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BuzzSumo Tutorial PDF

"Guides and best practices for getting started in BuzzSumo<br>Tutorial of BuzzSumo to use the tools for analyzing the brand and social. <br>BuzzSumo can be used for gathering valuable insight into the success of your content on social media channels"t

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  1. BUZZSUMO How to get the most of it. TUTORIAL Unof?cial

  2. Forewords Some Digital Marketing Tools that you may consider in the next page. You can combine all these tools to get optimal results.

  3. Forewords 1. , sales funnel creator Builderall It is obviously one of the best free sales funnel creator, landing page along with free email tools with 100 subscribers, it is a must tool for digital marketer. The paid tier is also very good, the features almost same with ClickFunnels but with far cheaper price. Although you cannot use your own domain for free tier, but they put advertisement which is your af?iliate link on the site you created. So, it is win-win solution, you get commission and Builderall get customer.  2. Sqribble , easy eBook Creator This is tool for eBook marketing. Combine it with BuilderAll and you can make a lead magnets. The eBook created looks very professional. It has lifetime deal for about $20 using this link with coupon CINDERELLA 3. , 3D animation video creator Viddyoze If you want to make stunning video easily, you can use Viddyoze. Though, to get the latest and coolest template, you have to subscribe. But, the basic one is already good.

  4. Forewords 4. , whiteboard and doodle animation creator. DoodleOze Tool to make whiteboard animation or doodle (cartoon). Make informative video or tutorial using this tool. Many digital marketer use whiteboard or doodle animation for their sales video and converts. 5. Speechelo or NewsCaster Vocalizer , These tool will help you to voice over the video you made using other tools mentioned above. As you can see in Fiverr , voice over is very expensive. For 200 words, the cost around $10. If you use Speechelo or  NewsCaster Vocalizer , you may not get super professional voice like Morgan Freeman, but you will get natural sounding voice over that hard to di?erentiated with human voice. It is because they use AI Deep Learning for the text-to-speech. I speculate that they use Amazon Polly. 6. Video Marketing Blaster After you make video along with voice over, you can use video marketing blaster to help you with the YouTube SEO. It is not instant result, but it is much better than if you research it yourself.

  5. How to ?nd User Generated Content How to ?nd User Generated Content User generated content can be a powerful part of your marketing strategy. But it takes time to find customers who want to write about you, and seeing their writing through to publication is also time consuming.  BuzzSumo's alerts simplify the process by uncovering your brand mentions as they come online! User Generated Content (UGC) refers to blog posts, social posts and videos created by customers or others who interact with your brand, product or service. UGC is published outside of your own brand channels. Step One: Set up a brand alert To find User Generated Content, set up a brand alert. Our platform will notify you immediately when your brand is  mentioned in someone else’s content.  All mentions include: A snippet of text surrounding the mention How to ?nd User Generated Content

