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Incentive Compatibility and the Bargaining Problem. By Roger B. Myerson Presented by Anshi Liang lasnake@eecs. Outline of this presentation. Introduction Bayesian Incentive-Compatibility Response-Plan Equilibria Incentive-Efficiency The Bargaining Solution Example.
Incentive Compatibility and the Bargaining Problem By Roger B. Myerson Presented by Anshi Liang lasnake@eecs
Outline of this presentation • Introduction • Bayesian Incentive-Compatibility • Response-Plan Equilibria • Incentive-Efficiency • The Bargaining Solution • Example
Outline of this presentation • Introduction • Bayesian Incentive-Compatibility • Response-Plan Equilibria • Incentive-Efficiency • The Bargaining Solution • Example
Introduction • Consider the problem of an arbitrator trying to select a collective choice for a group of individuals when he does not have complete information about their preferences and endowments. • The goal of this paper is to develop a unique solution to this arbitrator’s problem, based on the concept of incentive-compatibility and bargaining solution.
Introduction • Describe by a Bayesian collective choice problem: (C, A1, A2, …, An, U1, U2, …, Un, P) Cis the set of choices or strategies available to the group; Aiis the set of possible types for player i; Uiis the utility function for player i such that Ui(c, a1, a2, …, an) is the payoff which player i would get if cЄC were chosen and if (a1, a2, …, an) were the true vector of player types; P is the probability distribution such that P(a1, a2, …, an) is the probability that (a1, a2, …, an) is the true vector of types for all players.
Introduction • Assumptions: a. C and all the Ai sets are nonempty finite sets; • The response of each player is communicated to the arbitrator confidentially and noncooperatively; • The arbitrator cannot compel a player to give the truthful response; • The arbitration is binding.
Introduction • Choice mechanism is a real-value function π with a domain of the form CX(S1XS2X…XSn)—for some collection of response sets S1, S2,…, Sn—such that ∑c,ЄCπ(c’|s1,…,sn)=1, and π(c|s1,…,sn) for all c,for every (s1,…,sn) in S1XS2X…XSn. • Ai is the standard response set.
Outline of this presentation • Introduction • Bayesian Incentive-Compatibility • Response-Plan Equilibria • Incentive-Efficiency • The Bargaining Solution • Example
Bayesian Incentive-Compatibility • With a choice mechanism π, we have Zi(π, bi|ai) represents the conditionally-expected utility payoff for player i, here ai is his true type, bi is the type he claims. • A choice mechanism is Bayesian incentive-compatible if Zi(π, ai|ai)≥ Zi(π, bi|ai) for all i, aiЄAi, biЄAi
Bayesian Incentive-Compatibility • Define Vi(π|ai)=Zi(π, ai|ai) if choice mechanism π is used and if everyone is honest. • Define V(π)=((Vi(π|ai))a1ЄA1,…,(Vn(π|an)) anЄAn). • The feasible set of expected allocation vectors: F={V(π): π is a choice mechanism} • The incentive-feasible set of expected allocation vectors: F*={V(π): π is a Bayesian incentive-compatible}
Bayesian Incentive-Compatibility • Theorem 1: F* is a nonempty convex and compact subset of F (proof in the paper). • If Vi(π|ai)<Vi(π’|ai), for all i and aiЄAi, we say that π is strictly dominated by π’.
