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Paul Maplethorpe chair Jane Mears vice chair Holly Comber Secretariat. Welcome to the East Pennine Forum. Agenda. Apologies Minutes of last meeting & matters arising CAN Chairs Executive Meeting Minuets report & update (Note Paul did not attend the meeting) summary of minutes only
Paul Maplethorpe chair Jane Mears vice chair Holly Comber Secretariat Welcome to the East Pennine Forum
Agenda • Apologies • Minutes of last meeting & matters arising • CAN Chairs Executive Meeting Minuets report & update (Note Paul did not attend the meeting) summary of minutes only • Speakers • Lance Saxby • Bill Edrich • Peter O'Neill • Gavin Mcauley • NEA Kath McDaid feed back from morning session • LCR- DEEP Item tabled by Bradford CC • Facilitate discussion with CAN members relating to LCR- DEEP. Short presentation followed by a • Break up of attendees into small units of 4/5 to generate discussion. • Round robin from installers • Energy Saving Trust Advice centre activaty updates • Paul Maplethorpe Presentation energy issues
CAN Executive Meeting Minutes7 October 2010 @ 10:30 amLondon Borough of Camden • In 2009 CAN conducted a members survey titled “The Changing Role of the HECA Officer”. The report has now been produced and will be made available shortly. the next CAN magazine there will be a summary of the report. • An updated survey with similar questions about the roles of members will be recirculated at a point in the future so that changes to the membership can be made
CAN Executive Meeting Minutes • As RL currently has very little available time to work on the website • Hence, he will attempt to bring new features of the website online individually when they become ready, rather than waiting until the new site is entirely finished. This will mean, for example, that the bulletin board web forum will be brought online sooner than otherwise.
CAN Executive Meeting Minutes • National Indicators: • AS has suggested it would be useful to send out a statement to the CAN network along the lines of the following: “Further to rumours that may be heard regarding the National Indicator Set, CAN would like to state that it is our understanding that the indicators have not been withdrawn and, as such, reporting on them is required. Until informed otherwise, CAN would suggest that officers still carry out the reporting procedures on the National Indicator set until told otherwise through official government communications. If this situation changes, CAN will inform its members at that time.“
Carbon Action Network - Email Bulletin No 7 • Welcome to the seventh edition of the fortnightly email news bulletins from the Carbon Action Network. • Please follow the links to our website for full stories. • CAN Conference presentations now available – 2 November 2010 • Following the highly successful CAN Conference in Manchester on 25 June, the powerpoint slides are • now available to download. • Planning for Climate Change: guidance and model policies for local authorities– 3 November 2010 • The Planning and Climate Change Coalition have released a new guide to help local authorities tackle climate change. • More Details of the Green Deal Announced – 2 November 2010 • DECC press release- £3 billion energy wasted annually- Up to 100,000 insulation jobs by 2015 • Friends of the Earth Scotland 42% Better Report– 1 November 2010 • Friends of the Earth Scotland have release a report titled 42% Better: the feasibility and added value of meeting Scotland’s climate change target for 2020 detailing how meeting Scotland’s climate targets could increase employment, cut health-care costs and reduce social exclusion. • LGA & NEA Spending Review Responses– 20 October 2010 • National Energy Action (NEA) have published their reaction to the Comprehensive Spending Review on their website. • The Local Government Association (LGA) have released a briefing document on the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review.The LGA have also issued their response.
CAN Conference No 3 The National CAN Carbon Action Network training day will be held at Fazeley Studios in Birmingham on 28 February 2011. • Online booking has now opened for the next CAN National One-Day event.
CAN Conference No 3. The National CAN Carbon Action Network training day will be held at Fazeley Studios in Birmingham on 28 February 2011. • This will be an interactive training day on maximising opportunities and minimising risks associated with climate change and fuel poverty. • The programme will be workshop based, with a morning plenary session of selected speakers from the previous one-day conference followed by three interactive workshop sessions and a feedback session in the afternoon. • This will be the third of several one-day events around the country. The change from the usual two-day conference format of previous years is designed to provide an affordable and inclusive event in a challenging financial climate. • Future one-day Events/Conferences will be as follows: • May 2011 date, location and theme to be confirmed
Plans made for repeal of the Home Energy Conservation Act • A letter from Lord Marland of Odstock, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, has been issued by DECC stating that the now redundant Home Energy Conservation Act 1995 (HECA) will finally be repealed as part of the forthcoming Energy Security and Green Economy Bill to be put before parliament in December 2010.