  6. How to ?nd User Generated Content The domain authority of the site that mentions you A link/no link indicator Take a quick look at the snippet to verify that the mention is positive and determine it’s context.  Mentions at high domain authority sites are especially valuable, as are mentions that include a backlink to your domain.  You can share mentions directly from the platform to your social networks or pull them into Buffer or Hootsuite for social scheduling. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  7. How to ?nd User Generated Content Step Two: Develop a pro?le of the mentions you’d like to share. Begin by thinking about the types of mentions that will have the most marketing value. Create a list of the requirements, so that you can easily choose the best User Generated Content. Here's an example of the mentions we look for at BuzzSumo: 1. The mention is positive. 2. The mention is from a site with a domain authority equal to or higher than yours. 3. The mention focuses primarily on the bene?its of your product or service, without over emphasizing competing products.  4. The mention includes a backlink to your site.  For example:  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  8. How to ?nd User Generated Content Both of these articles mention BuzzSumo, and both come from high domain authority sites:  But, the Search Engine Land mention includes just seven tools, while the Hubspot mention includes 18.  The Search Engine Land blog post is a better choice for UGC. In these two mentions:  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  9. How to ?nd User Generated Content The second post includes a backlink, the first doesn’t.  The second post is a better choice for UGC. Advanced strategies Once you have a little practice quickly finding and sharing User Generated Content from BuzzSumo with our basic profile tips, consider these more advanced ideas.  Expand your marketing into other languages: When BuzzSumo finds a mention in a language different than what you usually use in your marketing, let Google provide a quick translation of the post to determine if it’s positive or negative. Then share to Facebook using the network’s free language targeting.  Grow your audience on social media. When a company mentions you in their content, find and follow them on your social networks. Thank and tag them in the post when you share the mention.  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  10. How to ?nd User Generated Content How To Analyze Your Competitors Great content, like great ideas, can spring from anywhere.  One great place to start is researching your competitor's content. Understanding what’s working well for the leaders in your space is the first step in improving your content intelligence. In this guide, we'll explore:  What is content intelligence  Why your content competitors may not be the same as your product/service competitors  6 steps to analyzing your competitor's content We like this definition from the American Marketing Association : Content intelligence represents the systems and software that transform content data and business data into actionable insights for content strategy and tactics with impact. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  11. How to ?nd User Generated Content It's not enough to know your competitor just published a great new whitepaper. You need to step back and assess their entire body of work to generate meaningful insights that will inform your own work. The companies you compete with for readers, engagements, and links may not be the same as those you compete with for sales.  To make sure you are benchmarking against the right competitors, we recommend starting your analysis by looking at topics, not domains. In BuzzSumo's Content Analysis , enter the topic you want to write about.  For example - at BuzzSumo, we write often about content marketing and strategy. Here's an analysis of top producing companies on the topic of content marketing .  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  12. How to ?nd User Generated Content Looking across these sites (and what a great selection it is!), we see many thought leaders, blogs, publishers, and even some that offer complimentary products that assist with other content marketing efforts. But no one that is really a direct product or service competitor.  Yet these are the leaders we want to benchmark against to create content that connects with an audience. Now that you've put together your competitor list, it's time to dig in to the results. Step 1 - Review your competitor’s publishing strategy How to ?nd User Generated Content

  13. How to ?nd User Generated Content You can learn a lot about a competitor's strategy by analyzing how often they publish new content.  Back in , enter your competitor’s domain. If you enter a top-level Content Analysis domain such as , you will get an analysis of all content published on the buzzsumo.com domain. This may include job posts and press releases.  It may be more appropriate to analyze just a sub-domain or folder where a competitor publishes core content. For BuzzSumo, it would be buzzsumo.com/blog . Below is an example analysis for Content Marketing Institute (CMI). We can see that CMI significantly ramped up their publishing frequency in 2017, posting almost 450 articles in the month of June.  Yet despite this increase, the average shares of their content actually fell significantly. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  14. How to ?nd User Generated Content We can reasonably assume that CMI's decision to scale back its content in late 2017 is at least partially in response to these results. After the change, we clearly see a return to higher levels of engagement per article. If CMI was your competitor, ask yourself:  Am I publishing too much/too little content?  What would happen if I scaled up/down?  What can I learn from CMI's strategy execution over the last two years? Step 2 - Analyze the networks and formats that are working Next, you want to dig in to the social networks where your competitor's content is gaining traction.  CMI's content over the past two years is predominantly shared on Twitter. And on average, their most successful content over this period has been 'list' posts, followed by 'how to' articles. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  15. How to ?nd User Generated Content Click the 'List' column and you'll see the exact pieces driving the most engagement. Some questions to ask:  What is your top performing content type?  What social network drives the most engagements for your posts?  Is there an opportunity to diversify your content to take advantage of other networks and formats? Step 3 - Review their top performing content by engagements How to ?nd User Generated Content

  16. How to ?nd User Generated Content Go to the Most Shared section in BuzzSumo and enter your competitor's domain. This will display the individual pieces of content that have performed the best over a given period. For CMI, two of the top three pieces they've written have been about social media. We can also review specific content types. Since we already know 'list' and 'how to' posts work best, we can filter to either or both of those content types in the sidebar. Here's is a look at their 'how to' content. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  17. How to ?nd User Generated Content This may give us some ideas for 'how to' posts of our own.  Try combining topics and domains for an even more targeted search. For example, LinkedIn and Medium are great sites not just to network, but to publish content. But the range of topics is much broader than you would want to pull into your research. Enter your topic and add a few domains to the Domain filter in the sidebar. Here's a search for articles on the topic of leadership development , published on linkedin.com or hbr.org . How to ?nd User Generated Content

