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Conscience . What is it?. Conscience . CCC (____________ of the Catholic Church) defines conscience as: Person’s ______________ of himself/herself as a _________________ Enables one to take ______________ for the ____________ he or she performs. Conscience .

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  1. Conscience • What is it?

  2. Conscience • CCC (____________ of the Catholic Church) defines conscience as: • Person’s ______________ of himself/herself as a _________________ • Enables one to take ______________ for the ____________ he or she performs

  3. Conscience • The ability to _______________ , ______________ about and ____________ between right and wrong- the _______________ behind the decision

  4. Development of Conscience • As you mature you have a sense of right and wrong – usually starts with your __________________ • Usually your_________________, values and beliefs (Christian or other) will guide the ______________________ of your conscience • Helps you deal with _________________, sin or temptation • Need to seek __________________(mentor, church…)

  5. CONSCIENCE Always take into consideration: ____________________ _____________________________

  6. Conscience cont’d • ____________________ about the good or evil of concrete acts that will be performed or that have been ______________________

  7. Three related Senses • Three related realizations of conscience: • Conscience as ____________ • Conscience as _____________ • Conscience as________________

  8. Conscience as ____________ • Ability to know and do the ______ while _____________ • ____________ of right and wrong (universal = Golden Rule) • Characteristic of a ____________ = ability to _____________ right and wrong • Animals = instinct

  9. Conscience as ____________ • Knowing how to ______________ ____________and think correctly • Where the disagreements or _____________ are found • Seek to know the ______________ and to make it your own • Conscience is _______________ and _______________

  10. Conscience as _______________ • Decision that is made based on personal _______________ and _______________ • Expression of self on fundamental stances • All persons are bound to follow their _______________ faithfully…and not forced to act contrary to their conscience

  11. Development of Conscience • Is it important to form one’s conscience? • How does one form their conscience?

  12. Are people’s conscience changing? – what do you think when people say that teens no longer have a good conscience?

  13. JOURNAL • What does it mean when something weighs on your conscience? • What is guilt? When do you have it?

  14. C.S. Lewis “I AM WHAT I DO”

  15. Development of one’s Conscience • Objective= seeking to discover the good that God _______________ and to which the human person is drawn towards • How? • Sacred _______________ • _______________ • Expert opinions • _______________ • Study • Experience (personal or others’ )

  16. Who are you? Who do you want to be?

  17. Symptoms of Misinformed Conscience • _______________ = to invent _______________ explanations for acts, opinions, etc., that are actually based on other causes • _______________ = cause to appear _______________ trifling, etc. • _______________ = to give false or _______________ information to.

  18. Symptoms of Misinformed Conscience • 4. _______________ _______________ the Means= doing wrong now to bring about “_______________” later • 5. Means to an _______________ =doing wrong to bring actions to a _______________ • 6. Difficult to _______________ = Being in a hard situation _______________ one’s ability to make a good _______________

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