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The Next Generation of National Qualifications COALA Kevin O’Connor

The Next Generation of National Qualifications COALA Kevin O’Connor Qualifications Development Manager (Languages) Curriculum for Excellence Team Scottish Qualification Authority 28 January 2010. What do we aim to achieve?. The role of qualifications Support learning and teaching

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The Next Generation of National Qualifications COALA Kevin O’Connor

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  1. The Next Generation of National Qualifications COALA Kevin O’Connor Qualifications Development Manager (Languages) Curriculum for Excellence Team Scottish Qualification Authority 28 January 2010

  2. What do we aim to achieve? The role of qualifications • Support learning and teaching • Equip young people for the future • Meet the needs of stakeholders and society • Support Curriculum for Excellence aims Qualifications that: • Reflect the learning of the new curriculum, including its breadth • Provide a seamless transition from E&Os , with increased emphasis on skills • Ensure assessment supports, motivates and challenges learners • Are inclusive, coherent and easy to understand • Continue to maintain high standards and credibility • Provide opportunities for learners to develop at different rates, at different times, in different areas across the curriculum

  3. National 4 and National 5: key design features • Courses unit based, success in contributing Units mandatory • Units are internally assessed and not graded • Flexibility in the number of units in courses across curriculum areas • SCQF level 4: National 4 – not graded, course award based on achieving units and coursework assessment - SQA will quality assure the assessment • SCQF level 5: National 5 – graded A to D, course award based on achieving units, coursework assessment and external assessment by SQA • Assessments designed to provide evidence of achievement of units and coursework but also possible to assess units individually • SQA provided and locally developed assessments

  4. Literacy and Numeracy qualifications • Available at SCQF levels 3, 4 and 5 • Portfolio assessment • Different broad contexts • Component based profile - Literacy : reading, writing, listening/talking - Numeracy : number processes, money/time/measurement, information handling • Listening /talking and information handling internally assessed and externally verified • Reading, writing, number processes, money/time/measurement externally assessed by SQA • Available from S3 onwards • SQA will work with partners to agree details of implementation

  5. National Qualifications at Access, Higher and Advanced Higher ‘...will be revised to ensure that they reflect the values, purposes and principles of Curriculum for Excellence. SQA will carry out further work to review National Qualifications at other levels to ensure that they provide good progression to and from National 4 and National 5.’ National Qualifications – Technical Annex, Scottish Government .”

  6. Timelines • 2009/10 and 2010/11 – new curriculum introduced • 2011 – publication of new Literacy & Numeracy Qualifications • 2012 – publication of new qualifications levels 1 to 6 • 2013 –last Standard Grades + current Access 1, 2 & 3; Literacy and Numeracy Qualifications available and publication of new qualifications level 7 • 2014 – first new qualifications at levels 2 to 5 (Access and National 4 and 5); dual run’ with existing National Courses for Intermediates • 2015 – first new qualifications at level 6 (Higher); dual run with existing National Courses for Intermediates and Highers • 2016 – first new qualifications at level 7 (Advanced Higher)

  7. CfE Qualifications Development hybrid of previous qualifications development models separate roles, clearer remits qualifications will be developed in a more purposeful, proactive and strategic way ‘front ended’ quality assurance is now an integral part of the development process engagement activities will be more clearly focused at each stage of the development process

  8. Development Model CARG Report → Curricular Area Development Criteria → Suites of Courses Course brief → Course Unit Outline → Units

  9. CfE Qualification Development – QA Structure Review of Courses Co-Ordination Group Curriculum Area Review Group Curriculum Area Review Group QDT QDT QDT QDT QDT QDT QDT SWG SWG SWG SWG SWG SWG SWG

  10. Stakeholder Engagement builds on previous work and experience wide range of groups and individuals transparent – formal engagement groups (with key stakeholder nominations open – draft material on web (RSS/feedback) proactive – planned engagement to explore issues and help shape thinking reflect on, and test proposals Intrinsic part of the development process

  11. Engagement feedback – key themes Modern Languages - Current Provision Breadth at Standard Grade (SG) but lacking depth Fallback arrangements and inclusiveness of SG valued Assessments in NQ courses that use relevant contexts are valued SG folio not valued – rigidity of assessment – more time for learning desired Assessment of listening perceived as false Desire to have more time for in-depth study and learning rather than having to cover prescribed topics Differences in amount of speaking assessments between SG and Int 2 an issue to explore

  12. Engagement feedback – key themes Modern Languages - Current Provision continued... Common arrangement documents for ML valued Assessment that focuses on the application of skills in relevant contexts valued The use of the generic and cognitive skills in the Scottish Baccalaureate in Languages is seen as a skills-based approach worth exploring The European Languages Portfolio is also seen as an approach worth exploring

  13. Engagement feedback – key themes Modern Languages - Progression Hierarchy and articulation of units desired Progression of skills valued – caution against repetitive nature of qualifications More seamless progress required than currently exists between SG and Int 2/Higher Vertical progression seen as the main route for ML Use of Modern Languages for Work Purposes units welcomed in providing opportunities for interdisciplinary work and lateral progression Recognition of lateral progression in qualifications welcomed – exploration of generic skills and relevant contexts

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