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Strengthening the Link between Human Resources and Employee Volunteerism. SID 3588 Thurs., June 20; 10:30 to 12pm. Ben Duda Executive Director AmeriCorps Alums, Points of Light. PULSE Volunteer Partnership Ahsiya Mencin, PhD PULSE Program Leader GlaxoSmithKline. Change Communities
Strengthening the Link between Human Resources and Employee Volunteerism SID 3588 Thurs., June 20; 10:30 to 12pm
Ben Duda Executive Director AmeriCorps Alums, Points of Light
PULSE Volunteer PartnershipAhsiya Mencin, PhDPULSE Program LeaderGlaxoSmithKline
Change Communities Using our professional skills tocreate positive, sustainable change for non-profit organisations and the communities they serve. Change Yourself Challenging employees to think differently about the world. Facilitating leadership development and personal growth. • Change GSK • Bringing fresh ideas and new energy back to GSK to activate change in step with global health needs. The PULSE Volunteer Partnership contributes to the GSK mission to do more, feel better and live longer by acting as a catalyst for change.
2009-2013: Nearly 400 volunteers from 45countries working with 85Partners in 57countries
Engagement of Line Managers,HR Leadership Team, and broader HR networkhas been critical, esp. in EOY review 3-fold mission ensures focus on ‘Change Yourself’ (leadership & skills development) at all stages of the program Local Hubs, with local ownership, established through collaboration with HR networks in Latin America, India & Japan Continue to improve ‘extracting’ the learningfrom PULSE experience PULSE Reflections
Cbeyond VolunteersGwayuMahamaCommunity Affairs Program ManagerCbeyond
Company Profile: Cbeyond • The technology ally to small and midsized business. • Founded in 1999 by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. • Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia • 14 U.S. cities. • ~2,000 employees
Community Involvement at Cbeyond • Community Involvement Overview • “Passion-led, employee-driven” • STEM education, entrepreneurship, and technology • 56% employee volunteer engagement in 2012 • 70,000+ volunteer hours since founded in 1999. • Award Winning Community Involvement Programs • 2012, Corporate Engagement Award of Excellent Recipient, US Presidents Vol. Service Award (5x) • Department rolls up to HR.
Key Internal Partnerships • Human Resources • Training & Leadership Development • Cbeyond University • Internal Communications • Public Relations/Marketing
Creating the “Win-Win” • Strategic Professional Development Course • “Strategic Professional Development: Taking Your Career to the Next Level Through Volunteerism” • Nonprofit Board Training Program • Boards and committees • Community Liaison/Team Lead Opportunities
Telefónica VolunteersMarian JusteProgram DirectorTelefónicaFoundation
About Telefónica Spanish Telecom services company, founded in 1924 Providing mobile, fixed and broadband services in 24 countries 133,000 professionals 4 mainbrands > Movistar, Terra, O2 & Vivo 315.7 million customers 7th telecom company by market cap (2nd Europe)
Global ResultsVolunteeringProgram(2012) Volunteersparticipating in projects and campaigns: 24.508 Volunteeringactivities implemented: 1.458 Hoursinvested in volunteering: 188.951 Countries with volunteering activities:: 25
StrategicObjective Mobilize employess in volunteering activities that meet social needs and channels the values of Telefónica. Development of Competencies Development of theEnterprise Value Social Good DevelopmentofSocietyValue Transparency Managment HR FT Comunication CSR
StrategicObjective Mobilize employess in volunteering activities that meet social needs and channels the values of Telefónica. Development of competencies Development of the enterprise value Social Good Development ofSocietyValue Transparency Managment HR FT Comunication CSR
Transparency Communicatetheobjectivetoallactorsinvolved Developmentof competencies
Development of CompetenciesThroughCorporateVolunteering KNOW WANT CAN *Cardona, P. y García-Lombardía, IESE BUSINESS SCHOOL, P: How to develop leadership abilities, p. 35, EUNSA, 2005
Development of Competencies COMPETENCE: “Usual and observable behaviors that lead to the development of the success in the execution of a role.” Usual (habits) Develop Observables Measure PositivesLead tothesuccess *Cardona, P. y García-Lombardía, P: How to develop leadership abilities, p. 35, EUNSA, 2005
The “What”: TheChallenge: BEFORE DURING AFTER
The “Why”: TheObjectives • 01 – Promote a Spirit of Service in the Employees • 02 – Create Value to Telefónica
The “Who”: ActorsInvolved • 01 – Telefónica Foundation Partners Organizations • 02 – Beneficiaries through the Partner Organizations • 03- Telefónica Volunteers Programa • 04 - Human Resources • 05 - The Managers of the Areas of the Company participating • 06- Participating Employees
The “How”: The StrategyIntegrated Management Model: TVT + HR 0 – Potential Challenges Mapping: Identify a series of social situations that need to be improved through the intervention of the Telefónica Volunteers 01- Selection of the Team that is going to “Play” Identification: Human Resources identifiesAreas (“Teams”) in the Company with opportunities to improve skills and/or their working environment. Or, the Areas (“Teams”) express their interest to participate in order to improve skills. Definition: The Area leaders with TVT & HR define the number of participants, the duration and the availability of resources.
