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RStats Statistics and Research Camp 2014. Welcome!. Helen Reid, PhD. Dean of the College of Health and Human Services Missouri State University. Welcome. Goal : keeping up with advances in quantitative methods Best practices : use familiar tools in new situations Avoid common mistakes.
Helen Reid, PhD Dean of the College of Health and Human Services Missouri State University
Welcome • Goal: keeping up with advances in quantitative methods • Best practices: use familiar tools in new situations • Avoid common mistakes Todd Daniel, PhD RStats Institute
Coffee Advice Ronald A. Fisher
Cambridge, England 1920 Box, 1976 Dr. Muriel Bristol
Familiar Tools • Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST) • a.k.a. Null Hypothesis Decision Making • a.k.a. Statistical Hypothesis Inference Testing p < .05 The probability of finding these results given that the null hypothesis is true
Benefits of NHST • All students trained in NHST • Easier to engage researchers • Results are not complex Everybody is doing it
Statistically Significant Difference What does p < .05 really mean? • There is a 95% chance that the alternative hypothesis is true • This finding will replicate 95% of the time • If the study was repeated, the null would be rejected 95% of the time
The Earth is Round, p < .05 What you want… • The probability that an hypothesis is true given the evidence What you get… • The probability of the evidence assuming that the (null) hypothesis is true. Cohen, 1994
Null: There are no flying pigs H0: P = 0 • Random sample of 30 pigs • One can fly 1/30 = .033 • What kind of test? • Chi-Square? • Fisher exact test? • Binomial? Why do you even need a test?
Daryl Bem and ESP • Assumed random guessing p = .50 • Found subject success of 53%, p < .05 • Too much power? • Everything counts in large amounts • What if Bem set p = 0 ? • One clairvoyant v. group that guesses 53% In the real world, the null is always false.
Problems with NHST • Cohen (1994) reservations • Non-replicable findings • Poor basis for policy decisions • False sense of confidence NHST is “a potent but sterile intellectual rake who leaves in his merry path a long train of ravished maidens but no viable scientific offspring” - Paul Meehl Cohen, 1994
What to do then? • Learn basic methods that improve your research (learn NHST) • Learn advanced techniques and apply them to your research (RStats Camp) • Make professional connections and access professional resources
Agenda 9:30 Best Practices (and Poor Practices) In Data Analysis 11:00 Moderated Regression 12:00 – 12:45 Lunch (with Faculty Writing Retreat) 1:00 Effect Size and Power Analysis 2:00 Meta-Analysis 3:00 Structural Equation Modeling
RStats Statistics and Research Camp 2014 Best Practices and Poor Practices Session 1 R. Paul Thomlinson PhD Burrell
Poor Practices Common Mistakes
Mistake #1 No Blueprint
Mistake #2 Ignoring Assumptions Pre-Checking Data Before Analysis
Assumptions Matter • Data: I call you and you don’t answer. • Conclusion: you are mad at me. • Assumption: you had your phone with you. If my assumptions are wrong, it prevents me from looking at the world accurately
Assumptions for Parametric Tests • "Assumptions behind models are rarely articulated, let alone defended. The problem is exacerbated because journals tend to favor a mild degree of novelty in statistical procedures. Modeling, the search for significance, the preference for novelty, and the lack of interest in assumptions -- these norms are likely to generate a flood of nonreproducible results." • David Freedman, Chance 2008, v. 21 No 1, p. 60
Assumptions for Parametric Tests • "... all models are limited by the validity of the assumptions on which they ride."Collier, Sekhon, and Stark, Preface (p. xi) to Freedman David A., Statistical Models and Causal Inference: A Dialogue with the Social Sciences. • Parametric tests based on the normal distribution assume: • Interval or Ratio Level Data • Independent Scores • NormalDistribution of the Population • Homogeneityof Variance
Assessing the Assumptions • Assumption of Interval or Ratio Data • Look at your data to make sure you are measuring using scale-level data • This is common and easily verified
Independence • Techniques are least likely to be robust to departures from assumptions of independence. • Sometimes a rough idea of whether or not model assumptions might fit can be obtained by either plotting the data or plotting residuals obtained from a tentative use of the model. Unfortunately, these methods are typically better at telling you when the model assumption does not fit than when it does.
Independence • Assumption of Independent Scores • Done during research construction • Each individual in the sample should be independent of the others • The errors in your model should not be related to each other. • If this assumption is violated: • Confidence intervals and significance tests will be invalid.