  18. How to ?nd User Generated Content Questions to ask:  What other words/phrases/points of view are showing up in your competitor's headlines? ( Check out our guide on how to craft the best headlines. )  Are there opportunities to publish on third-party sites to complement your own blog? Step 4 - Review top content by backlinks Backlinks offer a different, yet equally valuable view of high performing content.  Run your search and sort by the 'number of links' column.  Notice that the posts that drive the most links are not always the posts that drive the most engagements. For CMI, the articles that have driven the most links over the past 2 years have been a mix of the timely (trends) and the actionable (new research).  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  19. How to ?nd User Generated Content If you add terms like trends or to either your original topic or your competitors' KPI sites, you can see if these articles are outliers or indications of a winning strategy for building linkable content.  Step 5 - Review who is sharing and linking to competitor content Both backlinks and social engagements amplify content. The more engagements and links, the wider the audience that may see your post. If your competitor’s content is gaining traction, it is useful to see who is helping to amplify it.  We can do this in a number of ways using BuzzSumo. Influencer Content Search How to ?nd User Generated Content

  20. How to ?nd User Generated Content Start by reviewing everyone who has shared content on Twitter from a competitor's site. You can do this by navigating to the section, choosing "Search Influencers Content Shared," and entering their domain. (Note: this feature is available on our Large and Enterprise plans only. Contact us if you'd like to upgrade or trial this feature.) Below are a few of the top influencers who have shared content from CMI.  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  21. How to ?nd User Generated Content Backlinks search Use BuzzSumo's Backlinks feature to find the top backlinks your competitors are getting.  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  22. How to ?nd User Generated Content Article search You can also quickly view the top backlinks and sharers of any individual article. Run a Most Shared search for your topic or domain and click on either of the links next to the article title to pull up this information.  Step 6 - Run a Competitor Content Comparison If you haven't already, it's time to face the music and stand your content right next to your competitor's. Navigate back to Content Analysis and enter your site into the search bar. Then, add your competitor's site to the "Add Comparison" field beneath. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  23. How to ?nd User Generated Content Notice these charts display the same types of information as when you analyzed a site on its own. But seeing them side-by-side can help better highlight your gaps and opportunities.  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  24. How to ?nd User Generated Content Don't panic if you're lagging behind. Everyone has room to grow but not everyone takes the time to do a thorough, honest assessment of the current state of their content performance. You are already on your way to improving your results! Competitor content analysis is a vital part of a sound content marketing strategy. To recap:  Analyze their publishing strategy and its e?ectiveness  Review networks where they are gaining the most traction  Identify their most successful content types  Note their top content (measured by both engagements and links)  Flag their content ampli?iers  Compare your content performance head-to-head Want to know more? Check out the free BuzzSumo Essentials course! How to ?nd User Generated Content

  25. How to ?nd User Generated Content How to Monitor Your Brand and Keywords Overview Brand, Keyword, or Competitor monitoring can describe many activities. Here's what we mean when we talk about monitoring with BuzzSumo:  1. Tracking mentions of your brand, keywords, or competitors in media (e.g. blog posts or articles) 2. Tracking mentions of your brand, keywords, or competitors in questions asked in forums This article will help you figure out where and how to monitor any of these types of mentions.  Features You'll Need  Monitoring  Questions Method #1 - Tracking mentions of your brand, keywords, or competitors in media (e.g. blog posts or articles) Alerts notify you when your brand has been mentioned in an article on the internet, such as in a blog post or news article. Alerts crawl the full text of of articles  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  26. How to ?nd User Generated Content These mentions are normally delivered with an hour or two of their publication time, enabling you to reply, comment, or share the content as appropriate.  To begin, navigate to Monitoring and create an alert for your brand name. If your brand name is not unique to you, please include or exclude additional terms to get better results.  Select "Monitoring" and click "Create New Alert Select "Brand Mentions" How to ?nd User Generated Content

