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Mid Term Exam Results. The Website is Operational. I will not be posting to the hotmail accounts again. I will make them available on the website @... www.mrsilverteaches.com AND , I will distribute to the STUDENT LEADERS who can distribute to the rest of the class.
The Website is Operational I will not be posting to the hotmail accounts again. I will make them available on the website @... www.mrsilverteaches.com AND, I will distribute to the STUDENT LEADERS who can distribute to the rest of the class. Student Leaders must come to see me after class and give me their email addresses so that I can distribute the ppts to them and they can forward to the rest of the class.
Mandatory Classroom Tools Text Book Calculator Dictionary Writing instrument (pen or pencil) Note book (not just a scrap of paper) Audio Recording Devise (if English is weak). It is my obligation to teach you the skills that you will be required to use to survive in a Market Economy. If you do not show up with the tools necessary to do the job, you are likely to distract other students who want to learn the skills to be independent and successful. If you are unprepared for class, you will likely be depriving them of future opportunity . OPPORTUNITY COST
In-class exercise (2 minutes) Question: “What is the opportunity cost of coming to class unprepared to work”. Answer: Unprepared to be independent in a free market economy. Reckless with security needs of your loved ones. Loss of enjoyment with life. Less Life Satisfaction. A feeling of being cheated out of the better things in life. Jealousy towards those who have earned more.
Test Take-up and Test Taking TIPS All the tests had the same questions, however, there were three different formats. Read the Questions Carefully! There were numerous examples of people losing marks because they did not read the question carefully. Even though their answer was wrong, it is clear by their wrong answer that they could have answered it correctly that if they had read the question carefully. Example Question: Name 3 examples that are used when calculating the liquidity ratio. Incorrect Answer: Liquid assets/monthly expenses; shows the # of months that living expenses can be paid; a higher ratio is better. Correct Answer: heat, gasoline, mortgage or rent, car payment, gasoline, etc.
Mr. Silver’s insights from marking the test… If you have any intention of working in English after your graduation, you will need to continue to improve upon your ability to read, speak and understand English (Lifetime Learners). Note: I speak a second language and often time the people I am talking to think that I understand much more than I do. That is a problem which will come back to bite you later. Example. If you are working in a bank and you have a conversation with someone about a financial transaction, or you are a person of importance and are asked for directions or advise, and you give bad directions or bad advise, because your language skills appear to be better than they are, and the customer loses the deal or gets lost because of it, you and your employer will lose a lot of respect and possibly a customer. You will need to continually work on your English. Language changes during our lifetime (between generations). You may see that when talking with your parents or grandparents! (I have to ask the meaning of some words when speaking with my own children)
Highlights The ratio calculations. Some people memorized the answers from the last test, resulting in a X. Some people copied from their friends but put the answer in the wrong place, resulting in a X. Some of the ratio questions were answered with words. They were calculation questions not word questions, resulting in a X. Some people did not scan the test before they started answering questions and answered the questions worth more points, near the end, with less time to work on them.
I have spoken for approximately 24 hours since we met on September 19th. If you were doing all of the following, you should have been able to earn an A+ on each of the tests. Paying attention while I speak. Taking notes while I speak Reviewing your notes after the lecture and again a second time before coming to the next lecture, if only for 10 minutes each time you reviewed them. Read the summary from your text book. Read my ppts. Continue to practice your English skills. Choosing to not do the chores listed above, is like preparing to fail. It is like going on a diet and choosing not to change your diet and food intake, it is like going to work as an electrician without your tools.
5. Equations and the data which was provided were sometimes ignored. Some students answered the questions using examples from the text book. FYI! These required only the most basic math (fill in the blank). If you are having trouble with these question, PLEASE get a tutor. You can learn it. EXAMPLE
Go to word document with the test w-answers. Not available on-line! Sorry Kids. Remember to bring your note books, pens and digital recorder to every class!