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TLC – The Teaching Learning Circle - Part IV. If students are in charge of their own learning does that mean that a teacher should let students be free and do whatever they like.?. Discuss this in your team. 小组讨论 :学生是学习的主体, 是否意味着老师就应该放任不管,随便他们喜欢什么就做什么 。. Teacher Attitudes and Practices.
If students are in charge of their own learning does that mean that a teacher should let students be free and do whatever they like.?. Discuss this in your team. 小组讨论:学生是学习的主体,是否意味着老师就应该放任不管,随便他们喜欢什么就做什么。 Teacher Attitudes and Practices TLC Teams share your thinking with the class. Slide Duplicate From Part II
Students can not be left on there own to decide what to do when. They need challenges, they need guidance and they need a feeling of security that only teachers can provide. The teacher must be loving. He or she must be kind, but the teacher must be in control. The teacher must decide when to be flexible and when to stick to the teaching plan. 老师不能任由学生自己决定什么时候做什么。他们需要挑战、需要指导、需要安全感,而这些只有老师才能给予。老师必须爱学生,必须要友善,但也要善于管理和控制。老师必须学会何时要灵活应变,何时要按着教学计划走。 Teacher Attitudes and Practices TLC Slide Duplicate From Part II
In your teams create a skit that shows good ways to maintain classroom control. 小组自编一个短剧,展现如何良好地管理好一个班级。 Teacher Attitudes and Practices TLC Team Activity Teams share your thinking with the class. Slide Duplicate From Part II
Krashen talks about the “Affective Filter” which blocks or retards language learning. Brain based learning also speaks of fear as something which prevents learning. Here we will discuss “Affective Accelerators” (or emotional accelerators). 克拉申提出,“情感过滤”因素会阻碍语言学习。“基于脑的学习理论”也谈到恐惧会抑制语言学习。接下来我们将探讨“情感因素”。 Affective Accelerators (Emotional Accelerators) TLC
In your group discuss what emotional factors may actually increase learning among students. Give some examples from your own lives. 小组讨论:哪些情感因素有利于学生学习。根据自己的经历举一些例子。 Affective Accelerators (Emotional Accelerators) TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
There are several kinds of security that children need in a school environment to learn well. Children need: physical security and emotional security. The school must provide boundaries and limitations. 安全 学生要安心好好地学习,学校环境必须提供几种安全。学生需要:人身安全和情绪安全。学校提供一些界限和限制。 Security TLC
In your groups create lists of the kinds of security that a classroom and school must provide. One list should be for emotional security, another for physical security. Think deeply about the responsibility of teachers and of schools. What should be on these two (or more) lists? 小组列出教室和校园必须提供的安全种类,分别包括人身安全和情感安全。仔细思考老师和学校的责任。学校和老师应当提供哪些安全要素,除了人身安全和情绪安全还有其他的安全吗? Security TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
SBS stands for “Success Breeds Success” (or success brings success). If students are successful in one area, they are rewarded internally. (Brain based learning tells us that when we learn we are rewarded with a feeling of well-being.) This feeling creates a tendency to learn more. 成功孕育成功 SBS是指“成功孕育成功”(或者“成功带来成功”)。如果学生在某一方面获得成功,那么他们就会获得内在动力。(“基于脑的学习理论”告诉我们,我们在学习的时候会得到一种充实感。)这种感觉激励我们更加勤奋地学习。 SBS – Success Breeds Success TLC
In your group talk about your own success in learning and how it encouraged you in other areas. 小组讨论:你学习中获得过哪些成功,它们是怎么鼓励你在其他方面发展的? SBS – Success Breeds Success TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
Holistic teachers have two aspects. First in their ways of teaching they act more as a friend, a mentor or a facilitator than a normal authoritarian teacher. But in their life they are also an example of a good, kind, moral person and of someone who loves learning. 一个全面发展的老师体现在两个方面。首先,这样的老师在教学方法上,表现得更像一位良师、益友、引导者,而不是一个独裁者。但是,在生活中,这样的老师又是一个善良、友好、道德高尚的典范,是一个热爱学习的人。 Holistic Teachers TLC
In your group share examples of holistic teachers who have influenced each of you in your lives. Choose one such story to share with the class. 小组讨论:你遇到过哪些全面发展的老师吗,他们是如何影响你的?选取一个故事和全班分享。 Holistic Teachers TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
Abraham Maslow developed what he called a hierarchy of human needs. A drawing of this hierarchy of needs is shown on the following slide. 亚伯拉罕.马斯洛(美国心理学家)提出了“需求层次理论”。下面一幅图显示了人类的需求层次。 Holistic Teachers TLC
自我实现的需求 尊重的需求 情感和归属的需求 安全上的需求 生理上的需求 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs TLC
There are several things that we can gain from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In your teams discuss what are the goals of education based on Maslow’s view? What are the environmental needs that schools and teachers should provide for learning to take place? 从马斯洛的需求层次我们可以学到几样东西。小组讨论:根据马斯洛的理论,教育的目标是什么?老师和学校应为学生提供哪些环境上的需求? Holistic Teachers TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
In Maslow’s terms “self-actualization” is the highest goal. But it is really not an end point. Instead it is a kind of orientation that starts a new journey of learning and teaching and acting. 自我实现 马斯洛认为,“自我实现”是最高层次的需求。但这并非就是终点。相反,自我实现只是朝着开启一段新的学习、教学和行动旅程努力的方向。 Self Actualization TLC
Within the context of teaching English, how can you apply Maslow’s theory of self actualization? In your groups create a lesson that will create an English learning opportunity for high school students and directly or indirectly address the issue of the human need to become self-actualized. Application in the English Classroom TLC Teams explain how you can do this.
