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Parenting: Guidance and Discipline

Student Page. [ Teacher Page ]. WebQuest for a Child Development Course. Title. Introduction. Designed by. Task. Katie Quinn. Process. Parenting: Guidance and Discipline. Process 2. Evaluation. Conclusion. Images from Microsoft Office Online Database. Credits.

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Parenting: Guidance and Discipline

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  1. Student Page [Teacher Page] WebQuest for a Child Development Course Title Introduction Designed by Task Katie Quinn Process Parenting: Guidance and Discipline Process 2 Evaluation Conclusion Images from Microsoft Office Online Database Credits Based on a template from The WebQuest Page

  2. Student Page [Teacher Page] Congratulations! You and your spouse are the proud parents of twins! You both are pleased to announce the arrival of baby Annie and baby Charlie. You have planned for this for several years and can’t wait to bring your two bundles of joy into your busy lives. You and your partner settle into life with “the twins” soon enough and think that life can’t ever possibly be rough with those two smiling faces in your lives! …5 years later… Screaming, crying, temper tantrums, name calling—and that’s all just between you and your spouse! You look back and can’t remember where things went downhill. It all seemed so simple before, what you wouldn’t trade for those early days when Annie and Charlie were babies. Now you and your spouse are trying to juggle work schedules, kindergarten schedules, meal times, and so much more. Everything seems to be amplified because there’s double of everything to do. Activities together as a family on the weekends stopped a few years ago. Often the evenings end with the house in a mess, and the twins running around way past their bedtime and not listening to either of you. Often, the children throw tantrums in the grocery store over a candy bar, usually you give in to avoid the screams and stares from other customers. It’s all you and your partner can do to fall into bed every night exhausted, facing yet another day of the same. Concerned about your family, your friends Sam and Jen (whose children are the best behaved on the block, of course) come over one evening to drop off some hand-me down clothes for the twins. Soon the topic of conversation turns to parenting…Jen hands you a pamphlet for a parenting class she and Sam took a few years ago. As you say your goodbyes, Sam mentions that they’ve been worried about you both and urges you to give the number on the pamphlet a call, saying “it changed our lives”…the next morning you find your spouse sitting at the kitchen table with the pamphlet in hand. You hand the phone over, sighing “Let’s do it- go ahead and call”… Title Introduction Task Process Introduction Process 2 Evaluation Conclusion Credits

  3. Student Page [Teacher Page] Title • “As a part of “Parenting: Guidance and Discipline”, it is our promise that when you come out of this parenting course you will… • Complete a personalized discipline guide poster for your family situation • Create a short role-playing script with your partner to illustrate 2 different parenting styles • Parenting: Guidance and Discipline gives you, the parents, the answers you need to the important question: What qualities characterize a competent parent? Introduction Task Process The Task Process 2 Evaluation Conclusion Credits

  4. Student Page [Teacher Page] • “Welcome to our Parenting Seminar! You’re all here today because you see something in your day-to-day family interactions that you want to change. We believe that every parent is trying to do their best, and we want to give you the tools to have a connected, strong relationship with each and every one of your children and family members.” • The first thing that we will need to do is help you determine what type of parent you are. It is vitally important that you are aware of how you approach your role as a parent. Go to this PARENTING QUIZ and answer the 10 questions. What discipline style would you be if you were a parent? On your own sheet of notebook paper, write down the style, a short summary of the style description and what the website says about how it affects your children. • Now that we’ve determined what type of discipline you utilize the most as a parent, let’s go over what discipline is. Go to WHAT IS DISCIPLINE?Read the article and write down the 4 bold headings. Write a 2-3 sentence summary of each topic. • 3. We want to be sure that you as parents understand what effective discipline and guidance looks like for your family. Go to GOOD TIMES WITH GUIDANCE AND DISCIPLINE. As you read this article, answer the following questions: A) Define Guidance. What does guidance look like? B) Define Discipline. What does discipline look like? C) What are the “6 Tools” listed? Read the situation with the caregivers and Nicholas and Willy (In the middle of the article) Answer the following on your paper: Which caregiver response would you choose? Why? Title Introduction Task Process The Process Process 2 Evaluation Conclusion Continue to Process (page 2) Credits

