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Using the New JDK 8 Security Features. Sean Mullan Technical Lead, Java Security Libraries Team Oracle Corporation. Goal. Learn about the new JDK 8 security features, understand the benefits of each, and get started with code that you can use in your applications . Agenda.
Using the New JDK 8 Security Features Sean MullanTechnical Lead, Java Security Libraries Team Oracle Corporation
Goal Learn about the new JDK 8 security features, understand the benefits of each, and get started with code that you can use in your applications
Agenda • The 11 new security features • High level overview of Java Security • Details and examples of each new security feature • More information • Q & A
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The 11 New Security Features http://openjdk.java.net/jeps
The 11 New Security Features (continued) http://openjdk.java.net/jeps
Overview of Java Security • Java Language Security and Bytecode Verification • Security APIs and Libraries • Cryptography: JCA/JCE • Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI): Certificates, CertPaths • Authentication: JAAS, Kerberos • Secure Communication: JSSE (SSL/TLS), GSS-API, SASL • Access Control: Security Manager, Policy, JAAS • XML Signature • Tools: jarsigner, keytool
Java Security Conceptual Diagram = JDK Enhancement-Proposal JEP Authentication 140 113 Secure Communication PKI Access Control 114 124 115 Crypto 131 123 166 121 130 129
Security Provider Diagram Application MessageDigest.getInstance (“SHA-512”) SHA-512 MessageDigest from Provider B Provider Framework MessageDigest SHA-224, SHA-256 MessageDigest MD5, SHA-1 MessageDigest SHA-256, SHA-512 Provider B Provider A Provider C
JEP 130: SHA-224 Message Digests • Implement the SHA-224 message digest and related algorithms • Completes support for the SHA-2 family (224, 256, 384, 512) • SHA-224 is a truncated version of SHA-256 • computed hash is 224 bits instead of 256 • uses a different initial hash value • provides 112 bits of security (same as two-key Triple DES)
Examples using SHA-224 // Create a SHA-224 message digest MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-224"); // Create a SHA-224 RSA or ECDSA signature Signature sig = Signature.getInstance("SHA224withRSA"); Signature esig = Signature.getInstance("SHA224withECDSA"); // Create a SHA-224 mac Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA224");
JEP 121: Stronger Algorithms for Password-Based Encryption • Provide stronger Password-Based Encryption (PBE) implementations • PBE is based on PKCS #5 and includes: • key derivation functions • encryption schemes • message authentication code (MAC) schemes • Current support for PBE is lacking • Less secure PBKDF1 key derivation and PBES1 encryption algorithms • Use MD5/SHA-1 and 3-key Triple DES or RC2 encryption • No MAC algorithms
JEP 121: Stronger Algorithms for Password-Based Encryption (continued) • JEP 121 adds support for stronger PKCS #5 (v 2.1) algorithms • PBKDF2 key derivation using HMAC SHA-2 pseudo-random functions • PBES2 encryption schemes using PBKDF2 and AES • PBMAC1 MAC schemes using PBKDF2 and SHA-2 • Algorithms are formed as follows: • SecretKeyFactory: PBKDF2With<prf> • Cipher: PBEWith<prf>And<encryption> • Mac: PBEWith<prf>
Deriving a key from a password // Create PBE KeySpec with password, salt, // iteration count, and key length char[] password = System.console().readPassword(); byte[] salt = new byte[8]; new SecureRandom().nextBytes(salt); intiterCount = 1000; intkeyLength = 128; PBEKeySpecpks = new PBEKeySpec(password, salt, iterCount, keyLength); // Derive PBE key SecretKeyFactoryskf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256"); PBEKeypbeKey = (PBEKey)skf.generateSecret(pks);
Combined key derivation and encryption String alg = "PBEWithHmacSHA256AndAES_128"; // Create PBE key (NOTE: key is not strong) PBEKeySpecpks = new PBEKeySpec(password); SecretKeyFactoryskf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(alg); SecretKeypbeKey = skf.generateSecret(pks); // Create PBE params : IV, salt and iteration count byte[] iv = new byte[16]; new SecureRandom().nextBytes(iv); IvParameterSpecivP = new IvParameterSpec(iv); PBEParameterSpecpbeParams = new PBEParameterSpec(salt, iterCount, ivP);
Combined key derivation and encryption (continued) // Create PBE cipher Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance(alg); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pbeKey, pbeParams); // Encrypt byte[] cipherText = c.doFinal("Hello, world".getBytes()); // Decrypt c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, pbeKey, c.getParameters()); byte[] clearText = c.doFinal(cipherText);
