Helen Keller By Abby Condliffe
Early Life Helen was born on June 27 1880. Helen lived in a farm in Alabama with her family. All was well until Helen got very sick with Scarlett fever. Soon she started not to answer the dinner bell and didn’t seem to notice when her mother waved her hands before her eyes. Then she got blind, dumb, and deaf. Helen was very spoiled and got whatever she wanted if not she would have a temper tantrum which is when she starts crying and hurting the person who would not let her.
Later On When Helen got older she was a author she loved to write stories. She once made a story called “The Frost King”. Unluckily another women wrote a very similar story and were rumors that Helen copied to get the money. Helen also wrote in the “Ladies Home Journal” half way through college. When Helen got older she made public speeches to help other blind, dumb and deaf people.
Extra Facts Helen learned to speak when she got a bit older. She also learned German and French. Helen Keller died June 1 just a couple weeks before her 88th birthday. Some people say she had courage in the dark and I believe them. I believe them.
Dear Diary, I’m so sad I just got told that my blindness and deafness could not be fixed. Now I have to be taught by a lady named Anne Sullivan. She said that she is going to teach me my manners but I won’t let her. She just entered my house. She came upstairs and looked in my bedroom. I followed. She checked out my bathroom as well. The moment she stepped in I closed the door and locked it. Teach me my manners. Hmph!
Courage in the Dark Ideserve this award because I had the courage throughout my life without seeing or hearing. Even though learning to speak English was a bunch I also learned German and French as well. I also wrote books and was in magazines. My heart still went forever on to be free from the darkness among my eyes. But I never made it there. Even when I pass away I still will long for that dream.