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AUDITORY ATTENTION. AUDITORY ATTENTION . An innovative system for the diagnosis and auditory attention training based on the assumptions of the method invented by Professor A. Tomatis. The Tomatis method.
AUDITORY ATTENTION An innovative system for thediagnosis and auditoryattentiontrainingbased on theassumptions of themethodinvented by Professor A. Tomatis
TheTomatismethod “The voice can only produce the harmonics that the ear is able to perceive". Prof. Alfred Tomatis The TOMATIS Method was founded in the 1950's by Alfred Tomatis (January 1st,1920 - December 25th, 2001), a French otolaryngologist. The method improves brain efficiency through sound filtering. It improves listening and communication skills, motorcoordination, energize and regulate the brains state of alertness and attentionby strengthening the relationship that exists between theear and the voice. It is an ideal solution for students withspecialeducationalneedsand general skill enhancement in language learning.
AUDITORY ATTENTION The AUDITORY ATTENTION is a multi-function product which consists ofmodern multimedia equipmentcombined with compatible software that allows the therapist to conduct an effective diagnosis and therapy.The AUDITORY ATTENTION equipment meets the requirements of the European Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC (Polish ISO 13485 equivalent) and as a medical device, it guarantees safety. The product is certified by thePolish Centre for Testing and Certification Join-Stock Company (Polskie Centrum Badań i Certyfikacji S.A.). The AUDITORY ATTENTION equipment offers technological advancement, excellent ergonomics combined with consistent professional support for the therapist. The combination of stationary and mobile devices offered by the product facilitates the therapist’s work and isuseful for the patient. An individual training program that is part of the product has been based on the proven and effective method byprofessor Alfred Tomatis. The training program ensures safe usageboth at home and in the clinic, making the AUDITORY ATTENTION product a market leader for Tomatis method when used in home environment. AUDITORY ATTENTION has proven to be the most innovative and mobile solution on the market providingprof. A Tomatis’ effect by full frequency spectrum without any compression and very high-level performance.
AUDITORY ATTENTION for children with: • Dyslexia • Learning disabilities • Voice disorders (hoarseness) • ADHD • Autism • Hearing problems • Sensory integration disorder • Speech and language disorders
AUDITORY ATTENTION for adults with: • Speech and language disorders (stuttering) • Voice disorders • Stress, depression • And also: • Learning foreign languages • Usingtheir voice for professional purposes (actors, singers) * Source: Eurydice: Specific educational measures to promote all forms of giftedness at school in Europe, 2008. ** Source Special Education Needs Information Act, An Analysis, 2011. 6
Air-boneheadphones In thisintegratedheadset air conduction is delivered to the right and left ear through standardheadphones. Bone conduction is delivered through a vibrator that is placed on the top of the patient’shead. In this way the sound travelsbothways:external(air) and internal (bone).Theboneconductoris mobile and can be attachedwith a special band in order to test theinternalauditoryattention.
Electronic ear AfredTomatisdiscoveredthatthemissingfrequenciescould be restored to theearthrough a devicecalledtheElectronic ear. TheElectronic ear is synchronized with a computer. A computer program allows thetherapistto set the parameters according to diagnosticrequirements. You can manipulate functions such as: gating, precedence, delay, balance and highpass filtering. All these features work together to generate the Tomatis Effect.TheElectronic ear allows you to train accommodative mechanisms inthemiddleear, allowing theorgan of hearing to "open up" to certain, previously unavailablefrequency ranges.
Thetherapist’sapplication – air conductionexam 125 - 8000 Hz
Thetherapist’sapplication – boneconductionexam 250 - 6000 Hz