EU Funding: 2.7 M € - 30 partners

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The NATURE-SDI plus and the VESTA-GIS project

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  1. The NATURE-SDI plus and the VESTA-GIS project [G.Saio] [GISIG]

  2. eContentplus project for a Best Practice Network NATURE-SDIplus Best Practice Network for SDI in Nature Conservation Starting date: October 1st, 2008 Duration: 30 months EU Funding: 2.7 M € - 30 partners Nature-SDIplus Network aims to improve the harmonisation of national datasets and make them more accessible and exploitable..

  3. Dalai Lama says: "Imagine how our life would be void if we couldn't enjoy the beauty of nature, the presence of the animals, the magnificence of the mountains and the expanse of the oceans…“ … it is the biodiversity, intended as the whole of the ecosystems and the genetic diversity of fauna and flora

  4. Background I General background Natura 2000 and the new transboundary EU approach for protected sites management Need interoperable, accessible and harmonised datasets for the EU, as addressed by the INSPIRE Directive

  5. Background II NATURE-GIS IST Project A European thematic Network for Protected Areas / Nature Preservation and Geographical Information The NATURE-GIS Guidelines Data Infrastructures for Protected Areas THE NATURE-GIS SDIC Registered as a Thematic SDIC within INSPIRE

  6. The Nature-GIS Guidelines What are they for? To provide in a single volume the salient findings of the project and to draw “best practice” indications for the discovery, access and use of geo-spatial data on protected areas They are divided into three parts - Nature-GIS context - Nature-GIS Survey - Nature-GIS Architecture They are available on Internet as well (www.gisig.it)‏

  7. NATURE-SDIplus outlines Aim to improve harmonisation of national datasets and make them more accessible and exploitable, with reference to a cluster of data themes on nature conservation: • Protected sites (Annex I); • Biogeographical regions, Habitats and biotopes, Species distribution (Annex III). Objective • to involve new stakeholders • to share data and best practices • to improve and stimulate exploitation and re-use of information

  8. NATURE-SDIplus outlines II Results • a EU metadata profile based on standards and a data model in CEN/TC 287 Geographic information • a common multilingual/multicultural approach to geo-data, with a Thesaurus to support data modelling and metadata provision • a demonstration infrastructure (INSPIRE compliant Geoportal) supported by web services providing data access to users • share with the INSPIRE Teams of expertise, outcomes and best practices, to drive to adoption of INSPIRE specifications • a Community on SDI for nature conservation addressing themes and consensus building and ensuring wide awareness (also with training and dissemination) Not only test data-sets, but also Best Practices will be provided by partners for many EU Member States

  9. The project directions

  10. NATURE-SDIplus Consortium European country coverage

  11. Partners

  12. Partners

  13. NATURE-SDIplus Good Practices workshop “Experiences in data modelling and management for nature conservation” WP 6 – NATURE-SDIplus Network development • 6.1 Networking activities and consensus building • 6.2 Nature-SDIplus Best Practices • 6.3 Training initiatives and on-line training framework • 6.4 Nature-SDIplus services organisation • 6.5 Clustering Expected results: the NATURE-SDIplus Network

  14. Link with WP 6 – NATURE-SDIplus Network development • 6.1 Networking activities and consensus building • 6.2 Nature-SDIplus Best Practices • 6.3 Training initiatives and on-line training framework • 6.4 Nature-SDIplus services organisation • 6.5 Clustering Expected results: the NATURE-SDIplus Network

  15. WWW.VESTA-GIS.EU VESTA-GISVocational Education and Sectoral Training network on GIS & GI application domainsLIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME 2007 - 2013 Leonardo Da Vinci Network Duration: 01/11/2007 - 31/10/2010

  16. Three main pillars • A Training Framework for GI courses, supported by an on-line catalog • A Mobility Framework • The Network (Leonardo Thematic Network)‏ Thematic sub-networks on: • (GI &) Water Resource Management • (GI &) Natural Environment Protection • (GI &) Coastal Management and Landscape

  17. VESTA-GIS at a glance The following main activities are foreseen: • Network Building and sharing knowledge • Analysis of training course offer and demand • Implementation of the Network training framework • Implementation of an e-learning platform • Training course catalogue building. • Promotion of people mobility • Exploitation and dissemination actions

  18. VESTA-GIS Mobility Framework

  19. Around 70 partners from 21 European countries 7 Core partners 64 Associated partners Open network All the organisations interested to share their experience are welcome in VESTA-GIS

  20. Associated Members contributions • Provision of training material and GIS expertise • Participation in mobility schemes • Analysis of skills and training needs • Dissemination and Workshops organisation • Networking activities

  21. Associated partners benefit (and role)‏ • Promotion of their own training offer • Possibility to access the VESTA-GIS Training Catalogue and Training Courses • Share training experiences • Improve training offer Partnership for new training initiatives • Hosting placements (mainly enterprises, but not only)‏ • Sending placements (mainly Universities, but not only)‏

  22. Thank you Giorgio Saio - GISIG g.saio@gisig.it

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