Outline of this presentation • Introduction • Bayesian Incentive-Compatibility • Response-Plan Equilibria • Incentive-Efficiency • The Bargaining Solution • Example
Response-Plan Equilibria • A response plan for player i is a function σi mapping each type aiЄAi onto a probability distribution over his response set Si. σi(si|ai) is the probability that player i will tell the arbitrator si if his true type is ai • So we have Wi(π, σ1, …, σn|ai) to represent the player i’s expected utility payoff; similarly to before, we have a vector of conditionally-expected payoffs: W(π, σ1, …, σn)=(((Wi(π, σ1, …, σn|ai))aiЄAi)ni=1)
Response-Plan Equilibria • (σ1, …, σn) is a response-plan equilibrium for the choice mechanism π if, for any player i and type aiЄAi, for every possible alternative response plan σ’i for player i: Wi(π, σ1, …, σn|ai)≥ Wi(π, σ1, …, σi-1, σ’i, σi+1,…,σn|ai) • The equilibrium-feasible set of expected allocation vectors: F**={W(π, σ1, …, σn): π is a choice mechanism, and (σ1, …, σn) is a response-plan equilibrium for π} • Theorem 2: F**=F* (proof in the paper)
Outline of this presentation • Introduction • Bayesian Incentive-Compatibility • Response-Plan Equilibria • Incentive-Efficiency • The Bargaining Solution • Example
Incentive-Efficiency • π is incentive-efficient if and only if it is a Bayesian incentive-compatible choice mechanism and is not strictly dominated by any other Bayesian incentive-compatible mechanism (remind: If Vi(π|ai)<Vi(π’|ai), for all i and aiЄAi, we say that π is strictly dominated by π’).
Outline of this presentation • Introduction • Bayesian Incentive-Compatibility • Response-Plan Equilibria • Incentive-Efficiency • The Bargaining Solution • Example
The Bargaining Solution • Conflict outcome: it represents what would happen by default if the arbitrator failed to lead the players to an agreement. Examples: Market Politics Students • Conflict payoff vector: t=((ta1)a1ЄA1, (ta2)a2ЄA2,…,(tan)anЄAn), where each tai is player i’s conditional expectation, given that ai is his true type, of what his utility payoff would be if the conflict outcome occurred.
The Bargaining Solution • Given the conflict payoff vector t our collective choice problem becomes a bargaining problem, with a feasible set F*, t is a reference point in F*. • Let F*+ be the set of all incentive-feasible payoff vectors which are individually rational: F*+=F*∩{y:yai≥tai for all i and all aiЄAi} • Theorem 3: Suppose that c* is not incentive-efficient, then there exist a unique incentive-feasible bargaining solution.
Outline of this presentation • Introduction • Bayesian Incentive-Compatibility • Response-Plan Equilibria • Incentive-Efficiency • The Bargaining Solution • Example
Example • Two players share the cost of a project which benefit them both. • The project cost $100, the two players call an arbitrator to divide it. • Project value: Player1: $90 if he is type1.0, $30 if he is type1.1 Player2: $90 4. To the arbitrator and player2, P1(1.0)=.9 and P2(1.1)=.1
Example • Some observation points: • No matter what player 1’s type is, the project appears to be worth more than it costs; • The decisions cannot be made separately. • Some intuitive solutions: • 50-50 or 20-80 • 47-53 • 50-50 or 0-0
Example • Formal solution: Let C={c0, c1, c2}, A1={1.0, 1.1}, A2={2}. We have P(1.0, 2)=.9 and P(1.1, 2) =.1. c0means “do not undertake the project”; c1 means “undertake the project and make player1 pay for it”; c2means “undertake the project and make player2pay for it”.
Example • Strategies can be randomized. • Use the abbreviations π0j=π(cj|1.0, 2) and π1j=π(cj|1.1, 2). • The incentive-compatible choice mechanisms satisfies the following: -10π01+90π02≥-10π11+90π12, -70π11+30π12≥-10π01+90π02, π00+π01+π02=1, π10+π11+π12=1 ,
Example • Expected benefits for all players: x1.0=0π00-10π01+π02, x1.1=0π10-10π11+π12, x2=.9(0π00+90π01-10π02)+.1(0π10+90π11-10π12), • Then the incentive-feasible bargaining solution is the solution that maximize ((x1.0).9(x1.1).1x2), x and π satisfy the restrictions above.
Example • Result: x1.0=39.5, x1.1=13.2, x2=36 π01=.505, π02=.495, π10=.561 and π12=.439 • Meanings in English
Conclusion • A great paper overall • The mathematical derivation is complicated but very clear • This concept can be possibly extended to our networking study. For example, say that the arbitrator is the network designer; the two players are network users, etc.
Thank you very much! Anshi Liang