  5. Student Page 4. You’re doing great! I believe that we’ve already given your family some great starting points to make some changes in your home. Go ahead and look at this last resource about NATURAL AND LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES. This is a great way to approach discipline with your children, it makes it easy for the child to understand the why behind the consequences you give them. Read through each page on the website and click on the arrow at the bottom of the screen to move to the next page. Make sure you notice the differences between natural and logical consequences. 5. Now that you know a little about your parenting style and how that can affect your interactions with your children, let’s create a situation so we can explore parenting styles a little more. Open a Word document and write a short script (1/2 page) using Mary (mom) and Jess (son). Show how Mary can use 2-3 of the “tools” you identified earlier to guide Jess. -Here’s the scenario…..“Jess, age 6, just doesn’t follow instructions. His mother Mary, has to tell him 5 or 6 times to clean up his room or to pick up his toys. When he’s called to dinner, he often doesn’t come. When he does come, Mary ends up nagging him to finish eating. Jess is nearly impossible to get dressed in the morning because he dawdles and mom ends up nagging and getting his clothes on him, just to avoid being late for school and work. When he is told to do something, he typically whines, “I don’t wanna” or do I hafta?” 6. Finally, we want all our participants to leave our seminar with a personalized guide to take home. This will make a great reference sheet for you and your spouse when it comes time to guide and discipline your children. In the same Worddocument, create a “Top 10” list of the best tips and tricks that would be useful for you and your partner to use with your twins, Annie and Charlie. See your rubric on the evaluation page for guidelines. **You may be asked to present your short script and/or your poster to the class. Make sure the poster is visually appealling and can be read from a distance.** [Teacher Page] Title Introduction Task Process The Process Process 2 Evaluation Conclusion Credits

  6. Date Created: Nov 03, 2008 09:51 am (CST) Student Page [Teacher Page] CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Use of Class Time Used time well during the class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted others. Used time well during the class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and never distracted others. Used some of the time well during the class period. There was some focus on getting the project done but occasionally distracted others. Did not use class time to focus on the project OR often distracted others. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation: Process 2 Mechanics Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the poster. There is 1 error in capitalization or punctuation. There are 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation. There are more than 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation. Evaluation Conclusion Content - Accuracy At least 7 accurate techniques/tips are displayed on the poster. 5-6 accurate techniques/tipsare displayed on the poster. 3-4 accurate techniques/tips are displayed on the poster. Less than 3 accurate techniques/tips are displayed on the poster. Short Script Script is very well developed and includes 3 or more of the parenting tools from the web resource. Script has 2-3 of the parenting tools. Shows complete understanding of effective parenting. Script contains 1 parenting tool and shows incomplete comprehension of effective parenting. Script does not follow requirements, evidence of little to no effort. Notes Notes taken cover required elements and additional relevant information Notes taken cover required elements well. No missing information Some missing information, covers majority of required elements. Notes are missing or contain minimal information. Credits

  7. Student Page [Teacher Page] Great Job! Do you feel like you have some tools to take home with you and begin to change your relationship with Annie and Charlie? It’s so important to remember that parenting isn’t easy; it takes hard work and consistency. When both parents are on the same page with great guidance and discipline techniques, it won’t be long before you both begin to see the benefits! Turn in the notes that you took during the WebQuest , your printed short script and your printed poster. Title Introduction Task Process Conclusion Process 2 Evaluation Conclusion Credits

  8. Student Page [Teacher Page] Websites: http://www.parenting.com/article/Toddler/Behavior/When-Kids-Want-Discipline http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/COLUMNCC/cc061017.html http://quizzes.familyeducation.com/quiz/discipline/55969.html?detoured=1 http://www.nncc.org/Series/good.time.guid.html http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/CA/fosterparents/training/natlog/nat01.htm Scenario used for Process step # 5 was adapted from Dr. Jennifer T. Aberle, PhD, Colorado State University, Spring 2008 Include a link back to The WebQuest Page and The WebQuest Slideshare Group so that others can acquire the latest version of this template and training materials. Title Introduction Task Process Credits & References Process 2 Evaluation Conclusion Credits

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