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CONSUMER BASED BRAND EQUITY. MM6016 BRANDING AND MARKETING COMMUNICATION. Master of Business Administration School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung. OVERVIEW. We have learned: The origin of brand Traditional and practical meaning of brand Brand evolvement

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  1. CONSUMER BASED BRAND EQUITY MM6016BRANDING AND MARKETING COMMUNICATION Master of Business Administration School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung

  2. OVERVIEW We have learned: • The origin of brand • Traditional and practical meaning of brand • Brand evolvement • Brand classification • Strategic brand management steps • Relationship between brand and product • Relationship between elements of a brand system • Relationship between brand and consumer • Relationship between brand identity and brand image

  3. TODAY’S LESSONS • Customer Based Brand Equity • Brand Positioning • Brand Audit

  4. Customer Based Brand Equity • MM6016 Branding and Marketing Communication

  5. Equity pada Brand • Wood (2000): brand equity merupakan hasil dari upaya untuk menggambarkan hubungan antara brand dan pelanggannya • Perkembangan istilah brand equity: • Perspektif akuntansi (orientasi pada perusahaan) • Perspektif pemasaran (orientasi pada pelanggan) • Perspektif integral (orientasi pada seluruh stakeholders)

  6. Brand Equity: perspektif perusahaan

  7. Brand Equity: perspektif pelanggan

  8. Brand Equity: perspektif integral (1)

  9. Brand Equity: perspektif integral (2)

  10. Brand Relationship sebagai Perantara Sumber: Jones, Richard (2005), ‘Finding sources of brand value: Developing a stakeholder model of brand equity’, Journal of Brand Management, pg.10 Brand equity is created here

  11. Customer Based Brand Equity • Alasan menggunakan perspektif konsumen: • Pertama, brand equity merupakanupayauntukmendefinisikanhubunganantarapelanggandengan brand (Wood, 2000). • Kedua, brand equity akanmemilikiarti yang komparatifdengan brand value, brand loyalty, dan brand image – sebagaimana yang telahdiklasifikasikanolehFeldwick (1996) – jikadilihatdarisudutpandangkonsumen. • Basis dalam menentukan Customer Equity

  12. Brand Equity and Brand Value • Brand equity reflects the customer’s perception either for or against the brand. • A combination of marketing and operating tactics are used to help firms attract customers and create brand equity. • The accumulation of brand equity activities builds brand value. • Brand value is a measure of the difference of the net present cash flows from a branded offering over those of a lesser known or even unbranded offering. • Brand value is often a substantial percentage of total firm value.

  13. Model CBBE

  14. Model CBBE Aaker (1991) • Brand loyalty, yaknitingkatkesetiaanseseorangterhadapsebuahbrand, diwujudkan dalam pembelianyang berulang (repeat purchase) • Perceived quality, merupakanpersepsikonsumenmengenaikualitasdariproduk yang diberi brand tertentu. Dimensikualitassangatluas, mencakupreliabilitas, ketahanan, kualitasbahan, dankualitassecarakeseluruhan. • Brand awareness, merupakanukurandarikepopuleransebuah brand. Yang jugadidefinisikansebagaisuatupenerimaankonsumenterhadapsebuahmerekdalambenakmerekadimanaditunjukkandarikemampuanmerekamengingatdanmengenalikembalisebuahmerekkedalamkategoritertentu. • Brand association, merupakanresultan/ penjumlahandarisemuaciriterukurdanciritidakterukur yang dimilikiolehsuatu brand; sepertigagasan, kepercayaan, nilai-nilai, prasangka, danminat yang membuatnyaunik.

  15. Model CBBE Aaker (1996) • Model 1991 ditambah dengan: • Market share • Distribution coverage • Price Premium

  16. Model CBBE Keller (1993, 1998)

  17. Model CBBE Keller (2003)

  18. Model CBBE Campbell (2002)

  19. Model CBBE Netemeyer (2004)

  20. BrandAsset Valuator Young & Rubicam

  21. BrandDynamics dari Milward Brown

  22. Equity Engine dari Research International

  23. Pemilihan Model • Model Akademik Generik lebih fleksibel untuk digunakan • Model Aaker lebih simpel; Model Keller lebih sistematik dan memisahkan bagian perusahaan dan respon konsumen; Model Netemeyer lebih fokus pada consumer decision making • Model Industri simpel dan praktis, namun tidak selalu bisa dipakai di berbagai konteks karena lack of comparability


  25. BACKGROUND (1) • The importance of brand in today’s business • Brand is important but not well understood

  26. BACKGROUND (2) • Costly brand investment • Brand failure • Hard to imitate brand success strategy


  28. OBJECTIVES • Brand affective Brand cognitive

  29. TOPICS • Introduction to Brand • Strategic Brand Management • Brand equity • Brand positioning • Brand audit • Brand communication • Brand reinforcement • Brand extension • Co-branding strategy • Brand revitalizationand rejuvenation • Brand portfolio strategy • Global branding Reference: Kevin L. Keller, 2008, Strategic Brand Management, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall.



  32. ACSYS • Academic Systems (AcSys) • Introduced in 2009 • http://acsys.sbm.itb.ac.id (internal) • http://acsys1.sbm.itb.ac.id (external) • Username and Password • Check attachment, assignment, announcement, score and comments

  33. NEED TO DISCUSS? • Director Room, MBA ITB Building • Call 022-2504308 ext 126 • E-mail reza@sbm-itb.ac.id • From Monday to Friday, 8am – 5pm

  34. BRAND NEWS (1)

  35. BRAND NEWS (2)

  36. BRAND NEWS (3)

  37. HISTORY OF BRAND • Old Norse word: “Brandr” = “To Burn” • Greeks and Romans puts their signatures/symbols on wet claypots • Pottery communities

  38. TRADITIONAL BRAND DEFINITION • It’s a mark • Different forms: name, logo, symbol, design, or combination of those • Purpose: to differentiate • From tangible to intangible

  39. PRACTICAL BRAND DEFINITION • Set of associations or known descriptions • Stored in people’s mind • Which is represented, at least, by name • From intangible to tangible • Holt (2003): “Brand is perceptual entity, rooted in reality”

  40. OTHER BRAND DEFINITIONS (1) De Chernatony (2006) • Input perspective • Brand as logo • Brand as identity • Brand as quality indicator • Brand as values • Brand as vision • Output perspective • Brand as image • Brand as relationship • Time perspective • Brand is a dynamic entity

  41. OTHER BRAND DEFINITIONS (2) • Berthon et al. (2007)  Brand Manifold

  42. BRAND EVOLVEMENT • McEnaly and De Chernatony (1999)

  43. BRAND EVOLVEMENT (2) • Kunde (2000)




  47. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRODUCT & BRAND (2) Branded product $$ Product’s visible and differentiating characteristics Brand’s intangible values & imagery Halo effect Product satisfaction Brand aspiration Expectations

  48. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRODUCT & BRAND (3) Core product benefit Brand building equity pyramid

  49. Konsumen Konsumen Perusahaan Perusahaan Produk Brand Brand Produk Brand Konsumen Perusahaan (a) (b) (c) PRODUCT, BRAND AND CONSUMERS • Product used to dictates brand. The situation changed now • Brand influences purchase • Brand is perceived and experienced by consumers • Brand used to be company’s belonging, but now it is shared with consumers

  50. BRAND IDENTITY AND IMAGE Brand perception process: Bottom-up Brand management process: top-down Permanent fluctuations of the market Evolution of competition, life stles, technology

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