The “How”: The StrategyIntegrated Management Model: TVT + HR 02 – Challenge Design (which “Championship” to Play) TVT with the NGO identifies a social need , the “Challenge”, in accordance with the requirements and needs of the “Team”. 03– Launch (“kick - off”) TVT and the Leaders in the Area present the Challenge to all of the participants. A commitment is generated on their part and the management begins.
Integrated Management Model:Volunteering Program + HR 1 2 3 4 5 6 . • 04 – Management and implementation (“Play the “Game”) • The participants have several weeks to leverage & manage the necessary resources to meet the challenge: design the strategy, implement the actions and obtain the results. TFT provides support. • 05 – Delivery (The “Cup”) • The participants deliver the result to the Community • 06 – Closure and evaluation • The Team and the Leaders, with TFT & HR evaluate the impact • of the activity on Competences Development and Social Contribution
Development of Competencies:Watch in ordertoMeasure ¿What do we do? • IdentyCompetenciestodevelopbytheTeam(no more thantwo). • DesigntheCchallengethatenablestheachievement of theseCompetencies • TranslatetheCompetenciesinto Observable Behaviorswithintheactivity of theChallenge. • EvaluateifthetrainedBehaviorsremain in theWorkEnvironment (habits). ¿How do we do it? a) A Teamobserverwill be appointed and willevaluatethedegree of achievement of theCompetenceduringthechallenge b) MonitoringtheCompetenciesdeveloppedbytheTeam Leader duringthefollowingtwomonthsaftertheChallengein theWorkEnvironment.
Team Management of the Challenge FIELD VISIT AND PLANNING MANAGEMENT EXECUTION DELIVERY EVALUATION CLOSURE • 01 – Field visit and planning: The team makes a field visit to the challenge in order to understand better the needs and the context.. • TVT facilitates a planning day where they make the teams, identify the leaders concrete Goals, Strategy and Plans of action towards the challenge. Measuring and control points are defined. 02 – Management: The teams start the management of resources according to the established goals.
Team Management of the Challenge FIELD VISIT AND PLANNING MANAGEMENT EXECUTION DELIVERY EVALUATION CLOSURE 04 - Delivery: The management results are handed to the organization symbolically in a ceremony. 05- Evaluation and closure: TFT leads a “Reflection Session” with the team in order to identify and rationalize the developed competencies and the social impact caused. 03 - Execution : Participants make the implementation according to the timetable and the defined goals.
Telefónica VolunteerSchool in a+ Proyectdescription The Telefónica VolunteeringSchoolwill be a spacethatwillcontainalltheCorporateVolunteeringcoursesonofferforalltheTelefónica employees Theschoolwill be placed onthe e-leanringa+ platform, wheretherest of allTelefónica schoolsare. Contents and learningactionsadaptedtotheneeds of ourvolunteer and thegroups and organizationswheretheactivitytakes place. Creation and collectiveconstruction; build astrongcommunitythatfacilitatestheloyalty of ouremployees. Final objective: to have a trained and motivated Telefónica volunteer: development and improvement of theircompetencies Commercial School ICT School English Academy Technical School
The What: program philosophy Total Engagement Model The Soul SQ The Head IQ The Heart EQ The Body PQ
Global Outreach ProgramRegina McNallyVice President, Corporate CitizenshipState Street Corporation
Engagement 71% Our employee engagement survey indicated that 71% of employees involved in Corporate Citizenship activities show a stronger commitment to State Street.
Inclusion Our 32 Employee Networks – with 100 chapters globally – create volunteer, career development, and cultural opportunities for State Street employees.
Development State Street employees are able to select service learning opportunities to meet required performance goals.
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