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The Balance of Appearance and Well-being in Our Lives

Explore the impact of appearance on well-being, from clothing to health choices. Discover the importance of health over looks and ways to maintain a positive image. Dive into the dangers of extreme measures such as weight-loss pills and surgeries.

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The Balance of Appearance and Well-being in Our Lives

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  1. Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

  2. Do you think appearance plays an important part in your life? [E5FeImd] [Im`bArEst] (ashamed, embarrassed, unconfident, self-contemptuous, gloomy, depressed, etc)

  3. Clothing • Exercise • Enough sleep • Eating well (food with nutrition) • …

  4. Do you think we can change our appearance by wearing different clothes? (thin / slim / skinny) (fat / overweight) Figure [5fI^E(r); (?@) 5fIgjEr]

  5. Which do you think is more important, eating well or doing exercise? • What do you do to make yourself look good and feel good? or keep yourself looking good and feeling good?

  6. How to keep popular among fans • Look good/attractive • Make/dress up • Keep fit • Stay slim • Lose weight • Etc.

  7. weight-loss tea/pills gym work out be/go on a diet/go on diets surgical operation corset

  8. side effect • Contain harmful chemical • Tired and weak • Dangerous and unhealthy • Damage • (hair) fall out • Heart/liver/kidney failure • Etc. E.g. weight-loss medicine

  9. Reading:Dying to be thin… Amy’s experiences in losing weight

  10. Skimming & General questions: • Where does Amy come from? • What kind of pills did Amy take? Canada. Weight-loss pills called Fat-less. The weight-loss pills.

  11. The first e-mail take weight-loss pills …ashamed… and to act in a new TV play slimmer-- have lost 7kg happy, but tired & weak Health is priceless.

  12. Careful-reading about the first e-mail • 1.Amy used to go to the gym four times a week. • 2.Amy thinks every woman in Canada wants a slim figure. • 3.Amy is going on a diet to lose weight. • 4.Amy has lost 7kg in the last two months. • 5.Amy seldom feels tired or weak. • 6.Amy’s mother allows her to take the pills.

  13. The 2nd e-mail Listening Stay in hospital Weight-loss pills liver donation liver failure; recovering regretful Don’t damage your health for a slim and attractive figure.

  14. Fill in the blanks recovering failure regret • Things change so quickly. I’m now in hospital _________ from liver ______. I _____ taking those _________ pills. They contain a harmful _______ that caused my _____ to fail. The doctor told me I must get a new one or I would die. Luckily, a man called Li Dong ______ part of his liver to me to save my life. I’m feeling better now. People should ____ ____ their bodies. My mother is right: don’t ______ your health for a slim figure. It isn’t ______ it. We shouldn’t be ________ of the way we look. weight-loss chemical liver donated look after damage worth ashamed

  15. Discussion: Does Zhou Ling agree with Amy’s way of losing weight? Suppose you are Amy’s best friend. What advice or suggestions would you give to Amy?

  16. The third e-mail Read it and find out : sorry, glad, amazed and touched shouldn’t be embarrassed about our weight Nothing is more important than health.

  17. Which do you think is more important, looking good or feeling good? • Why?

  18. Group work situations • 1. Suppose you are overweight. You are worried about your figure and health, so you turn to your best friend for help…… • 2. Suppose you just took some weight-loss pills, then something happened…… • 3. Suppose you are a doctor. You are giving different suggestions to different fat patients.

  19. Useful Expressions 极想做某事 锻炼 减肥 苗条的身材 尝试做某事 羞于 服用减肥药 后悔做某事 be dying to do sth work out lose weight slim figure try doing sth be ashamed of take weight-loss pills regret doing sth

  20. Useful Expressions 一种有害化学物质 一个感人的故事 对……..感到困窘 节食 听从某人的建议 在…….很受欢迎 a harmful chemical a touching story be embarrassed about go on diets follow/take one's advice be popular among

  21. Check the language usage in the text: used to • I __________ go to the gym three times a week, but I didn’t ___________ any more. I know another way ___________. work out to stay slim

  22. figure • Every woman wants a slim ______these days, especially here in Canada. • I take two pills a day and don’t need to exercise. The pills really _______. work

  23. recovering taking • I’m now in hospital ________ from liver failure. I regret ______ those weight-loss pills. They ______ a harmful chemical that ________ my liver to fail. contain caused cause recover contain take

  24. Pay attention to the tense: • My mother is too old for such a long operation. I thought I ____________ die. • My computer ______ broken so I _________ read your two e-mails until today. was going to was couldn’t

  25. don’t damage • My mother is right: ______ _______ your health for a slim and attractive _______. • I’m so sorry to hear about your problems, but I’m glad you’re feeling better and _________. figure are recovering

  26. ashamed amazed • I’m trying to lose weight because I’m so _______ of my body. • I’m _______ that in China someone’s liver matched yours! This is really a _________ story. • We shouldn’t be ___________ about our weight. touching embarrassed embarrass shame touch amaze

  27. Paraphrase some sentences 1. I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I don't work out any more. I _______________ the gym three times a week, But I don't _________ any more. 2. I am trying to lose weight because I am so ashamed of my body. I am trying to lose weight because I_________________ my body. once went to exercise am embarrassed about

