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Utopian Societies

Utopian Societies. Ryan Burgess and Kennedy Crump 1/22/2013. Introduction. Utopia- A society where everything is perfect.

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Utopian Societies

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  1. Utopian Societies Ryan Burgess and Kennedy Crump 1/22/2013

  2. Introduction Utopia- A society where everything is perfect. Characteristics- Basic community rules and laws, Family Guidelines, marriage guidelines, Education, Careers, religious beliefs, medical guidelines, and government guidelines.

  3. Information on Utopias A Utopias main goal is to look perfect and to have no diversity. The no diversity rule goes so far that everyone has the same religion, color, ect.

  4. Our Utopian Society. Our Utopian Society is very unique and different from other societies. In the next few slides, we will be stating the different characteristics.

  5. Basic Community Rules and Laws • No Bragging • Always respect others • Always wash your hands and never spread germs on purpose • Exercise daily • No intercourse till Marriage • You can get a license a age of 15 • Don’t do drugs like: Marijuana, cocaine, heroine, ect.

  6. Family Guidelines • You may start making a family after you get Married • You may have 2 children that are any gender • If your children pass you may not have any more. Unless it was accidental.

  7. Marriage Guidelines • You can marry at 21. • If your spouse passes you can remarry • If you are Married, you can divorce unless you have had kids. • You may not cheat on you spouse. • No same-sex marriage

  8. Education • You stay in school until you are 13 • You may not drop out of school • If you are held back, you still have to complete all the years of school • You start school when you are 5 • There are 8 grades • If you are absent or tardy to many times you are entitled to community service for a week after school

  9. Careers • You start training for a career for 2 years • The careers are: teacher, carpenter, doctor, mayor, nurse, caretaker for the old, preacher, and deacon

  10. Religious Beliefs • Everyone believes in Christianity • You must give tithes to the church every Sunday • You must attend church at least once a week • The Church is open on Sunday mornings and nights and on Wednesday nights

  11. Medical Guidelines • Do not take others prescription medication • Hospitals are open 24 hours a day • If you do not have insurance, you shall be put on the waiting list • We do not treat people who hurt themselves

  12. Government Guidelines • We are a Federal Democracy • You are allowed to vote at the age of 17 • All genders can vote • Presidents serve one term which is 2 year

  13. Conclusion We have a basic Utopian society where rules are strict and laws are to be followed.

  14. References All Images came from Google images.

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