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Addictions. When we hear the word „ addiction “, we mostly imagine drugs , ciggarettes or an alcohol . The most of us think how terrible is it to see somebody being addicted to smoking or drinking . Those people might be addicted as well even though they don ’ t realise it .
Whenweheartheword„addiction“, wemostlyimaginedrugs, ciggarettes or analcohol. The most ofusthinkhowterribleisit to seesomebodybeingaddictedto smoking or drinking.
Thosepeoplemightbeaddictedaswelleventhoughthey don’t realiseit. They don’t seem to be. Butthey are... ... addicted to somethingdifferent.
Facebookwasfounded by HarvardstudentMarkZuckerberg in the 2004 underitsoriginalnameTheFacebook.com. ThedaywhenFacebookwasborn had more than 800 peopleregistered in lessthan 24 hours. Atthenedoftheyear, Facebookreachedonemillionregisteredusers. In 2006, theyreached 12 millionactiveusers. In 2011, itwas 800 million. Beingaddicted to Facebookisnow a medicaldiagnosis (Facebookaddictiondisorder), asit’s nothingunusualthesedays.
In 2004, duringhisdaysatthecollege, MarkZuckerbergwasasked by hisclassmates, Tylerand CameronWinklevoss tohelpthemwiththeirproject,anexclusivesocialnetworkforHarvardstudents. Markacceptedtheiroffer and beganworking on thewebsite. Hehoweverlaterrealisedheisable to finish and runitwithoutWinklevoss’s, so heaskedhisfriendEduardoSaverin to helphimfinancingTheFacebook. Saverinagreed and TheFacebookwasfounded. Laterthenamewaschanged to ‘Facebook’, asMark’s later partner, SeanParker, suggested to leave‘The’fromitsname.Sincethen, a lotofthings in theworld had changed. Poor Harvardstudentisnowtheyoungestbillionaire, Facebookisoneofthe most popularwebsited in theworldwithits 800 millionusers and more than 250 millionpicturesuploadedeveryday.
Currently, over 350 millionpeople are sufferingofFacebookaddictiondisorder. Whatdoesitmean? • Beingaddictedlikethistechnicallymeanstheaddictedpeople are afraidofloggingoutofFacebook, shuttingdownthecomputer or just walkawayfromitfor a fewminutes, astheymight‘miss something’. • Theaddictedpeoplefeeltheyhave to sharetheiropinions, states and every single step they do into a Facebook status. • TheyalsoaddrandomstrangersintotheirFacebookasfriendsand eventhoughtheymightstartchatting in thefuture (whichismostlyunlikely), they most likely never meet. • Spending 5-7 hours in front of a computerscreenisnothingunusualforFacebook-addictedpeople. So istheamountofphotos, videosand statusestheysharedaily.
Let’s be fair, Facebookisnottheonlysocialnetwork on the Internet. Thereweremanysocialnetworksbefore and aftertheFacebookwasfounded. The most popularones are: • MySpace – motherofsocialnetworkingwebsites, oneoftheearliestmodernsocialnetworks on the Internet. • Twitter – Twitterwasborn just a yearafterFacebook and eventhoughthestructureofthisSocialNetworkisverysimple, activityofTwitters’usersisincredible and stillraising. • Tumblr – classicalmicrobloggingnetwork. • LinkedIn – a networkmostlyforbusiness and professionalnetworking. • Qzone – is a socialnetworkforChinese-speakingusers and peopleliving in China. • Habbo – socialnetworkingwebsiteaimedforteenagers by itslook and content. Founded in 2000.
Beingaddicted to socialnetworks or thecomputeritselfdoesn’t meantheaddicted person issittingbehindthescreenwaytoooften. There’s much more troublebehindthis. • Atfirst, the person mightbeshywhichmagicallychangesoncethepersonisbackhome, safebehindhiscomputer. • Second, theaddictedpeople are ratherchatting over theFacebookthangoingout and meeting in personalsomewhereoutside. • Third, somepeople are veryangry and evenagressivewhenthey are forced to leavethecomputer. Speakingofshyness... Thereisalso a problemwithpeoplewho are extremelysocial, whichmeansthey are takingphotosofthemselveswaytoooften, uploadingit on thewebsite and waitingfortheamountof‘likes’they are going to receive.Thisistechnicallythesenseoftheirlife.
Somepeople are eventhatmuchaddictedtheyaccesstheFacebookusingtheir mobile phone, iftheyare currently in school or just can’taccesstheircomputerforsomereason. Programmersworking onsocialnetworksknewwhat are theydoing and now, onceyouhaveanaccount on Facebook, you’reunableto deleteit. Youwillstay in thedatabaseforever. Thinktwicebeforeregistering a Facebookaccount. Itisnotasusefulasyouthink.