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Comergence 3/14/13

Comergence 3/14/13. Wh a t D o es C o m e r g en c e D o ?. Comergence provides streamlined processing and centralized storage of Correspondent applications nationwide.

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Comergence 3/14/13

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  1. Comergence 3/14/13

  2. WhatDoesComergenceDo? • Comergence provides streamlined processing and centralized storage of Correspondent applications nationwide. • Allows Sellers to share their profiles with Investors they choose without having to fill out new applications for each investor. • Stores all Seller documents so basic documents that are needed by all Investors only have to be produced once. • Provides HomeBridge with complete Seller application processing. • Provides HomeBridge tools to manage Seller’s files, documents and renewals in a paperless system. HomeBridge Seller Seller Other Investor Seller Other Investor Other Investor Seller Other Investor Seller

  3. The Seller Application Process This training will cover the following topics: • Starting the Correspondent Seller Application • Filling out the Application • Adding Seller Application Documents • Comergence Role • Approval Decision & Communication • Answers To Common Questions

  4. Starting the Application There are two ways the Seller can access the HomeBridgeapplication. Link from your website to the on-line application, or An email containing a hyperlink to the online application.

  5. Filling Out the Application From the login page, Seller’s have two choices: • Sign in if already in the Comergence network. • The Seller’s profile is already in the system; simply click to share it with HomeBridge. • 2) Start filling out the application by clicking register. • Simply populate the application as any other application.

  6. Adding Documents HomeBridge Required Documents • The Seller will upload any documents requested. • Documents are uploaded by the Seller into the Comergence system. • Along with the e-application, this protects the Seller from identity theft. • Adding documents is as simple as browsing and clicking “ADD”. • General documents requested by other lenders may already be in the system, saving the Seller valuable time. • Documents specific to HomeBridge, such as the MLPA, will never be shared with any other lender.

  7. Comergence Role Once the Seller clicks submit, Comergence goes to work • Comergence performs the initial background work. • This includes items such as licensing, legal claims and criminal background checks. • Although Comergence checks major credit items, they do not pull a credit report and thus your clients credit score will not be damaged. • Common names can create problems but Comergence can help. • Comergence technology and analysts are constantly checking for false items and eliminates those items so that the Seller does not have to explain issues that do not belong to them. • Comergence report only facts, never an opinion. • Comergence background work turn around times are quoted at 24- 48 hours although they consistently complete the work within 24 hours.

  8. Approval Decision & Communication • HomeBridge makes all decisions on Seller approvals. • Comergence provides background information only. • Comergence never dispositions an application. • Upon application completion, the Seller is sent an email notification. • Sellers can check status of their application 24/7 in the same portal they completed the application. • Seller agreements, document updates, annual recertification's and any other Seller management is done quickly and easily through the system. • Because documents are stored separately, they can be renewed easily and the system does the follow up for you.

  9. FAQs Q –Whatis the Sellersupposedtodoiftheyhavea questionorneedhelp? A –Ifthesituationisaboutthe HomeBridgeapplication,the Sellershoulduse the "Live Help"featureonthatis accessible onevery page.99%ofall questionscanusuallybe handledthereandvery quickly.Ifitisabout HomeBridge’sprogramsorpolicies, the Sellershould contacttheir NationalSalesManager. Q – HowcantheSellergethelpwiththeiruser name orpassword? A –Theloginscreenhastwobuttons:“ForgotUser Name?”and“ForgotPassword?”These linkswillsend theSelleran email toresetthe information.Besure tocheckthe SPAMorJunkMail boxesifthey don’tseetheemail right away.

  10. FAQs (continued) Q –Whydoes Comergencerequireallthosedocuments? A –General documentsapplytomostinvestorsin the Comergence systemsothe Sellerhastoonlyaddthem once. HomeBridge hasthe choice torequirethese,make themoptionalor notapplicable.Investorspecific documentsareonesthatHomeBridgehasmade arequirement.Comergence isyourtoolforcollectingall documentsandhasnoauthorityover HomeBridge’srequirements. Q – Will the Seller’s information be exposed or available to another investor? A – The Seller list is available only to HomeBridge. Comergence uses the highest levels of security to prevent any unauthorized viewing.

  11. FAQs (continued) Q –WhentheSellertriedtoregister withHomeBridge,theSellerreceivedamessagetelling them that their “TaxIDore-mailalreadyexists.”What doesthis mean? A –It meansthattheir companyisalreadyregisteredwithComergence.They should attempttorecall their login credentialsandlogin tocontinue.Ifthey donotremembertheir logincredentials(username/password), use the Forgot UsernameandForgotPassword featuresonthe loginpage.

  12. FAQs (continued) Q –WhatiftheSelleris notgettingtheiremailsfrom Comergence? A –Checkspamor junkmail folders Q –WhodoIcallifIhave questions? A –For mostquestions,contactthe Client Managementdepartmentatclientmanagement@homebridge.com

  13. FAQs (continued) Q – HowdoestheSellergetassigneda NationalSalesManager? A –TheSellersimply choosesthe NationalSalesManager’snameon the dropdownin the application. Q –WhathappensifComergencefindsa negativeitem ona Seller? A –Comergence role istoprovide clarity onderogatoryitems.Comergence researchesandverifiesanyissues discoveredand eliminatesfalsepositives.Thedecision toapprove or deny aSellerismade by HomeBridge.

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