Some believe that we all have a “calling” or a spiritual gift that we are given at birth. From this perspective the process of self-actualization is finding and cultivating that gift and finding ways to give this gift to mankind. 有人认为,我们所有人生来就具备精神上的天赋。这样的话,自我实现的过程实际上就是寻找和培养天赋,并找到方法把这种天赋献给全人类。 Self Actualization TLC
Maslow’s idea was that psychologists should study people who are “self-actualized” instead of studying people who are mentally ill. Instead of spending so much effort on healing mental illness, he said schools should train people to become self-actualized. 马斯洛认为,心理学家应当研究自我实现的人而不是研究精神不正常的人。于其花大力气去治愈有精神疾病的人,还不如让学校多培育自我实现的人。 Self Actualization TLC
If your groups make a list of the kind of things we could teach in schools that would lead students to become self-actualized human beings. 小组讨论:请列出老师应当教那些东西才能引导学生成为自我实现的人。 Holistic Teachers TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
There are several things that we can gain from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In your teams discuss what are the goals of education based on Maslow’s view? What are the environmental needs that schools and teachers should provide for learning to take place? 从马斯洛的需求层次理论,我们可以学到几样东西。小组讨论:根据马斯洛的理论,教育的目标是什么?学校和老师应当为学生提供哪些环境需求? Holistic Teachers TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
ZPD is a concept developed by Lev Vygotsky in 1932. ZPD is the space or the difference between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can do with help. The drawing on the next slide shows this graphically. 最近发展区域 1932年,维果茨基(前苏联建国时期的卓越的心理学家)提出了“最近发展区域”理论。最近发展区域是指,儿童在有指导的情况下,借助成人帮助所能达到的解决问题的水平与独自解决问题所达到的水平之间的差异。下面一幅图显示的就是最近发展区域理论。 ZPD – Zone of Proximal Development TLC
儿童在有指导的情况下所达到的解决问题的水平儿童在有指导的情况下所达到的解决问题的水平 • 儿童在没有指导的情况下所达到的水平 • 儿童还不能达到的水平 ZPD – Zone of Proximal Development TLC
In your groups discuss the “i + 1” theory and ZPD and find a way to describe graphically how children learn informally (outside of school) and formally (in institutions of learning). 小组讨论:讨论“i+1”理论和“最近发展区域”理论,请用图表的形式表现出:儿童怎样非正式地学习(校外)和正式地学习(校内)。 ZPD – Zone of Proximal Development TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
In your groups discuss how the idea and role of peer learning and student group work fit into the concept of ZPD? How can we as teacher use these concepts to “push” much of the work of a teacher onto the students and still maintain quality? 小组讨论:怎样把同辈学习和学生团体的理念融入最近发展区域理论?老师怎样既能把自己的一部分工作让学生做,仍然保证完成的质量? ZPD – Zone of Proximal Development TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
In your groups discuss how the idea and role of a mentor fits into the concept of ZPD? Also discuss how mentoring fits into learning in schools, at home and in society, 小组讨论:怎样把良师益友的理念融入最近发展区域理论?怎么样把良师益友的做法融入到在学校、家庭和社会中的学习? ZPD – Zone of Proximal Development TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
No matter how young your students are they have great potential. The more you see the spiritual potential, the face of God, the inherent goodliness in the eyes and hearts of your students the more you will patiently expect from them. 信任你的学生 无论你的学生年龄多小,他们身上蕴藏着巨大的潜力。只有你看到他们的精神的潜能、上帝般的面庞、眼睛里和心灵与生俱来的美丽,你就会耐心地对他们寄予期望。 Trusting and Believing in Your Students TLC
One of the most common counter-productive things that teachers do is to speak negatively about their students. An experiment was done where students were tested and divided into students with low-ability and students with high-ability. 老师经常做的一件起反作用的事就是,对学生说些消极的话。曾经有一个实验,学生按照能力分成两类:能力高的和能力低的。 Trusting and Believing in Your Students TLC
But teachers were told the high-ability students were the low ability group and visa-versa. They taught the students for a year. What do you think were the results? 但是,真正能力高的学生被分在能力低的一组,能力低的学生分在了能力高的一组(老师不知情)。老师教了这些学生一年。你们认为结果怎么样? Trusting and Believing in Your Students TLC Share your thinking with the class.