Assumption of Normality • You want your distribution to not be skewed • You want your distribution to not have kurtosis • At least, not too much of either
Normally Distributed Something or Other • The normal distribution is relevant to: • Parameters • Confidence intervals around a parameter • Null hypothesis significance testing • This assumption tends to get incorrectly translated as ‘your data need to be normally distributed’.
Assumption of Normality • Both skew and kurtosis can be measured with a simple test run for you in SPSS • Values exceeding +3 or -3 indicate very skewed
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Tests if data differ from a normal distribution Significant = non-Normal data Non-Significant = Normal data Non-Significant is the ideal Tests of Normality SPSSExam.sav
The P-P Plot Normal Not Normal
Histograms & Stem-and Leaf Plots Normal-ish Bi-Modal SPSSExam.sav Double-click on Histogram in Output window to add the normal curve
When does the Assumption of Normality Matter? • Normality matters most in small samples • The central limit theorem allows us to forget about this assumption in larger samples. • In practical terms, as long as your sample is fairly large, outliers are a much more pressing concern than normality
Assessing the Assumptions • Assumption of Homogeneity of Variance • Only necessary when comparing groups • Levene’s Test
Assessing Homogeneity of VarianceGraphs Number of hours of ringing in ears after a concert Homogeneous Heterogeneous
Assessing Homogeneity of VarianceNumbers • Levene’sTests • Tests if variances in different groups are the same. • Significant = Variances not equal • Non-Significant = Variances areequal • Non-Significant is ideal • Variance Ratio (VR) • With 2 or more groups • VR = Largest variance/Smallest variance • If VR < 2, homogeneity can be assumed.
Mistake #3 Ignoring Missing Data
Missing Data Missing Data It is the lion you don’t see that eats you
Amount of Missing Data • APA Task Force on Statistical Inference (1999) recommended that researchers report patterns of missing data and the statistical techniques used to address the problems such data create • Report as a percentage of complete data • “Missing data ranged from a low of 4% for attachment anxiety to a high of 12% for depression.” • If calculating total or scale scores, impute the values for the items first, then calculate scale
Pattern of Missing Data • Missing Completely At Random (MCAR) • No pattern; not related to variables • Accidentally skipped one; got distracted • Missing At Random (MAR) • Pattern does not differ between groups • Not Missing At Random (NMAR) • Parents who feel competent are more likely to skip the question about interest in parenting classes
Pattern of Missing Data Distinguish between MCAR and MAR • Create a dummy variable with two values: missing and non-missing • SPSS: recode new variable • Test the relation between dummy variable and the variables of interest • If not related: data are either MCAR or NMAR • If related: data are MAR or NMAR • Little’s (1988) MCAR Test • Missing Values Analysis add-on module in SPSS 20 • If the p value for this test is not significant, indicates data are MCAR
What if my Data are NMAR? • You’re not screwed • Report the pattern and amount of missing data
Deletion Listwise Deletion • Cases with any missing values are deleted from analysis • Default procedure for SPSS • Problems • If the cases are not MCAR remaining cases are a biased subsample of the total sample • Analysis will be biased • Loss of statistical power • Dataset of 302 respondents dropped to 154 cases
Deletion Pairwise Deletion • Cases are excluded only if data are missing on a required variable • Correlating five variables: case that was missing data on one variable would still be used on the other four • Problems • Uses different cases for each correlation (n fluctuates) • Difficult to compare correlations • May mess with multivariate analyses
Imputation Mean Substitution • Missing values are imputed with the mean value of that variable • Problems • Produces biased means with data that are MAR or NMAR • Underestimates variance and correlations • Experts strongly advise against this method
Imputation Regression Substitution • Existing scores are used to predict missing values • Problems • Produces unbiased means under MCAR or MAR • Produces biases in the variances • Experts advise against this method
Imputation Pattern-Matching Imputation • Hot-Deck Imputation • Values are imputed by finding participants who match the case with missing data on other variables • Cold-Deck Imputation • Information from external sources is used to determine the matching variables • Does not require specialized programs • Has been used with survey data • Reduces the amount of variation in the data
Stochastic Imputation Stochastic Imputation Methods • Stochastic = random • Does not systematically change the mean; gives unbiased variance estimates • Maximum Likelihood (ML) Strategies • Observed data are used to estimate parameters, which are then used to estimate the missing scores • Provides “unbiased and efficient” parameters • Useful for exploratory factor analysis and internal consistency calculations
Stochastic Imputation Multiple Imputation (MI) • Create several imputed data sets (3 – 5) • Analyze each data set and save the parameter estimates • Average the parameter estimates to get an unbiased parameter estimate • Most complex procedure • Computer-intensive