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Evaluation of NASA’s Global Water Cycle Data: Interannual Variability, Interdecadal Changes and Trends Project team: Michael Bosilovich ( Michael.Bosilovich@nasa.gov ), Franklin R. Robertson Junye Chen and Robert Adler.
Evaluation of NASA’s Global Water Cycle Data: Interannual Variability, Interdecadal Changes and Trends Project team: Michael Bosilovich (Michael.Bosilovich@nasa.gov), Franklin R. Robertson Junye Chen and Robert Adler Science Issue: Quantifying and interpreting low frequency variability and trends in the global water and energy cycles can be improved by systematic analyses to remove model and observationaluncertainty. Approach: By evaluating statistical properties of multiple data sets, diagnosing physical mechanisms in process studies, and testing via model experiments we quantify / reconcile in observational, algorithm, model uncertainty and identify opportunities for improvements Satellite-based data: GPCP, TRMM, SSMI, A-Train, NOAA PO Other data: CEOP In-situ stations, CPC Gauge Prec. Models: MERRA and existing reanalyses Study Period: 1979-Present Project status: Year 1 & 2 complete – Precipitation evaluation of reanalyses and global merged data sets submitted for publication (Bosilovich et al.) ; Quantified ENSO ocean LHF signal in satellite & reanalysis data sets (In submission GRL) Year 3 – Actively contributing to NEWS Integrations project 1, 2, and 3, and will contribute MERRA data as it becomes available. Basin scale evaluations of reanalysis and observed water budgets will be conducted to support the NEWS integration tasks. Evaluate the sensitivity of MERRA system to the observing system. Currently relating interannual ocean net surface heat flux to SST changes using SSM/I, SRB-based flux estimates. NEWS linkages: (pull, push, collaborate, external) Adler: Precipitation retrievals and diagnostics Roads: Reanalysis water and energy budgets Clayson /Curry: in ocean LHF evaluation via FSU student (Brent Roberts) Betts: Land process studies, MERRA Olson: Atmospheric heating Peters-Lidard: Land fluxes Bosilovich, Chen, Robertson and Adler: Evaluation of Precipitation in Reanalyses. (Submitted to JAMC) Robertson: Seasonal Evolution of ENSO-Related Ocean Latent Heat Fluxes, Robertson, Lu, Miller and Bosilovich (Submit to GRL Dec2007) Mississippi River Basin precipitation from insitu gauge observations and experimental satellite-era retrospective-analysis data from MERRA. Updated: Nov. 9, 2007