  27. How to ?nd User Generated Content Include or exclude additional keywords if needed.  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  28. How to ?nd User Generated Content You can also further refine the alert by using the filters shown below.  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  29. How to ?nd User Generated Content For example, you can restrict results to a particular language and to content that has received more than 50 shares.  Choose to get results via email in real time or as a daily digest. The Monitoring Dashboard will keep you updated on brand mentions as shown below. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  30. How to ?nd User Generated Content Identify questions asked about your brand online Discussion forums and large websites with comments and questions are an important area to monitor for questions about your brand.  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  31. How to ?nd User Generated Content In many ways these questions are more important than other mentions as they specifically invite people to provide answers about your brand. You will want to monitor them and intervene in these discussions.  Even if you don't decide to join the discussion in the forum, the questions that people have about your brand provide great blog post ideas! Competitor comparisons are often phrased as questions. For example, below are just a few questions about SEO tools. If your brand is mentioned in a competitor comparison question, you may want to visit the forum to comment on the existing answers or provide another response.  To help you discover questions being asked about your brand, our Question Analyzer crawls over 100,000 different forums including the entirety of Quora and Reddit.  You can search the data by brand name or any other keyword. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  32. How to ?nd User Generated Content Results are organized and displayed as sub-topics.  For example, below are the sub-topic results for Nike. It's easy to see here that many questions compare Nike to Adidas.  Underneath the word cloud, you will also find a list of actual questions. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  33. How to ?nd User Generated Content Click on the question to go directly to the forum, where you will be able to see the answers and comments.  Identify people who share your brand content It is useful to know who is sharing your content online. For example, you might want to contact and thank people who have shared your content. This can be a helpful way to build relationships, particularly with influencers that have shared your content. To see who has shared the content you've published on your website go to the Influencers section of BuzzSumo and choose 'Search Content Shared'. Then, enter the relevant domains you wish to track.  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  34. How to ?nd User Generated Content BuzzSumo will display the people who have tweeted content from your site. The results will list the most influential Twitter accounts at the top.  The export option makes it easy to create a tailored advertising audience for Twitter. Repeat the process to find and reach out to your competitors' brand champions.   You can also enter your brand name as a keyword in Search Content Shared. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  35. How to ?nd User Generated Content BuzzSumo will show you the people who have tweeted content that mentions your brand.  How to ?nd User Generated Content

  36. How to ?nd User Generated Content How to ?nd User Generated Content

  37. How to ?nd User Generated Content How To Do Content Marketing Research Creating content is expensive, and there is a tremendous amount of competition for attention. Most content created today fails. Our 2018 study showed that 50% of all content gets less than four shares and zero backlinks. This is waste of valuable time and resouces. Before you create content, you need to know: What content does my audience find valuable and relevant? Researching the answer to this question will help you to create the best content more efficiently. It will also help you to define and benchmark your success. At the very least, you are likely to have hunches about what content your audience likes and finds helpful. Go beyond hunches with solid data to improve your content odds. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  38. How to ?nd User Generated Content 9 Data Insights You Need To Create The Best Content:  1. The content volumes and trends for your industry topics 2. The most successful articles in terms of shares and links 3. The content types and formats that your audience shares 4. The evergreen content that gains shares and links over time 5. In?uential sites for content in your industry 6. Competitors' most successful content. 7. The networks where your audience shares content 8. Identify social in?uencers and backlink opportunities for your content 9. Engagement benchmarks We will examine each of these in more depth below. If you would like to record your insights, we have a free template available for download . How to ?nd User Generated Content

  39. How to ?nd User Generated Content 1. Identify Content Volume And Trends For Your Industry Before creating content, it is good to understand the competitive landscape. You will want to know how many articles are being published each month for your topics, and whether or not social shares are increasing. To get a quick overview of your competitive landscape, use the Analysis tab within and search for your topic. The report will display the number of Content Analyzer articles being published over time, as shown below. You can also toggle between a monthly and weekly view by using the top right drop down menu. Next, you can assess the interest in these articles, as measured by total shares. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  40. How to ?nd User Generated Content In this example, the total number of social shares for machine learning articles increased steadily until May 2017. If we look at the average shares for each article, we can see that there has been a steady fall from over 250 shares per article to under 100 shares per article. This analysis suggests a number of things: How to ?nd User Generated Content

