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Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber---- A New Type of Detector for Time of Flight

Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber---- A New Type of Detector for Time of Flight. Wu, Jian University of Science & Technology of China STAR-TOF Group for the STAR Collaboration Aug.18,2004 Beijing. Outline. Introduction MRPC R&D MRPC & TOFr in STAR Conclusion.

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Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber---- A New Type of Detector for Time of Flight

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  1. Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber----A New Type of Detector for Time of Flight Wu, Jian University of Science & Technology of China STAR-TOF Group for the STAR Collaboration Aug.18,2004 Beijing J. WU USTC

  2. Outline • Introduction • MRPC R&D • MRPC & TOFr in STAR • Conclusion J. WU USTC

  3. IntroductionMRPC Developed in 1996 at CERNE. Gorini et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 396(1997)93 J. WU USTC

  4. MRPC R&Dsingle cell/6-gap 12-pad/10-gap 12_Read out pad: 3.0cm×3.1cm 6_gap:6×0.25mm Outer glass:1.2mm Inner glass:0.7mm J. WU USTC

  5. MRPC R&DCosmic Ray Test System J. WU USTC

  6. MRPC R&DSchematics of Cosmic Ray Test System J. WU USTC

  7. MRPC R&DResults of Cosmic Ray Test Time Resolution of Multi-cell MRPC~89ps J. WU USTC

  8. MRPC R&DT10 Test Beam at CERN J. WU USTC

  9. MRPC R&DTime Resolution and Efficiency of 6-gap Multi-cell MRPC vs. High Voltage Efficiency:~97% Time resolution: ~60ps Plateau:~1KV M. Shao, L.J.Ruan et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 492 (2002) 344-350 J. WU USTC

  10. MRPC R&Dp/ Identification with Multi-cell MRPC When p2>>m12 c2 and m22c2 Momentum=3GeV/c Flight distance=277cm t=432ps(theory)  t=441ps(experiment) J. WU USTC

  11. MRPC R&DThe beam test result summary • single pad 5-gap MRPC Efficiency: >95% t: ~70ps • 12-pad 6-gap MRPC Efficiency: >97% t: ~60ps • 6-pad 2x5-gap MRPC Efficiency: ~99% t: ~50ps J. WU USTC

  12. The STAR Detector • Main sub-detector involved in TOF calibration 1. TPC M. Anderson et al.,Nucl.Instr.Meth. A 499,659 (2003) 2. pVPD W. J. Llope et al., Nucl.Instr.Meth. A 522,252 (2004) 3. TOF tray J. WU USTC

  13. Particle Identification (=0) TPC p(GeV/c) If there is TOF p(GeV/c) t(ps) /(3)  0.65  2.3 50  1.6 100  1.3 150 /p (3)  1.3  3.8 50  2.6 100  2.2 150 Particle Identification Capability of STAR-TOF J. WU USTC

  14. STAR-TOF Construction Options • Scintillator+PMT(fine mesh tuber) good time resolution <80ps very expensive • Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber good time resolution ~80ps high efficiency >95% inexpensive J. WU USTC

  15. Overview of TOF tray =6° for one tray J. WU USTC


  17. TOF tray Structure of MRPC Module Read out pad size:3.15cm×6.3cm, gap:6×0.22mm J. WU USTC

  18. 24 USTC modules assembled in the tray (total 28) J. WU USTC

  19. Testing tray with the AGS ‘Muon +…’ J. WU USTC

  20. Efficiency and Time resolution of the TOF tray vs HV efficiency>95% Time resolution<80ps J. WU USTC

  21. TOFr tray installed in STAR in 2003for d+Au and p+p run at 200GeV J. WU USTC

  22. Calibration procedure • Pion sample from TPC: 0.3-0.6Gev/c • Reference start time calculation • T-A slewing correction • Incidence point on Pad correction J. WU USTC

  23. Overall time resolution in p+p and d+Au collisions pp run : Overall Time resolution:160 ps (pVPD start time resolution 135 ps included ) dAu run: Overall Time resolution:120 ps (pVPD start time resolution 85 ps included ) J. WU USTC

  24. TOFr efficiency vs particle transverse momentum J. WU USTC

  25. Luminosity, HV current &TOFr Count rate J. WU USTC

  26. PID of TOFr tray J. WU USTC

  27. dE/dx after TOFr PID cut J. WU USTC

  28. Conclusion • MRPC Time resolution ~85 ps for different types of modules we made • TOF tray of STAR successful, some interesting physics results obtained: Open charm yields in 200 GeV p+p and d+Au collisions at RHIC Lijuan Ruan(for the STAR Collaboration) J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 30(2004) S1197-S1200 Pion, kaon, proton and anti-proton transverse momentum distributions from p+p and d+Au collisions at sqrt(snn) = 200 GeV nucl-ex/0309012 J. WU USTC

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