JEP 131: PKCS#11 Crypto Provider for 64-bit Windows • The PKCS #11 standard defines a platform-independent API to cryptographic tokens • The SunPKCS11 provider is currently supported on Solaris, Linux, and Windows (32-bit only) • Solaris configured out-of-the box, others require additional configuration • JEP 131 adds support for 64-bit Windows • See the PKCS#11 Reference Guide for more information
JEP 129: NSA Suite B Cryptographic Algorithms • Provide implementations of NSA Suite B cryptographic algorithms • NSA Suite B is a list of required cryptographic algorithms approved for use by the U.S. government for secure sharing of information • Most algorithms are already supported • JEP 129 adds support for missing pieces • 2048-bit Diffie Hellman and DSA keys • SHA224withDSA and SHA256withDSA signature algorithms • AES GCM mode completed as part of JEP 115
Generating a 2048-bit DSA key // Create algorithm parameters AlgorithmParameterGeneratorapg = AlgorithmParameterGenerator.getInstance("DSA"); apg.init(new DSAGenParameterSpec(2048, 256)); AlgorithmParametersap = apg.generateParameters(); DSAParameterSpec spec = ap.getParameterSpec(DSAParameterSpec.class); // Generate DSA public-key pair KeyPairGeneratorkpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA"); kpg.initialize(spec); KeyPairkp = kpg.generateKeyPair();
JEP 123: Configurable Secure Random-Number Generation • Provide better APIs and configuration options for secure random number generation • Add a new Security Property and SecureRandom method to obtain “strong” random numbers • Set reasonable strong default implementations for each platform • Correct the java.security file and correct minor implementation details • securerandom.source=file:/dev/random • No more "file:/dev/./urandom" or "file:///dev/urandom" • Add new NativePRNGBlocking and NativePRNGNonBlockingSecureRandom implementations
Obtaining and using a strong SecureRandom // Create strong secure random number generator SecureRandomsr = SecureRandom.getStrongSecureRandom(); if (sr == null) { sr = new SecureRandom(); if (!goodEnough(sr)) { return; } } // Initialize key pair generator with SecureRandom KeyPairGeneratorkpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA"); kpg.initialize(2048, sr);
JEP 115: AEAD CipherSuites • Implement the AEAD AES/GCM cryptographic algorithm • Cipher API was already enhanced in JDK 7 to support AEAD operations • Implement AEAD/GCM based TLS cipher suites in JSSE (RFCs 5288, 5289, 5430) • TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (RFC 5288) • TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (RFC 5289, 5430) • TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (RFC 5289, 5430) • Etc. • Required for NSA Suite B compliance
Authenticated Encryption with AES/GCM mode // NOTE: use a different IV value for every operation GCMParameterSpecparams = new GCMParameterSpec(128, iv); Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("AES_128/GCM/NoPadding"); // Encrypt and authenticate c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, params); c.updateAAD("Duke".getBytes()); byte[] cipherText = c.doFinal("Hello, world".getBytes()); // Decrypt and authenticate c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, params); c.updateAAD("Duke".getBytes()); byte[] clearText = c.doFinal(cipherText);
JEP 166: Overhaul JKS-JCEKS-PKCS12 Keystores • Facilitate migrating data from JKS and JCEKS keystores by adding equivalent support to the PKCS#12 keystore • Support added for trusted certificate and secret key entries • Enhance the KeyStore API to support new features such as entry metadata and logical views spanning several keystores • New Domain "DKS" KeyStore type • New attribute APIs • Enable the strong PBE algorithms introduced in JEP-121 to be used to protect keystore entries
Example Domain KeyStore configuration file // dks.config file // domain containing two keystores domain macosx { keystoremykeystore keystoreType = "JKS" keystoreURI = "${user.home}/.keystore"; keystoremykeychain keystoreType = "KeychainStore"; };
Using the Domain KeyStore // Create and load DKS keystore KeyStoreks = KeyStore.getInstance("DKS"); URI uri = new File("dks.config").toURI(); ks.load(new DomainLoadStoreParameter (uri, Collections.singletonMap("mykeystore", new PasswordProtection(password)))); // Enumerate over the trusted certificate entries Enumeration<String> aliases = ks.aliases(); for (String alias : Collections.list(aliases)) { Certificate cert = ks.getCertificate(alias); }
