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MUSIC MAGAZINE ANALYSIS. The magazine cover dominantly uses the colour of red, yellow and green to portray the genre and main article of the magazine. With these colours people can quickly associate them with the Rastafarian culture and the reggae music of Bob Marley.
The magazine cover dominantly uses the colour of red, yellow and green to portray the genre and main article of the magazine. With these colours people can quickly associate them with the Rastafarian culture and the reggae music of Bob Marley. The main picture on the magazine is Bob Marley looking happy and content. This picture is used also to represent the upbeat mood and genre of the magazine as reggae music is usually associated with peace and happiness. The smiling picture also tells readers to remember Bob Marley as being a peaceful and happy man.
The masthead is covered by the head of Bob Marley, the main artist the magazine is trying to advertise. This clearly states the genre of the magazine at is boldly shows an iconic artist in which is recognised for their Reggae music. This shows their importance as it subtly shows that the artist is more important than the magazine. The word magazine is written inside the letter “O” of the magazine. The word “magazine” is edited to look almost as if it was hand written as it is in a very simplistic and rugged form. This use of font shows that the issue of the magazine is very laidback without any heavy editing or formal upkeep, therefore further suggesting the magazines genre of music.
The name of the main artist portrayed in the front cover of this magazine is written in very bright, Rastafarian colours linking to the theme of the magazine and the character of Bob Marley. By using these iconic colours, the audience can easily see that it is a reggae magazine. The main picture of Bob Marley is edited in black and white. These colours contrast well with the bright and colourful mood of the magazine cover, making it stand out against the rest. This black and white photograph can also be used to show a comeback of old-school music, therefore creating the unique selling point by showing originality and authenticity.
The other artists, listed in the bottom right-hand corner of the magazine cover are shown in the colour white. Because of the colour white, the artist names are more difficult to make out, showing the hierarchy of artist featured in the magazine as Bob Marley is exaggerated a lot more than them. A free reggae CD is advertised on the front cover of this magazine, used to attract people to buy it. This free gift gives the consumers yet another reason to purchase the magazine, by allowing it to stand out against the rest.
The colour theme consists of Black Red White and Yellow. The are very dark colours with the yellow to clash and make it stand out. This links to the target audience as dark colours are a representation of the Rock genre. • Buzz words such as biggest and complete make this magazine seem more in depth and exclusive than other magazines. • I would say the USP of this magazine is the detail of music that they go into. Looking at the front cover they seem to know EXACTLY what goes on in the music world in the rock category. • The layout is very informal and kind of canted to show the messy nature of rock music which would definitely appeal to the type of reader that would pick up this magazine.
Strapline • The strapline goes with the theme of the magazine due to the yellow, red, blue and white colours. • The strapline includes STUDIO REPORTS on bands such as Architects and Lostprophets. Both theses bands fit under the rock genre which would appeal to the target audience. • Also the strapline reads ‘Still hell raising!’ which again attracts the target audience by hinting the rebellious nature that rock music tends to have. • There is a picture of ‘Asking Alexandria’ and as a heavy metal band this would draw in the target audience.
Coverlines • The first cover line says ‘Rocks biggest gig guide!’ This is in a round red text box with yellow writing and a bold font. This links to the theme a and is located next to the central image to draw attention to it. This cover line was used to attract the rock fans this magazine is aimed at. • ‘The complete history of Rock & Roll excess’ stands out as it’s in a big font coloured black and red on a bright yellow background. It fits in with the general theme of the magazine as it is in loud colours to reflect the loud music played in the rock genre. • The next cover line reads ‘The blackout Vs Celebrity Big Brother no, really…..’ This is such an unlikely scenario to happen which becomes apparent due to the colloquial language which says ‘no, really…’. Because of the uniqueness of this situation it could get the target audience interested as they would like to read on. The ellipses enhances the way a reader might want to read on. • The last cover line explains how the magazine is a poster special. This cover line is sponsored by the drink Relentless. Relentless as a word other than a drink has many connotations for example it could be seen to mean cruel and merciless just like the attitudes of the rock genre.
