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Rationale for informing GHPS teachers about the ELL HANDBOOK

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=_Ub0NJ6UClI Introduction for SIOP training 2012. Rationale for informing GHPS teachers about the ELL HANDBOOK. 1) To be sure everyone knows we have one Available in the office of every building

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Rationale for informing GHPS teachers about the ELL HANDBOOK

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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=_Ub0NJ6UClIIntroduction for SIOP training 2012

  2. Rationale for informing GHPS teachers about the ELL HANDBOOK 1) To be sure everyone knows we have one Available in the office of every building 2) To give you answers to questions you’ve asked 3) State requirement

  3. ELPA Results for Spring 2012

  4. What happens to all the students who scored Proficient or Advanced Proficient? • High School- 9th and 10th graders • 1/7 students were exited • 6 students will be reclassified since they didn’t pass the state assessments • Middle School- • 0/30 students were exited • 30 students will be reclassified as LEP and serviced since they didn’t pass the MEAP Elementary- 9/21 students were exited and will only be monitored 12 will be re-classified as LEP and serviced since they didn’t pass the MEAP

  5. New Michigan Department of Ed exit criteria Exit Criteria:  Students must have results from the annual spring ELPA assessment to be considered for Exit.  Students must not be Exited from ELPA Screener results. Only the full ELPA results are used when determining Exit eligibility.  Students must demonstrate at or above grade level performance in Reading and Math on State Standardized tests on the schedule put forth by Title I.

  6. ESL is not ENOUGH • Our students need to be taught the language in all the content areas, which is also a requirement of CCSS. • As teachers, we can make sure that every child has a chance at being successful.

  7. Integration of ELP Standards and ELA GLCEs and HSCEs ELP Standards provide foundational skills and knowledge necessary for ELLs to achieve the ELA Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCEs) and High School Content Expectations (HSCEs). The following chart illustrates an overview of the relationship between the ELP Standards and the ELA GLCEs and HSCEs.

  8. What are legitimate expectations of our ELLs based on their language proficiency level? http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/3-Math_linking_document_7.18.09.docGJMedits_335005_7.pdf Links for the expectations in all core areas, can be found in the ELL Handbook.

  9. The Resource:OUR HANDBOOK

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