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ETSI OCG meeting 18-19 February. ECO ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT STANDARDS (ETSI EE-EEPS) H. Groeneboer Supply Chain Networks Director Environmental Affairs Management. CONTENT. ETSI EE - EEPS group CENELEC ETSI interest Standard under development (example )
ETSI OCG meeting 18-19 February ECO ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT STANDARDS (ETSI EE-EEPS) H. Groeneboer Supply Chain Networks Director Environmental Affairs Management
CONTENT • ETSI EE - EEPS group • CENELEC • ETSI interest • Standard under development (example ) • Considerations for ETSI(for discussion)
ETSI TC EE Eco Env. Product Standards Inclusion in EE TOR • Observation of European legislation and judging impact on telecommunication infrastructure equipment. • Maintain a liaison with CEN/CENELEC on development of Eco-environment related product standards Modus operandus • Established in 2003. Convenor H. Groeneboer • Per correspondence via ETSI list-server • Liason/ observer CENELEC work (BTWG 85-3)
CENELEC BTWG 85-3 Environmental activity - ETSI interest • Environmental advice to Technical board and technical committees • Generates proposals for new tools (e.g. Environmental data base) • Established BTTF 116-3 in response to mandate M/336 (WEEE: ‘marking’) • EC consultation on Integration of Env. aspects into standardisation.(Contribution ETSI by EEPS) • Eco- design for Energy Using Products (EuP) will be considered on implications for CENELEC • Integrated Product Policy (EC publication)
Current view on ETSI interest • Standards on metrics setting for environmental performance of equipment • Protect telecomm interest in development of horizontal Eco Env. Product Standards, i.r.t. to the specifics of this industry as system integrators and the international nature of the business. • Protect telecom interest in specific interpretations of the directives and the impact on the to be developed standards.
CENELEC BTTF 116-3 example • EC Marking Mandate M/336 (12 June 2003) to CEN/ CENELE/ ETSI • To produce standards that satisfy the marking requirements of Art 11(2) of the WEEE Directive. • Must cover all EEE listed in Annex I • Particular regard for small or very large EEE • Account should be taken of existing marks or work in preparation by MS • Standard for a mark should be completed by end 2004 • Use of “smart tracker chips” should be examined
CENELEC BTTF 116-3 • Convenor: Mr Rene Nielsen (Denmark) • Meeting schedule: • Kick off meeting January 19, 2004 • February 5th and 6th, 26th and 27th • April 1st and 2nd, 21st and 22nd • Intention to have final draft by 1st May • Decision D117/118: Decision process under Unique Acceptance Procedure UAP • Does not allow the expression of technical comments during voting
WEEE and RoHS concerns • Specific concerns for Telecommunication industry due to unclear definitions in the directives, impacting ‘Marking’ standard • Identification of Producer- Telecom suppliers and operators as system integrators might become unintentionally the ‘producer’ under the law. • Placed on the market- For RoHS to interpreted at Community level. (non binding opinion of Commission to EICTA)- For WEEE it is related to individual MS.(As WEEE and RoHS are being transposed jointly at many MS’s, it could lead to contradictory and conflicting interpretations) Note: Re-labelling when products are transferred from one MS to another is not in conformity with EC Treaty rules.
WEEE Directive • Responsibility for Producers- not only financing: • Recovery. Recycling targets (Art. 7) • Financing (Arts. 8 and 9) • Collection (Art. 5) • Treatment (Art. 6) • Design (Art. 4) and all RoHS • Information for users and Marking (Art. 10) • Information for treatment facilities (Art. 11) • Registration and reporting (Art 12) • Identification of producer with a mark (Art. 11.2)
CONCLUSION:The development of a ‘simple’ mark might have unexpected impacts for the telecommunication industry
Considerations for an active ETSI INVOLVEMENT • Need for attention in ETSI (beyond observer role) to address issues and work position statements while leaving CENELEC in the ‘driver’ seat. • Work with CENELEC on common issues and interpretations of legislation up to EC level when developing standards. • Need for active participation in EEPS from ETSI members. • Flexible process to facilitate change from observer to active participant. • Mandate for ETSI representative to work in CENELEC on behalf of ETSI members. Act and inform later, due to time constraints. • Develop an information site with links to active groups in Europe. (CENELEC, EICTA, Orgalime, etc.)
WEEE and RoHS definitions • ‘Producer’ means any person who, irrespective of the selling technique used, including by means of distance communication:(I) manufactures and sells EEE under his own brand,(ii) resells under his own brand equipment produced by other suppliers, a reseller not being regarded as the ‘producer’ if the brand of the producer appears on the equipment, as provided for subpoint (I), or(iii) Imports or exports EEE on a professional basis into a member state