Central Image • In the image is All Time Low who are a rock based band. The want to be newly associated with the UK as they have already made it big in America. • They are looking at the reader creating a direct mode of address. This shows confidence and instantly creates a connection with the reader. • The costume choice is very casual as indie/rock bands don’t tend to dress up for most occasions so therefore the black jeans and t-shirts fit their genre. They are all pulling faces to show they don’t take themselves too seriously and just want their music to be successful. • The technical code is a low angled shot to show a slight upward view towards the band. This makes the band seem dominating which goes with the anchorage text ‘watch out UK, they’re here..’ as they plan to take over the Uk as well as America with their music.
Images • In image 1 is various rock bands to show that it’s a poster special. There is an indirect mode of address as the pictures are all taken at rock gigs so the mis en scene is quite grungey and the men all look like they are screaming, covered in tattoo’s wearing dark clothes. This links with the genre and target audience as it shows what real rock music looks like to be played live and the audience would be interested as all the best music is played live. • In the second image is the band Asking Alexandria. They are using direct address to show confidence and are pulling faces like All Time Low again showing they don’t take themselves too seriously. This band would attract the target audience as they fit the rock genre and with album titles such as ‘STAND UP AND SCREAM’ and ‘RECKLESS AND RELENTLESS’ they reflect the loud and limitless attitudes to rock music. • The last image is of Led Zeppelin who has been dominating the rock industry since 1968. The picture is in black and white however he is directly looking at the camera and sticking his tongue out. This shows there is a theme in rock music and the artists not taking themselves to seriously which is how they become as successful as this person who is considered a legend in the rock industry.
Contents • The contents page of 'MOJO' magazine features, at the top of the page, the word 'MOJO', as appose contents. However, the reader can tell that this is the contents page due to the typical conventions such as page numbers, feature headings in a bold text, information under the heading about that feature and also, images relating to one, or more, of the features in the magazine. The title text ('MOJO') is bold, large and in a simple font, making it stand out and catch the readers eye. • Featured down the left hand side of the splash are the content listings, telling the audience and letting them know what will be featured in the magazine that issue. The page numbers which, along with the feature heading, are in bold, standing out and showing the reader clearly what the feature is and where to find it.
Featured down the left hand side of the splash are the content listings, telling the audience and letting them know what will be featured in the magazine that issue. The page numbers which, along with the feature heading, are in bold, standing out and showing the reader clearly what the feature is and where to find it. • Placed under each sub-title is a italicised description of what will feature in that certain article. The descriptions vary from long to short, still, in each case, not giving too much away about the content, pulling the reader in and urging them to read further.
Despite having a main story featured on the front cover, 'MOJO' magazine does not concentrate it's contents page on this one feature. Instead, one other image of a thing related to the features down the left of the page are shown. By doing this it shows the reader more of what is featured in the magazine and not just the one main feature on the front cover as the reader are already aware of this feature due to it being the first thing they notice when they see the magazine. The image is shown as large and important. Doing this directs readers attention to different aspects of the contents page, showing the that the magazine offers a variety of different stories. • Using a quote from an interview within the magazine also draws readers attention and makes them want to learn more about what Courtney Love is saying.
This double page spread focuses on Lana Del Rays constituencies such as young women, who are also one of the main targets for Q magazine. The text involved in the double page spread is very fashion conscious targeting an image conscious audience by giving them key information about what she is wearing 'white slip dress and prom queen crown' in full detail. The official article starts with a bigger letter made from similar text to the title. This clearly indicates the start to the reader.
The first sub section briefly describes what her first impression was in front of the camera for the photo shoot, letting the reader know how the artist acts and on her appearance. Inside the text there is a significant short sentence used through the description - 'exposed'. This word suggests that the article will be open and unreserved letting the audience in on all Lana's secrets. The informative text is used to tell the reader on the subject matters background. There are a few bits of punctuation used to keep the flow of the article text, or to break it up. There is one quote used by the president of Polydor Records which adds a little extra to the article, different opinions coming from a related source. The detailed description of the location provides an accurate knowledge for the reader making the article more reliable.