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Mid-Term Exam

Mid-Term Exam. Thursday, Feb. 16 th (in class) three sections (concise, brief written answers) Part 1 Lectures – Bureaucracy and Democracy one answer from choice of two questions Part 2 Lectures – The Political-Bureaucratic Interface one answer from choice of two questions

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Mid-Term Exam

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  1. Mid-Term Exam • Thursday, Feb. 16th (in class) • three sections (concise, brief written answers) • Part 1 Lectures – Bureaucracy and Democracy • one answer from choice of two questions • Part 2 Lectures – The Political-Bureaucratic Interface • one answer from choice of two questions • Part 3 Lectures – How the Bureaucracy Actually Works • one answer from choice of two questions

  2. Cuban Missile Crisis • blockade... • Team 1, Team 3, Team 4, Team 5, Team 6, Team 7, Team 8 • blockade and surgical airstrike • Team 2 • What was the “essence” of the decision?

  3. THE BUREAUCRATIC POLITICS MODEL How Bureaucracy REALLY Works... February 9, 2006

  4. The Alternative Models (for understanding gov’t behavior): • the Rational-Unitary Actor Model • the Organizational Process Model • the Bureaucratic Politics Model

  5. The Rational-Unitary Actor Model • government is a single, cohesive, coordinated entity • government identifies its interests/goals • options are considered on the basis of cost/benefits of each • final decision is based on optimizing between the government’s various interests/goals

  6. The Organizational Process Model • government is made up of distinct organizations each with standard operating procedures and organizational capacities • government identifies its interests/goals • goals/interests are pursued by the various organizations – each according to its standard operating procedures and organizational capacities • what is actually done results from the interplay of these standard operating procedures and organizational capacities

  7. The Bureaucratic Politics Model • government is made up of separate, distinct organizations • different organizations have different interests • based on professional norms • based on self-interest • government action is a resultant of the interplay between these forces • what gov’t does is -- most often -- different than what any particular actor wants • no single agent strong enough to dominate

  8. “Essence of Decision” Explaining the US Response in the Cuban Missile Crisis

  9. Rational-Unitary Actor Approach • Cuban Missile Crisis as “Hard Case” • Rational-Unitary Actor • identifies interests • considers options • Do Nothing • Diplomatic Pressure on Khruschev • Secret Approach to Castro • Invasion • Air Strike • Blockade • chooses optimal option

  10. Organizational Outputs • Date of Discovery -- October 14th • SOPs explain why not earlier or later • Range of Options • preferred option was airstrike • surgical airstrike not option • MRBM classified as “mobile” • MRBM reclassified as “moveable”

  11. The Bureaucratic Politics Model • Date of Discovery • 10 day delay • Range of Options • the President • the Armed Forces • Air Force • Navy • the Secretary of Defense • the Outcome • blockade -- not the first choice of any one of the relevant actors

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