Comprehensive Spending Review • RHI • £860 million of new support over the Spending Review period to support households and businesses investing in renewable heat measures. • Feed-in Tariffs • Feed-In Tariffs will be refocused on the most cost-effective technologies saving £40 million in 2014-15. The changes will be implemented at the first scheduled review of tariffs unless higher than expected deployment requires an early review. • Warmfront • DECC will fund a smaller, targeted Warm Front programme for the next two years with a budget of £110 million in 2011/12 and £100 million in 2012/13
Comprehensive Spending Review • Fuel Poverty • The Government intends to initiate an independent review of the fuel poverty target and definition before the end of the year. • Cold weather payments • Make permanent the temporary increases to Cold Weather Payments provided in the past two winters, at a cost of £50 million a year, so that eligible households receive £25 for each seven day cold spell recorded or forecast where they live. • Energy company obligations • From April 2011, energy suppliers will provide greater help with the financial costs of energy bills to more of the most vulnerable fuel poor households, through Social Price Support – with total support of £250 million in 2011/12 rising to £310 million in 2014/15.
Comprehensive Spending Review • Social housing & Decent Homes programme • Social housing will be reformed to provide a more tailored response to individual need at lower cost. Investment alongside this reform will deliver up to 150,000 new affordable homes by 2014-15. Meanwhile, investment via the Decent Homes programme will continue to improve the existing social housing stock. • New Homes Bonus • A New Homes Bonus will be introduced that will directly reward and incentivise local authorities and local communities to be supportive of housing growth. It will reduce the total regulatory burden on the house building industry over the Spending Review period. • Green Investment Bank • The Government will initially capitalise a new institution with £1 billion funding together with additional significant proceeds from the sale of Government owned assets and private sector investment • It will make its investment decisions independent from political control and will employ private sector skills and expertise. The Government aims to complete design and testing work by spring 2011
Comprehensive Spending Review • Carbon capture storage • Up to £1 billion for one of the world’s first commercial scale carbon capture and storage demonstrations on an electricity generation plant. • Low carbon technologies • More than £200 million for the development of low carbon technologies including offshore wind technology and manufacturing at ports sites. • Apprenticeships • Funding for adult apprenticeships will be increased by £250 million a year by 2014-15, relative to the level inherited from the previous government. • DECC is reviewing the work delivered at arm’s length by bodies such as the Carbon Trust, Energy Saving Trust, and the delivery arm of Ofgem. The Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes is also being reviewed. • For full details of the Comprehensive Spending Review visit: http://cdn.hm-treasury.gov.uk/sr2010_completereport.pdf • To read DECC’s press release visit: http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/news/csr_hmt_releas/csr_hmt_releas.aspx
Home owners will be able to fit their properties with energy-saving insulation at no upfront cost from the end of 2012 onwards, the government said • Under a proposed plan called the "Green Deal", government-accredited insulation installers will make improvements such as loft or cavity wall insulation to homes and businesses for a fee, which homeowners or renters will pay in instalments. • The cost of each instalment will be deducted from energy bills and will be limited to the savings that the homeowner makes from the new insulation. • "At a time of increasing gas prices, energy efficiency is a no-brainer," Energy and Climate Change Minister Chris Huhne said in a statement released on Tuesday. • "It's also a massive economic and job opportunity, which could help Britain's economy turn the corner." • The government estimates around 14 million home insulation installations need to be carried out in Britain. It said it hoped to extend the deal to Wales and Scotland, which have their own laws on energy efficiency. • The roll-out of building insulation will add around 73,000 jobs to the industry over the next four years and employ up to 250,000 people by 2030 if all British homes make use of the programme, the government said. • The Green Deal will be rolled out in three steps, starting with a property energy efficiency assessment. Insulation installers will then equip the properties with the necessary improvements, while occupiers will repay the installation costs through instalments in their energy bills. • Fifteen percent of homes on the list of properties to be retrofitted with energy-efficient measures are inhabited by people in the lowest income band, the government said. • By the end of this year, the government's Energy Bill will also outline a proposed law allowing tenants to require their landlords to install reasonable energy efficiency improvements in properties. • The bill will also suggest that local authorities can force home owners to make improvements to least efficient buildings. • The Green Deal, alongside investments into the wind power industry, will boost Britain's economy by up to 2 percent, Huhne said in September. • British Gas announced two months ago a 30 million pound funding to improve home energy efficiency, which will start ahead of the government's policy implementation. • The utility aims to employ 3,700 staff working in the energy efficiency sector by 2012.
