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WHY STUDY SYSTEMS & ACCOUNTING ?. It is fun It is a different set of skills that augments accounting MSU is the leader in accounting systems – why not study with the best? Good jobs in audit, consulting, and industry It is THE FUTURE. ACC-823 Advanced Database Systems.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WHY STUDY SYSTEMS & ACCOUNTING ? • It is fun • It is a different set of skills that augments accounting • MSU is the leader in accounting systems – why not study with the best? • Good jobs in audit, consulting, and industry • It is THE FUTURE

  2. ACC-823 Advanced Database Systems ACC-321 Accounting Information Systems ACC-821 Enterprise Database Systems ACC-822 Systems Analysis & Design ACC-825 Object-Oriented Systems ACC-824 Digital Business Models & Processes ACC-826 Enterprise Information Systems Systems Courses: Schedule & Sequences FALL SPRING

  3. Enterprise Real World Information Architecture Of Commerce + + $$ + + Individual Decision Corporate Makers InformationSystem ACC-321 ACC-823 ACC-321 ACC-822 ACC-823 ACC-825 ACC-824 ACC-826 Information Architecture: Design, Implementation, & Use

  4. ACC – 321Accounting Information Systems • Accounting systems class for all accounting majors • Winner of American Accounting Association Innovation in Accounting Education Award in 2003 • Major Topics • Semantic Modeling of Enterprise Value Chains and Business Processes • Modeling of E-commerce Collaboration • Internal Control & IT Risk Evaluation • Database Design with ACCESS

  5. ACC – 821 Enterprise Database Systems • Material similar to ACC-321, but adapted for graduate study • Business Week Choice as top MBA elective • Major Topics • Semantic Modeling of Enterprise Value Chains and Business Processes • Modeling of E-commerce Collaboration • Evolution of Enterprise Systems • Database Design with ACCESS

  6. ACC-822Analysis & Design of Enterprise Systems • Major Topics • Understand Systems Development Process • Requirements Determination • Systems Development Life Cycle • Design Documentation Techniques • Use of Oracle Designer • Data Flow Diagrams • Entity Relationship Diagrams • Relationship between DFDs & ERDs

  7. ACC – 823Advanced Database Systems • Major Topics • Advanced Semantic Modeling (Classification, Aggregation, Generalization, Typification) • Syntactic Modeling (Normalization) • Database Procedures & Database Design • Advanced Enterprise Modeling • With & without BP patterns • Intensive computer lab • MS-ACCESS • ORACLE SQL & PL/SQL in client-server environment

  8. ACC-824-- Digitized Governance and Control Processes • Sarbanes-Oxley implications for governance, control, and assurance processes and systems • Frameworks for evaluating sources of risk in business processes • How do information technologies provide value in risk mitigation • Principles for developing appropriate IT infrastructures, processes, and procedures for risk management and financial reporting

  9. ACC – 825Object-Oriented Systems • Major Topics • OO Programming – 3-Tier Architecture • Object-Oriented Analysis & Design • Unified Modeling Language • Unified Modeling Methodology • Business Objects and Component-Based Architecture • XML Overview (ebXML & XBRL) • Hands-on Exercises • CASE Tool (Poseidon) & IDE (Forte) • OO programming with Java

  10. ACC-826 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems • Major Topics • Understand ERP Systems • Understand the Impact of Implementation & Upgrade Decisions on the Organization • Understand Process Modeling & Reengineering • Provide Hands-On Use • ERP Systems & “Bolt-Ons” • Business Processes • Change Management • Project Management

  11. QUESTIONS ??

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