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Calendar control. When starting your own practice , you need to realice that law firms are hectic . You´ll soon be swimming in paperwork and deadlines .
Whenstartingyourownpractice, youneed to realice thatlawfirms are hectic. You´llsoon be swimming in paperwork and deadlines. But a misseddeadline can lead to a malpractice case. So good calendar managementis vital to thesuccess of anylawpractice.
To star off, youneedanindividual plannerto make a note of yourappointments. You can choose a pocketplanner, wall calendar orcomputer-based calendar whateversuitsyoubest. Yourfirmalsoneeds a master calendar to trackthemovements and appointments of youremployees. Itisimportant to have a system in place to updatethefirm calendar. Youshouldalsokeep a tickler file toremindstaff aboutupcomingdeadlines.
Thankfully, good calendar software programs are available. Theadvantage of theseisthatinformationonlyneeds to be entered once. Thenit can be viewedbyanyone in thefirm. You can alsoseeappointments in variousformats, such as bylawyer, by date orbylocation. The software alsohelpsyouschedulegroupsmeetingsbysearchingforconflicts in yourcolleagues´schedules.
Advanced calendar control programs can evenautomaticallyenterdue dates foryou. Forexample, ifyou file a complaint, theprogramwillcalculateallupcomingdeadlines.
EXERCISES. Choosewerethewordsbestfit 1 pocketplanner / master calendar --The ____________ ishangingonthewall in the office. --John made a note of the date in his_________ 2 updated / reminded --Alice__________ MrFeyaboutthe meeting --Hannah ___________ thefirm calendar
3 tickler file / software --This________ storesappointmentsonthecomputersystem --Checkthe _________ forupcomingdeadlines. 4 formats / conflicts --Users can viewthe calendar in different________ --Mr Wong has severalscheduling__________