Dear energy actor from York & Humber East Pennine HECA Forum, • The revised ManagEnergy website is now online at http://www.managenergy.net! • An improved Partner Search tool will soon be available online which will facilitate contacts and collaboration among energy actors. • To ensure a high level of quality and effectiveness for this facility, accurate and up-to-date information is a must. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to update your ManagEnergy profile. • There are two simple steps to take: • 1. Visit the ManagEnergy log-in web page at: http://www.managenergy.net/login2. Use the information below to access your online account: • Username: yor03153Password:yor03153 • Please be aware that the deadline to update your profile is 15 December 2010. After this date, profiles that have not been confirmed or updated will be removed from the ManagEnergy database. • We will notify you once the new Partner Search tool is operational on the ManagEnergy website. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. • Yours sincerely, The ManagEnergy Team • The sole responsibility for the content of this newsletter lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Commission nor the EACI is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein
Microgen Strategy Consultation workshops report • The Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes held eight workshops around the key themes of the Microgen Strategy Consultation - quality, technologies, skills and advice. • Each group met twice during August and September, and collaborated online in between the meetings. The discussions have been merged into a final report which will inform DECC in writing the consultation document, which will be more widely consulted on later this year. • To download the document click here: http://www.eeph.org.uk/resource/events/index.cfm?mode=view&category_id=12
Workshop on Existing Housing - Creating a Roadmap to 2050 • The Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes, together with the BIS Construction Sector Innovation and Growth Team for Housing is working on the production of a road map outlining how technologies and markets can deliver energy efficiency and carbon savings in the existing housing stock by 2050. • The road map will be based on information already available pertaining to energy and carbon savings in UK homes together with feedback from key industry and Government personnel. To this end the Partnership facilitated a stakeholder workshop on the 4th October 2010. • To download a copy of the event report click here: http://www.eeph.org.uk/resource/events/index.cfm?mode=view&category_id=12
The UK Lighting Industry: Realising the potential for energy saving • The Lighting Strategy Group has compiled a briefing document on energy efficient lighting and the savings that could be achieved in the domestic and commercial sectors. • To download the report click here: http://www.eeph.org.uk/partnership/index.cfm?mode=view&category_id=24
2010 fuel poverty statistics • The 2010 fuel poverty statistics report is now available to download here: http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/statistics/fuelpov_stats/fuelpov_stats.aspx
Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) update October 2010 • Ofgem has published its second CESP Update. This newsletter provides a summary of activity in CESP to the end of August. Future issues will continue to provide details and analysis of the energy companies’ activity towards the CESP overall target of 19.25 million lifetime tonnes of CO2. • To download the update visit: http://www.ofgem.gov.uk/Pages/MoreInformation.aspx?docid=26&refer=Sustainability/Environment/EnergyEff/cesp
Call for a European high level task force on energy efficiency • A group of European trade associations involved in the manufacturing of energy efficient products has called for the creation of a high-level task force to help boost their market take-up as they believe energy efficiency is not receiving sufficient attention. • The executives, who are members of the Energy Efficiency Industrial Forum (EEIF), urged the Commissioner to focus on five key factors necessary to ensure that the 20% energy savings target is met by 2020. • For the press release visit: http://www.ceced.org/ICECED/easnet.dll/GetDoc?APPL=1&DAT_IM=2107FD&DWNLD=2010-10-12%20Press%20release_EEIF%20meeting%20G%20Oettinger.pdf
New energy label • The EU Commission has recently outlined plans to reform energy label ratings for dishwashers, washing machines, refrigeration products and introduce it for televisions. The new label will have three new "beyond A" grades: "A+", "A++" and "A+++". • Defra is developing a consumer communications toolkit to support UK retailers to communicate the changes to their customers. Defra has sought input from retailers at the initial development through a workshop, which the Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes facilitated. • Once developed, this will also be available to manufacturers and other stakeholders. • For further information contact Maggie Charnley at Maggie.S.Charnley@defra.gsi.gov.uk • To read the Guardian press release visit: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/oct/04/uk-eu-a-energy-labels