  41. How to ?nd User Generated Content  Interest grew steadily until May 2017.  Content competition has increased, as the number of articles on machine learning has grown to over 6,000 a month.  Average shares have begun to fall.  To stand out in this market, content must be exceptional, and it will need to be heavily promoted to gain attention.  We might want to look for a more speci?ic topic area such as the impact of machine learning on language translations or on medical research. In each of these sub-topics, there is less competition. 2. Analyze Your Industry’s Successful Articles In Terms Of Shares And Links Now that we have an overview of the competitive landscape, we can review the most successful posts about our topic. Using the Content Analyzer Search , we can look back over 5 years of data, or at the last six months or year to spot more recent trends. By analyzing the most successful content in this way, we can explore the content that is gaining traction and generate a range of content ideas. To get started, look for repeated words or phrases in heavily shared headlines. Below are the results for content about machine learning. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  42. How to ?nd User Generated Content We can see that the most shared posts are a course on machine learning and a visual guide to machine learning. This result should prompt us to look specifically at guides or machine learning posts with ‘need to know’ in the title. We can search for additional examples with this search: This search returns the following results. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  43. How to ?nd User Generated Content This might encourage us to create a specific guide for our audience, for example ‘what content marketers need to know about machine learning’ or ‘a content marketer’s guide to machine learning’. 3. Identify The Content Types And Formats That Your Audience Shares provides an overview of the best performing content types. For Content Analysis example, it reveals that for machine learning, 'why' posts gain more engagements on average than other formats. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  44. How to ?nd User Generated Content Learn more about these successful formats by clicking the graph, or using the Content Type filter in Content Analyzer's Search . For example, if we filter for why posts we get the following results: How to ?nd User Generated Content

  45. How to ?nd User Generated Content These examples can inspire ideas for why posts of your own, as well as helping you to see whether your audience prefers short or long list posts. 4. Identify The Evergreen Content That Gains Shares And Links Over Time Ideally we want to create content that people share and link to over time. We call this Evergreen Content. BuzzSumo's Evergreen Score will help you to identify Evergreen Content ideas. For example, if we sort a search for ‘marketing’ by the Evergreen Score, we get the following top posts. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  46. How to ?nd User Generated Content This indicates that marketing guides and statistics posts may both be evergreen, probably because they are referenceable. These results reinforce our idea to create a guide. 5. Identify Influential Sites For Content In Your Industry It is also helpful to look at the sites which are publishing the most shared articles for our topics. displays the sites that people share from most often for Content Analysis the topics we write about. For example, the following sites have gained the most shares for their articles on machine learning. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  47. How to ?nd User Generated Content You can learn more by looking at content from influential sites using a Content Analyzer Search . For example, we can review the machine learning articles published by TechCrunch with this search. This returns the following results. 6. Identify Competitors' Most Successful Content. We can do the same Content Analyzer Searches and add up to 10 of our competitors' domains to the in order to identify their most successful content formats, Analysis headlines, lengths, and networks. How to ?nd User Generated Content

  48. How to ?nd User Generated Content Read more about researching competitors in our How to Do Competitor Analysis Guide . If you notice that a competitor is using a particular topic or format, you can add that information to your editorial plan. 7. Identify The Networks Where Your Audience Shares Content also identifies the networks where most shares are taking place. Content Analysis How to ?nd User Generated Content

  49. How to ?nd User Generated Content Once you know your audience's network preferences, you can develop promotion and distribution strategies for those networks. Refine your plans by sorting Content Analyzer Search results by network to see the content that has gotten the most engagements on individual networks. 8. Identify Social Influencers And Backlink Opportunities You cannot publish content and hope that people will find it. There is simply too much competing content. Without a promotion or amplification strategy content will sink into oblivion. In addition to paid promotion, content can be amplified organically by social shares or backlinks. In , use the "View Sharers" option to find the influential Content Analyzer Search Twitter users who tweeted any article. "View Backlinks" will display the most recent and most shared inbound links to the content you are interested in. Build your outreach strategies with the names and sites you find using "View Sharers" and "View Backlinks." 9. Engagement Benchmarks How to ?nd User Generated Content

  50. How to ?nd User Generated Content One of the other important aspects of content research is to establish reasonable benchmarks against which to assess performance. You will want to set targets for traffic and conversions, but these are hard to benchmark against competing sites. By contrast shares and links are easy to benchmark as they are publicly available. BuzzSumo provides a high level overview of average shares. For Content Analysis example: You will also want to find your competitors' total and average shares. You can run Analysis for average shares across a whole domain or just for a blog or just for articles on a specific topic. For example, below are the results for articles on machine learning published in Techcrunch. How to ?nd User Generated Content

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