The results were the high-ability students did very poorly and the low ability group did very well. Why do you think this was the result? 结果,能力高的一组成绩很差,能力低的一组成绩很好。为什么会出现这样的结果呢? Trusting and Believing in Your Students TLC Share your thinking with the class.
“The worst human quality and the most great sin is backbiting…” - - `Abdu'l-Bahá Gossip has many detrimental effects on people in general and on the educational process in specific. “人类最恶劣的品质及最大的罪恶就是诽谤-----”`Abdu'l-Bahá 说长道短对人会产生很多有害影响,对教育亦是如此。 Gossip and Institutional Culture TLC
As teachers, we often believe that we are doing good by discussing students weaknesses, but most often it does little good and creates barriers in our hearts. This becomes a barrier to learning. 身为老师,我们常常认为讨论学生的不足是为了他们好,但是实际上没有一点好处,只会造成心灵上的藩篱,影响学习。 Gossip and Institutional Culture TLC
It is also a common practice for teachers to discuss other teachers in a negative light. This does no good and only creates artificial barriers to the inherent oneness that unites us all. Like the smell of rotten fish it pollutes the classroom and the whole school. 老师之间也常常说其他老师的长短。这样毫无益处,只会人为地将本来紧密联系的彼此隔阂开来。就像一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥,污染了整个教室和校园的风气。 Gossip and Institutional Culture TLC
Streaming is a common practice of dividing students into classes by their abilities. Assume we have 100 students in the third grade of primary school. We design a very comprehensive test that ranks students intelligence, their past achievements and so on. There will be 20 students per classroom. How should we divide the students? Discuss this in your groups. 按能力分组 对学生按能力分组是一中非常普遍的做法。假设小学三年级有100个学生。我们设计一个非常全面的综合性测试,按照学生的智力以及以前的成绩来排名。每个班20个学生。小组讨论:我们应该怎么分? Streaming TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of streaming students? Specifically discuss “i + 1”, peer teaching, ZPD, MI, TOE and other related educational viewpoints. Discuss as a class. 对学生按能力来分有那些利弊?结合“i + 1”、同辈学习、最近发展区域、多元智能理论、TOE模式和其他相关的教育理念讨论一下。 Streaming TLC Discuss as a class.
Intrinsic motivation is an internal desire to perform a particular task or activity because it gives us pleasure, develops a particular skill, or is morally the right thing to do. 内在和外在动机 内在动机是一种促使学生完成某项任务或活动的内在欲望,学生可以从中获得乐趣、发展某项技能或实现道德上的升华。 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation TLC
Extrinsic motivation is motivation that is caused by factors external to the individual and unrelated to the task. Common extrinsic motivators are: money, good grades, and other similar rewards. 外在动机是一种外部的、与任务本身无关的因素产生的动力。通产外在动机包括:金钱、好成绩和其他类似的奖励。 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation TLC
People who are motivated by intrinsic motivation are generally happier than those whose motivation is extrinsic. In your team discuss why? 小组讨论:为什么受内在动机驱使的人一般要比受外在动机驱使的人快乐得多? Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
The TOE model tells us that every student has certain tendencies. Teachers also have tendencies. What do you think happens when a teacher is able to use his or her tendencies in the classroom? Discuss in your group. TOE模型和协调的教学风格 TOE模型指出,每个学生有各自的能力趋向。老师同样也有自己的能力趋向。小组讨论:当老师能在课堂上发挥其自身的能力趋向时,会出现什么结果? TOE and Creation of “Harmonious” Teaching Styles TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
Brain based learning tells us that every brain is unique. Every teacher is different. Every teacher can find a teaching style that is most in keeping with the positive aspects of their personality. When this is done the teaching style is in harmony with the teacher’s own “calling”. Teachers are then happier and more enthusiastic and tend to facilitate these same traits in students. “基于脑的学习理论”指出,每个大脑都是独一无二的。每位老师也是与众不同的。当每位老师能找到一种与自己性格积极一面相最符合的教学风格,老师的教学风格便与其自身的能力相协调。于是,老师也更快开心、更加充满激情,更容易把同样的特质传递给学生。 TOE and Creation of “Harmonious” Teaching Styles TLC