JEP 124: Enhance the Certificate Revocation-Checking API • Enhance API to support best-effort checking, end-entity certificate checking, and mechanism-specific options and parameters • New PKIXRevocationChecker API • Best-effort checking (SOFT_FAIL) option • revocation check is not fatal if status cannot be obtained (for example, due to network connection failure, overloaded server, etc) • OCSP is preferred with fallback to CRLs (can be switched, and/or fallback disabled) • Support for stapled OCSP responses
Using the PKIXRevocationChecker // Create PKIX CertPathValidator and set soft-fail option CertPathValidatorcpv = CertPathValidator.getInstance("PKIX"); PKIXRevocationCheckerprc = (PKIXRevocationChecker)cpv.getRevocationChecker(); prc.setOptions( EnumSet.of(PKIXRevocationChecker.Option.SOFT_FAIL)); // Validate certificate chain PKIXParametersparams = new PKIXParameters(keystore); params.addCertPathChecker(prc); CertPathValidatorResultcpvr = cpv.validate(path, params);
JEP 114: TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension • Add support for the SNI Extension to allow more flexible secure virtual hosting and virtual-machine infrastructure based on SSL/TLS protocols • Extension specifically indicates the hostname the client wants to connect to • Allows JSSE to be used by a server where multiple domains share the same IP address and each can use different certificates • Common in cloud computing environments • Several new JSSE APIs
Using SNI on client side // Create SSL socket SSLSocketFactoryssf = (SSLSocketFactory)SSLSocketFactory.getDefault(); SSLSocketss = (SSLSocket)ssf.createSocket(ipAddress, 443); // Specify hostname and add to SSL parameters SNIServerNamesn = new SNIHostName("www.example.com"); SSLParametersparams = ss.getSSLParameters(); params.setServerNames(Collections.singletonList(sn)); ss.setSSLParameters(params);
Using SNI on server side // Create server socket ServerSocketFactoryssf = SSLServerSocketFactory.getDefault(); SSLServerSocketsss = (SSLServerSocket)ssf.createServerSocket(443); // Specify host matching rules and add to SSL parameters SNIMatchersm = SNIHostName.createSNIMatcher ("www\\.example\\.(com|org)"); SSLParametersparams = sss.getSSLParameters(); params.setSNIMatchers(Collections.singletonList(sm)); sss.setSSLParameters(params); SSLSocketss = (SSLSocket)sss.accept();
JEP 113: MS-SFU Kerberos 5 Extensions • Add support for the MS-SFU extensions to the JDK Kerberos 5 implementation • Allows a service to obtain a Kerberos service ticket on behalf of another user • Useful in firewalled environments or clients without Kerberos support • Consists of two extensions: • Service-for-User-to-Self (S4U2self) extension • Service-for-User-to-Proxy (S4U2proxy) extension
S4U2self example // Create GSS manager on server and get default credentials GSSManager manager = GSSManager.getInstance(); GSSCredential self = manager.createCredential(GSSCredential.INITIATE_ONLY); // Impersonate as user “mullan” GSSName user = manager.createName("mullan", GSSName.NT_USER_NAME); GSSCredentialuserCred = ((ExtendedGSSCredential)self).impersonate(user); com.sun.security.jgss.ExtendedGSSCredential
JEP 140: Limited doPrivileged • Enables code to assert a subset of its granted permissions without otherwise preventing the full access-control stack walk to check for other permissions • This is very useful when you need to enable some permissions while allowing others to continue the stack walk • New AccessController.doPrivileged methods that take list of limiting Permissions
Limited doPrivileged Example // PrivilegedAction subclass that retrieves the // value of a system property class GetPropertyActionimplements PrivilegedAction<String> { private final String prop; GetPropertyAction(String prop) { this.prop = prop; } @Override public String run() { return System.getProperty(prop); } }
Limited doPrivileged Example (continued) // Returns the value of the specified property. All code // is allowed to read the app.version and app.vendor // properties. public String getProperty(final String prop) { return AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction(prop), null, new PropertyPermission("app.version", "read"), new PropertyPermission("app.vendor", "read")); }
More Information • OpenJDK Security Group: http://openjdk.java.net/groups/security/ • Mailing list: security-dev@openjdk.java.net • JEPs: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/0 • JDK 8 downloads: https://jdk8.java.net/download.html • JDK 8 security guides: http://download.java.net/jdk8/docs/technotes/guides/security/index.html • JDK 8 javadocs: http://download.java.net/jdk8/docs/api/ • My Blog: http://blogs.oracle.com/mullan/ • Twitter: @seanjmullan