  28. 3.Since I am preparing to act in a new TV play, I’m taking weight-loss pills called Fat-Less, which are quite popular among young women here. ________ I _________________ act in a new TV play, I’m taking weight-loss pills called Fat-Less, which are quite popular among young women here. Now that am getting ready to

  29. 4.I regret taking those weight-loss pills. I _____________________ those weight-loss pills. 5.This is really a touching story-- a stranger who donated part of his liver to a girl he doesn't even know! This is really a story ________ _________ me--a stranger who donated part of his liver to a girl he doesn't even know! am sorry for/about taking that touches/moves

  30. 我们不应该为自己的外表感到羞愧,不是吗? 我知道另外一种保持身材的办法。 7. We shouldn't be ashamed of the way we look, should we? we look I know another way to stay slim. = I know another way ______________. of staying slim

  31. How many attributive clauses can you find in the three emails? 1.Since I’m preparing to act in a new TV play, I’m taking weight-loss pills called Fat-Less, ________are quite popular among young women here. 2.My mother, ______ you met last year,keeps telling me not to take them because they are dangerous. 3. They contain a harmful chemical ______ caused my liver to fail. which whom that

  32. 4. Then the doctor found that someone in your country, ______ name is Li Dong, was an exact match for me. 5. This is really a touching story---a stranger ______ donated part of his liver to a girl he doesn' even know! 6.It’s the same in china---many people, some of ______ are not overweight at all, are always going on diets or taking weight-loss pills, ______ are often dangerous whose who whom which

  33. 1.The pills really work. The plan works well. The method didn't work well in practice. 有效果,起作用 cf: My computer doesn’t work. The famous actors keep fit byworking outin the gym regularly. Can youwork outthe maths problem for me? Thingswork outquite well. = exercise (v.) = calculate计算出, solve = turn out

  34. work out • 1. work out a sum • =figure out • 2. work out the problem • = fix/solve/settle/figure out the problem • 3. line 4, but I don’t work out any more.

  35. 1.What a fine figure of a man! • 2. • a slim figure n. 2. a great figure in history 3. Write the number in words and in figures

  36. V. figureout 算出;解决 We must figure out how to solve the problem.

  37. 3. ashamed I feel ashamed for you. You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies. He felt ashamed of having done so little homework. =He felt ashamed ___________________________. =He felt ashamed ___________________________. to have done so little homework be ashamed of feel ashamed for sb feel ashamed to do/for doing sth./ feel ashamed that.. 以..为耻辱 _________________ 替某人感到羞愧___________________ 以做某事为耻______________________ that he had done so little homework

  38. = be embarrassed about • Line 38 • We shouldn’t be embarrassed about our weight.

  39.    4.   contain The box contains the child’s toys. To keep fit, we should not eat food containing too much fat. The price includes both house and curtains. Everyone laughed, including the teacher. contain 侧重“包含的内容或成分”,include 侧重整体中包含某部分。 我家包括我父亲,我母亲和我。 海水中含有盐。

  40. Line 19 The pills contain a harmful chemical that… contain VS include Contain 含有 侧重于组成成分和被容纳、盛装的东西,表示包含所含事物的全部或部分。 Beer contains alcohol. The bottle can contain 500ml of water.

  41. include包括,组成,侧重于组成的各个部分,只用于表示事物的一部分。include包括,组成,侧重于组成的各个部分,只用于表示事物的一部分。 • A football team includes 11 players. • The book covers many topics, including how to cook.

  42. contain vs hold • contain着重“其中确实包含有成分”, 如:The bottle contains water. 这个瓶子里有水。 • hold指“能容纳”, 如: The house holds 20 people. 这房子能住下20人。

  43. 5.Line 28 don’t damage your health for a… • V. =harm • =do harm to / be harmful for • n.do/cause damage to

  44. damage / destroy都含“破坏”、“毁坏”的意思。 • damage“价值、用途降低或外表损坏等, 不一定全部破坏, 损坏了还可以修复”, 如: The heavy rain damaged many houses.大雨毁坏了许多房子。 • destroy指“彻底毁坏以至不能或很难修复”, 如: That town was destroyed in a big fire.那个城镇在一场大火中被毁了。

  45.   6.  match The cap is a match for the coat. The chairs and the desk are a good match. The picture matches the story. The new coat fits me well. The new dress suits you well. n.相配者,配对物 v. 和..相配,与..相称 尺寸,大小等的合身 ( neither too big or nor too small) (you look beautiful on it) 款式,发型等的适合

  46. “建议” Un. suggestion Cn. advice a piece of advice a suggestion give advice on sth give suggestions on sth ask sb for advice =ask for one’s advice follow one’s advice = take one’s advice advise (V.) suggest (V.)

  47. I suggest a diet (to you). = I suggest (your) going on diets. I advise a diet (to you). = I advise going on diets. / ( I advise you to go on diets. ) I suggest (that) you (should) go on diets. I advise (that) you (should) go on diets.

  48. Amy is at a news conference

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