In your groups share your own tendencies, positive personality traits, “callings” and other things you love to do. Choose one of your team members and describe some ways that he or she might bring these things into their teaching style. 小组成员相互分享各自的能力趋向、积极的性格特点、天赋和其他你喜欢做的事。每组选出一位谈谈你将运用什么方法把这些优点融入到你的教学风格中。 TOE and Creation of “Harmonious” Teaching Styles TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
A good plan give us direction and security. Micro lesson plans guides us through a one hour lesson and macro plans guide us through a course of study that takes place over a long period of time (like a semester or a year) 教学计划——宏观和微观 一份好的教学计划可以指导我们,并给与我们安全感。微观的教学计划可以指导我们完成一堂课的教学,宏观的教学计划可以指引我们完成一个学期或一年的教学。 Lesson Plans – Micro and Macro TLC
Every teacher makes their plans differently. My micro plan is different than yours will be. My lesson plans include time to do every step. Even though I know I may deviate from my plan, I still estimate the time for every step. I estimate 2 minutes for this and 10 minutes for that. I use Excel for my lesson plans and this gives me the total minutes and the exact time of each step. 每位老师制定的教学计划不尽相同。我的微观教学计划和你们的也不相同。我的教学计划涵盖了每个时间段的每个教学步骤。虽然我知道有时候会偏离计划,但是我仍然给每个步骤估计好时间。有的步骤预计花两分钟,有的步骤估计花十分钟。我用电子表格做教学计划,表格内容涵盖整个流程所用时间和每个步骤的精确时间。 Lesson Plans TLC
In your group make several lesson plans for the same 40 minute lesson to teach kindergarten students about love. 小组制定一个针对幼儿园小朋友的40分钟的教学计划,主题为“爱”。 Lesson Plans TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
In your group make a macro lesson plan covering a span of one year to teach kindergarten students about love. 小组制定一个针对幼儿园小朋友的一年的宏观教学计划,主题仍然是“爱”。 Lesson Plans TLC Teams share your thinking with the class.
Time is the most precious resource we have. Time management is a good skill to learn. Many people go through life without managing their time. When the phone rings they answer it, when a crises comes they solve it. A good teacher will learn to manage his or her time (both in class and outside of class). We can get more money, but we can never get more time. People manage their time in different ways. You should find your own way. 时间安排 时间是最宝贵的资源。我们要学会合理安排时间。很多人没有管理好时间,一辈子就这么过去了。电话铃响了,就去接,麻烦出现了,去解决。一名优秀的教师会学习如何支配时间(不仅在课堂,课后也一样)。我们可以赚很多钱,但是我们不能买到时间。每个人有自己支配时间的方式。大家应当找到自己的方式。 Time Management TLC
In the realm of construction scaffolding is a temporary support that helps workers build a building. 教育的脚手架 在建筑领域,脚手架是工人建筑过程中搭设的一种临时支架。 Instructional Scaffolding TLC
Instructional scaffolding is a temporary support that promotes higher order learning. The teacher’s job is to model the desired learning strategy or task, then gradually shift responsibility to the students. 教育的脚手架是促进学生朝更高阶段学习的一种临时支架。老师的工作就是制定所需的学习方案或任务,然后逐渐把学习的责任转移给学生。 Instructional Scaffolding TLC
There are many ways that a teacher can use scaffolding as a way to help shift educational tasks to the students. The result is that this takes pressure off the teacher, creates challenges for students and most students enjoy learning in this way. 老师有很多方法可以利用脚手架,把教育任务教给学生。这种方法减轻了老师的负担,给学生带来一定的挑战,大多数学生很喜欢这种学习方式。 Instructional Scaffolding TLC
One example of this is in my use of stories. Over a period of about eight years I created questions for about 150 stories that I use in the classroom. I created 10 questions for each story. This is 1500 questions that I had to design and write. 举一个例子,过去八年里,我根据我写的150个故事,提出问题用于课堂教学。每个故事提出了10个问题。这1500个问题都是我自己设计的,并写了下来。 Instructional Scaffolding TLC