Energy Performance Certificate online tool launched • The Department for Communities and Local Government has published a tool, the EPC Adviser, that will allow homeowners, landlords and tenants to look up their Energy Performance Certificate online. • For more information visit: http://www.eeph.org.uk/energy/index.cfm?mode=view&news_id=1303
Event • energy and Green Economy Bill: Towards a Low Carbon Economy • - Thursday February 17th 2011, Central London, 08:30 - 14:00 (half day) • - View the full agenda online, by clicking this link: http://insidegovernment.msgfocus.com/c/14qOW20ggTrezbbz4 • - Book today and SAVE on your place by clicking this link: http://insidegovernment.msgfocus.com/c/14qOYkdra9i4R47Dv or call us on 0845 666 0664. • **EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT OFFERS: 15% off all advertised rates up until 5pm Friday 19th November 2010. After this, a 10% off discount will be available until 5pm Friday 10th December 2010. Available to public / third sector organisations only.** • The EARLIER you register, the more you SAVE. • Dear Paul Maplethorpe, • We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to attend 'Energy and Green Economy Bill: Towards a Low Carbon Economy,’ taking place on Thursday February 17th 2011 in central London. • The Energy Security and Green Economy Bill, announced in the Queens Speech, 25th May 2010, will build on previous environmental legislation and will provide a step change in the provision of energy efficiency measures to homes and businesses in order to put in place a framework to deliver a future with secure, low carbon energy supplies and fair competition in the energy markets. • The new Green Deal, the core element of the Bill, will provide a projected £7 billion of Green Deal private sector investment per year. If the deal is taken up by all 26 million households in the UK over the next 20 years, employment in the sector would rise from its current level of 27,000 to around 250, 000, who would be working around the country to make the existing housing stock fit for a low carbon world. • The measures set out in the Bill will ensure that consumers are protected, including the most vulnerable. It will implement fair access for all to energy measures that will enable them to reduce their energy bills and carbon emissions.
Business Plan 2011-2015Department of Energy and Climate ChangeNovember 2010This plan will be refreshed annually • Coalition Priorities Structural Reform Priorities • Save energy with the Green Deal and support vulnerable consumersReduce energy use by households, businesses and the public sector, and help to protect the fuel poor • Deliver secure energy on the way to a low carbon energy futureReform the energy market to ensure that the UK has a diverse, safe, secure and affordable energy system and incentivise low carbon investment and deployment • Drive ambitious action on climate change at home and abroadWork for international action to tackle climate change, and work with other government departments to ensure that we meet UK carbon budgets efficiently and effectively • Manage our energy legacy responsibly and cost-effectivelyEnsure public safety and value for money in the way we manage our nuclear, coal and other energy liabilities
Events • The future for planning in England and Wales22nd February 2011 in London • For details visit: http://www.westminsterforumprojects.co.uk/forums/book_event.php?eid=185&mo=DM1
Definition of Zero Carbon New Homes • The Zero Carbon Hub is hosting consultation events on the definition of zero carbon for new homes. • The events are free of charge and open to anyone with an interest in how new homes will be built from 2016. Please email events@zerocarbonhub.org to register interest and reserve a place. • Events will be held: • 30th November – Manchester 1st December – London 2nd December– Milton Keynes • For details visit: http://www.zerocarbonhub.org/events_details.aspx?event=20
Funds for Renewable Heat Incentive confirmed • As part of its’ Spending Review the Government confirmed that £860 million will be invested to encourage renewable heat installations. The scheme will be introduced in 2011 and is estimated to drive a more-than-tenfold increase of renewable heat over the coming decade: shifting renewable heat from a fringe industry firmly into the mainstream. Visit DECC's website for more information
The Green Deal: Towards a Low Carbon Economy • - Thursday February 17th 2011, Central London, 08:30 - 14:00 (half day) • - View the full agenda online, by clicking this link: http://insidegovernment.msgfocus.com/c/14Q2eJR9H3CspW1cR • - Book today and secure your place by clicking this link: http://insidegovernment.msgfocus.com/c/14Q2h24kAjtiHOXhi or call us on 0845 666 0664. • **ATTEND FOR £99 (+ VAT) - This offer is ONLY available to public & third sector delegates and via this email. Please quote 'GD0401' in the comments section of the booking form to validate your discount.
Paul Maplethorpe chair Jane Mears vice chair Holly Comber SecretariatHappy new year to you all